President Gotabaya Rajapaksa called on Most Ven. Aggamaha Panditha Kotugoda Dhammawasa Supreme Mahanayake Thera of the Amarapura Maha Nikaya at the Mount Lavinia Dharmapalarama Viharaya on Sunday afternoon and conveyed his greetings and good wishes to the prelate on the occasion of his birthday.

The President also wished the prelate good health and a long life.

The Most Ven. Dhammawasa Supreme Mahanayake Thera in turn invoked blessings on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and wished him the ability to rebuild the country and usher in permanent peace and prosperity to the people within the next five years.

A media communique by the President’s Media Division said in a brief anusasana, the Mahanayake Thera said the President who was elected to power at a time when the country and its people were in deep frustration had a great responsibility towards the fulfilment of people’s hopes and aspirations. The blessings of dignitaries of all religions including the Maha Sangha was with the President for his endeavour to fulfil that responsibility and rebuild the motherland as a prosperous country once again.