President Gotabaya Rajapaksa told the Secretaries of State Ministries as mechanisms have been put in place in all sectors from bottom upwards what is now needed is to provide quick results fulfilling people’s expectations.

State Ministries have been created giving priority to the betterment of the people and economic development of the country. Secretaries are vested with a huge responsibility as well as tasks in achieving the set goals. President Rajapaksa instructed the new Secretaries of State Ministries to take measures to overcome challenges while providing solutions for their issues going among them.

The President made these remarks while handing over letters of appointment to new Secretaries of State Ministries at the Presidential Secretariat, today (26).

1. Mr. D. P. G. Kumarasiri

State Ministry of Estate Housing and Community Infrastructure Facilities

2. Mr. S. D. A. B. Boralessa

State Ministry of Land Management Affairs, State Business Land and Property Development

3.Mr. K. D. S. Ruwanchandra

State Ministry of Co-operative Services, Marketing Development and Consumer Protection

4.Mr. M. N. Ranasinghe

State Ministry of Regulation of Fertilizer Production and Supply, Use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides.

5.Mr. S. T. Kodikara

State Ministry of Promotion of National Heritage, Performing Arts and Rural Artists

6.Mr. N. H. M. Chithrananda

State Ministry of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovation

7.Mr. H. K. D. W. M. N. B. Hapuhinna

State Ministry of Development of Samurdhi Home Economy, Microfinance, Self-Employment and Businesses and Underutilized State Resources

8. Mr. Tissa Hewavithana

State Ministry of Coconut, Fishtail Palm, Palmyra and Rubber Product Promotion and Allied Industrial Production and Export Diversification

9.Mr. M. Dewasurendra

State Ministry of Development of Aviation and Export Zones

10.Mr. M. A. B. V. Bandaranayake

State Ministry of Cane, Brass, Clay, Furniture and Rural Industry Promotion

11.Mr. S. H. Harischandra

State Ministry of Dhamma Schools, Bhikkhu Education, Piriven and Buddhist Universities

12. Mr. S. Arumeinayagam

State Ministry of Foreign Employment Promotions and Market Diversification

  1. S. G. Wijayabandu

State Ministry of Development of Rural and Regional Drinking Water Supply Projects

  1. S. Senanayaka

State Ministry of Livestock and Farm Promotion and Dairy and Egg Related Industries

  1. A. Senanayake

State Ministry of Professional Development of Postal Services and Mass Media

16.Ms. G. C. Karunarathna

State Ministry of Prison Reforms and Prisoners’ Rehabilitation

17.Mr. K. H. D. K. Samarakoon

State Ministry of Solar Power, Wind and Hydro Power Generation Projects Development

18.Mr. D. D. Matharaarachchi

State Ministry of Warehouse Facilities, Container Yards, Port Supply Facilities and Boats and Shipping Industry Development

19.Prof. Ranjith Dissanayake

State Ministry of Rural Roads and other Infrastructure

20. Ms. A.K.W.W.M.N.K Weerasekara

State Ministry of Promotion of Indigenous Medicine, Development of Rural Ayurvedic Hospitals and Community Health

21.Ms. R. Sunethra Gunawardana

State Ministry of Batik, Handloom Fabrics and Local Apparel Products

22.Ms. K.M.S.D. Jayasekara

State Ministry of Women and Child Development, Pre-School and Primary Education, School Infrastructure and School Services

23.Mr. W.B. Palugaswewa

State Ministry of Canals and Common Infrastructure Development in Settlements in Mahaweli Zones

24. Mr. D. L. P. R. Abhayarathna

State Ministry of Development of Sugarcane, Maize, Cashew, Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Betel Production and Promotion of Allied Products and Export

25.Mr. K. R. Uduwavala

State Ministry of Pharmaceutical Production, Supply and Regulation

26.Mr. J. M. Thilakaratne Banda

State Minister of Company Estate Reforms, Tea Estate Related Crops, Tea Factory Modernisation and Tea Export Promotion

27.Mr. L. L. A. Wijesiri

State Ministry of Paddy and Cereals, Organic Food, Vegetables, Fruits, Chilies, Onions and Potatoes, Seed Production and High Tech Agriculture

28.Mr. R.M.A. Rathnayake

State Ministry of Finance and Capital Markets and Public Enterprise Reforms

29.Mr. D.D. Ariyarathna

State Ministry of Development of Rural Paddy Fields and Associated Tanks, Reservoirs and Irrigation

30.Mr. Keerthi Ranjith Abesiriwardana

State Ministry of Rural Home Construction and Building Materials Industry Promotion

31.Mr. S. M. D. L. D. Alwis

State Ministry of Vehicle Regulation, Bus Transport Services and Carriages and Automotive Industries

32.Dr. M. Upali Sedara

State Ministry of Education Reforms, Promotion of Open Universities and Distance Learning

33.Major General (Retired) W.P.P Fernando

State Ministry of Wildlife Conservation Protection Programmes including Electric Fence and Ditch Construction and Re-Forestation and Wildlife Resources Development

34.Mr. Jayantha Chandrasoma

State Ministry of Ornamental Fish, Freshwater Fish and Shrimp Farming Development, Multi-day Fishing and Fish Export

35.Mr. Ravindra Samarawickrema

State Ministry of Rural and School Sports Infrastructure Improvement