Decisions taken at the meeting of the cabinet of ministers held on the 07.02.2022

1. Entering in to agreements between La Jolla Institute, USA and General Sir John
Kotelawala Defense University for the implementation of a research project.
The La Jolla Institute for Immunology in the United States of America and General Sir John
Kotelawala Defense University have been conducting academic collaborations since 2017.
The University has so far received US $ 505,840 in funding for the collaboration to
implement research projects. The two parties has reached an agreement to further enhance
existing academic collaborations aimed at promoting research work on early detection,
understanding and mitigation of tuberculosis and exchanging student and academic staff.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal made by the President, in his
capacity as the Minister of Defense, to sign agreements on the implementation of the
relevant project.

2. Implementation of the Unitary Digital Identity Framework for Sri Lanka
The Government has decided to prioritize the implementation of a Unitary Digital Identity
Framework for Sri Lanka as a national level program. Under the proposed Unitary Digital
Identity Framework, it is expected to introduce a personal identity verification device based
on biometric data, a digital tool that can represent the identities of individuals in cyberspace,
and the identification of individual identities that can be accurately verified in digital and
physical environments by combining the two devices. During the bilateral talks between H.E.
the President and the Prime Minister of India in December 2019, the Government of India
agreed to provide a grant to implement the Unitary Digital Identity framework. Accordingly,
Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal made by the President in his capacity as the
Minister of Technology, to work towards the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to
obtain the said grant and to implement the proposed project under that grant.

3. Construction of an organic fertilizer manufacturing platform for Mahaveli Knuckles
Organic Agricultural Zone.
Subject to provisions of Sri Lanka Mahaveli Authority Act Moragahakanda, Kalu Ganga
Mahaveli ‘F’ zone has been declared to be a sustainable development zone that carries out
organic agricultural production by a gazette notification. It is expected to escalate the income
of the farmer community by the production of agricultural crops utilizing organic input and

void of poisonous chemicals as well as to realize the national organic agricultural crops
production targets through the participation of a farmer community equipped with enhanced
skills on organic agriculture. With the objective of producing organic fertilizer required for
crop cultivation, in the long run, it has been planned to establish two organic fertilizer
production centres with laboratory facilities in Wellewela and Guruwela Mahaveli zones.
Wellewela organic fertilizer production centre is planned to be established as the first step of
the programme and has been forecast of the annual production of 2,000 metric tons of
fertilizer. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the
Minister of Irrigation for entrusting the contract of construction of the said organic fertilizer
centre to the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau as a direct contract.

4. Investment Disputes High Court Act
The Minister of Justice has instructed the Commercial Law Reform Subcommittee appointed
under the Special Unit of the Ministry of Justice to make recommendations on the legal
reforms that need to be made to create a legal environment conducive to investment in Sri
Lanka. Accordingly, the Committee has proposed to set up an Investment Disputes Tribunal
with the power to hear and decide the cases related to disputes within the financial limit of Rs.
50 million arising out of an initial investment of Rs. 100 million or more.

5. Introduction of a new Arbitration Act
The Commercial Law Reform Sub-Committee appointed under the Special Unit of the
Ministry of Justice has identified the need to study the facts regarding the field of arbitration
in Sri Lanka and introduce a new Act. The Committee further recommended the need to
impose provisions in the proposed Act to address existing barriers at the arbitration stage as
well as at the enforcement stage of arbitration decisions to enable large scale domestic and
foreign investment in Sri Lanka. Accordingly Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal
presented by the Minister of Justice to advice the legal draftsman to prepare a arbitration bill

6. Applying the cabinet decision regarding the elimination of salary anomalies in teacher
principal services to Piriven teachers and Government Approved Assisted Special
Private School Teachers as well
Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Minister of Education to apply
provisions of the Public Administration Circular No. 03/2016 (iv) issued in line with the
Cabinet decision on elimination of salary anomalies in teacher and principal services, to
Piriven teachers and Government Approved Assisted Special Private School Teachers.