The centenary commemoration programme organised on the occasion of the completion of one hundred years of the Makutarama Myanmar Buddhist Temple in Dematagoda, Colombo, was presided over by the Mahanayake Theras and other Maha Sangha and the chief lay guest of the programme was Dr. Bandula Gunawardhana, Minister of Transport, Highways and Mass Media.


After the traditional religious rites were performed by the Maha Sangha, the Minister who commended the commemorative programme on behalf of Sri Lanka said, “My respectful thanks to all of you for inviting me to this special occasion to mark the centenary commemoration of the Makutarama Myanmar Buddhist Temple. This commemoration will mark a special milestone in the history of this temple, which was founded in 1924 by the Most Venerable Vinayalankara Nayake Thera.

“Sri Lanka and Myanmar have many long-standing historical, religious and cultural ties spanning centuries. An ancient Buddhist temple located in Thiriyaya, Trincomalee, the Girihandu Seya is believed to be the first Buddhist stupa in the country and was built by two Burmese traders, Thapassu and Balluka. In this stupa and in the stupa of the Shwedagon Pagoda temple, hair relics of the Buddha brought by these traders are considered to be enshrined. As a result, it is subject to special respect and veneration.

“In 1803, the Amarapura Nikaya was introduced to Sri Lanka from Myanmar and the first Mahanayake Thera of that sect was Mahadaama Rajadhi Rajaguru Welithara Gnanawimala Tissa Mahanayake Thera. At present, chairmanship of the Amarapura Maha Sangha Sabha and the Mahanayake of the Amarapura Maha Nikaya is held by Venerable Karagoda Uyangoda Maithrimurthy Mahanayaka Thera.

“The Ramanya sect, one of the three main Buddhist sects in Sri Lanka, began in 1880 when Ven. Ambagahawatte Indra Sabhawara Gnanasami Nayake Thera returned to Sri Lanka after receiving his ordination in Burma. Most Venerable Makulewe Wimala Mahanayake Thera is currently holding the position of Supreme Mahanayake of the Sri Lanka Ramanya Maha Nikaya.


“Sri Lanka is one of the few countries that established resident embassies in Myanmar after independence. Myanmar also had an embassy in Colombo.


“It is a matter of appreciation that these relations have remained very strong in good times as well as challenging times in both countries.

“It is a matter of great pleasure to contribute to this event as a unique opportunity of religious connection between the two countries.

“All dignitaries, lay and clergy, who have come to Sri Lanka, are welcomed on behalf of Sri Lanka.

“It is believed that through this religious friendship, the friendly relationship between the two countries is being made even stronger. I believe that the contribution of this temple will be of great help to further strengthen the relationship between Sri Lanka and Myanmar as friendly and brotherly countries.”

Sangharaja of Shwekain Nikaya, Venerable Sitagu Sayardaw Thera, Sangha Mahanayake Kyuk Mei Sayardaw, Venerable Makulewe Wimala Nayaka Thera, Mahanayake of the Sri Lanka Ramanya Maha Nikaya, Kotte Sect Anunayake Ven. Rahula Nayaka Thera of Kollupitiya, the Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs of Myanmar Tin U Lavin, the Myanmar Ambassador to Sri Lanka Dawmarlar Thanh Htike and a large number of lay and clergy were present.