Mayor of Colombo Rosy Senanayake has issued an urgent message to residents of the City of Colombo and those visiting the city, in view of the prevailing Covid-19 situation.

She says that Sri Lanka is at a critical point in the battle against the spread of Covid-19 and that it’s no secret that the number of Covid patients and related fatalities are at the highest levels since the epidemic hit the country.

The Mayor said that the government is doing its best to manage the situation, but the health system is severely stretched, and health officials are struggling to cope.

“This is not unique to Sri Lanka as we have seen how the health systems of even the most developed economies struggled to cope with the epidemic.”, the mayor added.

The mayor also requested the public to be extremely vigilant and cautious in their activities.
She stated that the authorities will, and are, doing their best to keep the people safe. “But they cannot succeed if individuals and institutions act irresponsibly. It is shocking to see people putting the lives of many at risk by acting with sheer disregard for the current situation.”