The new education channel Vision FM launched yesterday by Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation with the aim of uplifting education of children. The channel is broadcast on FM 102.1 and on FM 102.3. It is broadcast daily from 4.00 am to midnight for 20 hours. 65 percent of air time will be used to teach subjects and 35 percent to non-subject matters. The channel is broadcast jointly with media and education ministry. The radio channel was officially launched today under the patronage of secretary to the ministry of mass media Jagath Wijeweera. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse extended his greetings to the new channel. Ministers Keheliya Rambukwella, G.L Peris, State ministers Seetha Arambepola, Susil Premajayantha and Piyal Nishantha also extended their greetings. Secretary to the mass media ministry Jagath Wijeweera said that children should move forward with radio. Chairman of Rupavahini Corporation Reginald Coorey said that Rupavahini is also telecasting educational programmes for children. Director General of Rupavahini Corporation Jayampathi Bandara Heenkenda said that Rupavahini Corporation is telecasting educational programs with SLBC. Director General of SLBC Chandrapala Liyanage said that air time will be allocated for educational programs in future as well. He said that studio 02 has been allocated for the purpose. The programs are implemented under the guidance of SLBC Chairman Hudson Samarasinghe.