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The Sri Lanka Embassy in Nepal and the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (EDB) jointly organized a virtual meeting for Sri Lankan Construction Companies to interact with the Nepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport (MPIT) and learn about procedures and regulations applicable to foreign investors, including for joint ventures.

 Joint Secretary of the Development Assistance Coordination and Quality Division of the MPIT Er. Keshab Kumar Sharma provided a comprehensive overview of the procedures
in place, as well as the investment prospects in road works and transport. He also underlined the criteria and experience that is required while also providing a general outline of
prospects in other areas such as hydro power development, architectural and engineering design, consultancy work and building construction. Er. Sharma further elaborated the
criteria and opportunities available in physical infrastructure development and transport in Nepal in the medium term, and also responded to queries posed by the construction
sector representatives from Sri Lanka. The participants welcomed a future opportunity to meet physically for face to face engagement, at an opportune time.

The virtual meeting was held on 7 February and was organized in response to a request made by the construction industry representatives during the B2B session of 21 December
2021, to facilitate a meeting with Government authorities in Nepal. Given the diversity of the sector, similar focused and in depth engagements were encouraged to be held in the
future as well, with relevant Government partners in Nepal, in order to respond to questions from hydropower, building construction, and urban development sector companies in
Sri Lanka.

Over ten Sri Lankan companies participated in the virtual meeting including the Construction Industry Development Authority of Sri Lanka and Major Constructors of Sri Lanka.
Ambassador Himalee Arunatilaka and, Director/Export Services of the EDB Indumini Kodikara also addressed the meeting.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry’s year-on-year revenue growth is back on track, as per top healthcare consulting firms in India.

While the global pharmaceutical market stood at $1 trillion in 2021 and will reach $1.57 trillion in 2023, the domestic industry was estimated at $42 billion in the same year.

India is the largest provider of generic drugs globally and caters to over 50% of global demand for various vaccines, 40% of generic demand in the U.S., and 25% of all medicines in the U.K.

The Medical Devices industry in India is presently valued at $11 billion and contributes 4-5% to the $132.84 billion Indian health care industry. As per industry estimates, the Indian medical devices market will grow to $50 billion by 2025.

Currently, India is counted among the top 20 global medical devices market across the world and is the fourth largest in Asia, after Japan, China and South Korea.

The estimated market size of the consumer and durable segment is $1.404 billion.

Ayushman Bharat is the largest government funded healthcare program in the world. Technology is playing a key role of equaliser in taking preventive healthcare to second and third wave of demography across geography and class.

By 2022, the diagnostics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.4% to reach $32 billion from $ 5 billion in 2012.

100% FDI is allowed under the automatic route of greenfield projects. For investments in brownfield projects upto 100% FDI is permitted under the government route.

Decisions taken at the meeting of the cabinet of ministers held on the 07.02.2022

1. Entering in to agreements between La Jolla Institute, USA and General Sir John
Kotelawala Defense University for the implementation of a research project.
The La Jolla Institute for Immunology in the United States of America and General Sir John
Kotelawala Defense University have been conducting academic collaborations since 2017.
The University has so far received US $ 505,840 in funding for the collaboration to
implement research projects. The two parties has reached an agreement to further enhance
existing academic collaborations aimed at promoting research work on early detection,
understanding and mitigation of tuberculosis and exchanging student and academic staff.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal made by the President, in his
capacity as the Minister of Defense, to sign agreements on the implementation of the
relevant project.

2. Implementation of the Unitary Digital Identity Framework for Sri Lanka
The Government has decided to prioritize the implementation of a Unitary Digital Identity
Framework for Sri Lanka as a national level program. Under the proposed Unitary Digital
Identity Framework, it is expected to introduce a personal identity verification device based
on biometric data, a digital tool that can represent the identities of individuals in cyberspace,
and the identification of individual identities that can be accurately verified in digital and
physical environments by combining the two devices. During the bilateral talks between H.E.
the President and the Prime Minister of India in December 2019, the Government of India
agreed to provide a grant to implement the Unitary Digital Identity framework. Accordingly,
Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal made by the President in his capacity as the
Minister of Technology, to work towards the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to
obtain the said grant and to implement the proposed project under that grant.

3. Construction of an organic fertilizer manufacturing platform for Mahaveli Knuckles
Organic Agricultural Zone.
Subject to provisions of Sri Lanka Mahaveli Authority Act Moragahakanda, Kalu Ganga
Mahaveli ‘F’ zone has been declared to be a sustainable development zone that carries out
organic agricultural production by a gazette notification. It is expected to escalate the income
of the farmer community by the production of agricultural crops utilizing organic input and

void of poisonous chemicals as well as to realize the national organic agricultural crops
production targets through the participation of a farmer community equipped with enhanced
skills on organic agriculture. With the objective of producing organic fertilizer required for
crop cultivation, in the long run, it has been planned to establish two organic fertilizer
production centres with laboratory facilities in Wellewela and Guruwela Mahaveli zones.
Wellewela organic fertilizer production centre is planned to be established as the first step of
the programme and has been forecast of the annual production of 2,000 metric tons of
fertilizer. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the
Minister of Irrigation for entrusting the contract of construction of the said organic fertilizer
centre to the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau as a direct contract.

4. Investment Disputes High Court Act
The Minister of Justice has instructed the Commercial Law Reform Subcommittee appointed
under the Special Unit of the Ministry of Justice to make recommendations on the legal
reforms that need to be made to create a legal environment conducive to investment in Sri
Lanka. Accordingly, the Committee has proposed to set up an Investment Disputes Tribunal
with the power to hear and decide the cases related to disputes within the financial limit of Rs.
50 million arising out of an initial investment of Rs. 100 million or more.

5. Introduction of a new Arbitration Act
The Commercial Law Reform Sub-Committee appointed under the Special Unit of the
Ministry of Justice has identified the need to study the facts regarding the field of arbitration
in Sri Lanka and introduce a new Act. The Committee further recommended the need to
impose provisions in the proposed Act to address existing barriers at the arbitration stage as
well as at the enforcement stage of arbitration decisions to enable large scale domestic and
foreign investment in Sri Lanka. Accordingly Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal
presented by the Minister of Justice to advice the legal draftsman to prepare a arbitration bill

6. Applying the cabinet decision regarding the elimination of salary anomalies in teacher
principal services to Piriven teachers and Government Approved Assisted Special
Private School Teachers as well
Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Minister of Education to apply
provisions of the Public Administration Circular No. 03/2016 (iv) issued in line with the
Cabinet decision on elimination of salary anomalies in teacher and principal services, to
Piriven teachers and Government Approved Assisted Special Private School Teachers.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed officials to take immediate steps to release containers containing essential items held up at Customs.The President made this decision yesterday with the aim of preventing any shortages in the market, the President’s Media Division said.The President also appointed a committee headed by Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa to ensure that there is no shortage of essential commodities including food.

A special discussion was held at the Presidential Secretariat this afternoon (07) with regard to the release of essential goods in the custody of the Customs.

President Rajapaksa stressed the importance of providing the people with the opportunity to purchase essential items including food without any shortage during the upcoming festive season and instructed the officials to make plans for this from now on.

President Rajapaksa stressed the need to allow the importation of selected essential commodities and not to allow over-importing and stockpiling of goods with malicious intent.The President instructed to prepare a new mechanism to expedite the release of essential commodities including food to the market and directed the new committee to regulate and oversee the matter.

speech made by His Excellency President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on 74th Independence Day

Most Venerable Maha Sangha,

Other Religious Dignitaries,

Hon. Prime Minister,

Hon. Speaker,

Hon. Chief Justice,

Hon. Leader of the Opposition,

Hon. Ministers and Hon Governors,

Hon. State Ministers,

Hon. Members of Parliament,

Ambassadors and High Commissioners,

Secretary to the President and all Government Officials,

Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army,

Commander of the Navy, Commander of the Air Force and Inspector General of Police,

Director General of the Civil Security Department,

Distinguished Guests,

War Heroes,

All Sri Lankan Brothers and Sisters,

Beloved Children,

Throughout history, people of various nations have struggled, fought and made great sacrifices for their right to live as dignified citizens in a free country.

In Sri Lanka too, Great Kings such as Dutugemunu, Walagamba, Maha Parakumba, Vijayabahu and Parakumba the Sixth fought against foreign invaders at various periods during a
2,500 year history, liberated the country from foreigners and united it.

It is now 74 years since our country finally gained freedom from 450 years of European colonial rule. Even after independence, we had to fight for nearly three decades against an
attempt to divide this country through terrorism.

Today Sri Lanka is a free, sovereign, democratic country. We are its proud citizens.

I take this opportunity to pay tribute to all patriots who dedicated themselves to gain full freedom for our country facing various obstacles throughout the history, and continue to
secure the freedom so gained.

Every Sri Lankan citizen, irrespective of any community or religion, has the right to live freely and safely anywhere in the country today. There is freedom to practice the

religion of their choice. There is freedom to hold independent opinions and express ideas. There is full media freedom in the country. Sri Lankan citizens have the freedom to elect
their representatives through a fully democratic mechanism, and for those interested, to engage in the political process and governance.

This is a cause for joy and pride for all of us.

As people of a free and democratic country, all of us have rights as well as responsibilities.

The greatest benefit from freedom is when everyone fulfils their duty to the country. It is not appropriate to speak of rights only, whilst forgetting responsibilities.

The freedom of a country is most meaningful when it is strong in social, political and economic spheres. As much as a government, the people too have the right to actively
contribute towards this.

When steering the country in the right direction, we know that the support of each and every person in the country cannot be expected. We are not ready to abandon our plans for
the country’s future prosperity by looking upon those who will not change. Our objective is to do what is right by the country, and not to please everyone.

We can make our way forward successful only with a positive attitude that looks optimistically towards the future. We can surmount the challenges we meet only if we dedicate
ourselves to a victorious journey.

Pessimists do not change the world. They do not even have the capacity for it. Those who habitually criticize without proposing a solution to a problem do not have a vision for
the future.

A nation’s leader has to constantly face many difficulties, calamities, problems and challenges. Leading a team towards a vision is not easy. Changing the existing ways, no matter
how good the intention is not easy either. On certain matters, both local and foreign forces organise against us. Sometimes it may seem that everything that happens around you is
conspiring against you.

What the people expect from leaders is to manage all these crises and take the country forward, but not to escape from problems. We have the positive mindset needed for that. I
am always ready to provide the necessary leadership to overcome any challenge facing the country.

The world has been changed, and will be changed by those people with positive ideas, who dream of a future with optimism and strive to make it a reality. We see this throughout
the history.

Social progress in all developed nations has been possible due to the positive thoughts of their leaders and the people.

Our own kings in the past built vast stupas such as Ruwanweliseya, Jethavanaramaya and Abhayagiriya in this same positive attitude. We had an excellent irrigation technology that
created Minneriya Tank, Kala Wewa, Parakrama Samudraya and Yoda Ela. Cities such as Sigiriya still mesmerize the world. Sri Lanka was a famed naval hub in the ancient world.
If we were able to accomplish such feats then, we ought to be able to compete with the world in the future as well.

The most important criterion for this is the belief in ourselves.

Difficult times do not last forever. People of great resolve are needed to face difficult times. Anyone who demoralizes another is not doing any good to the society at this moment.
Therefore all of us have an enormous responsibility to build a positive attitude in the country to face these crises successfully. We have faced critical problems in the recent history
as well, and found solutions. When pessimists maintained that terrorism could never be defeated in war, brave military leaders like General Denzil Kobbekaduwa and General Vijaya
Wimalaratne instilled the positive attitude in their men that terrorism can in fact be defeated. Later, under the right political leadership, we were able to vanquish terrorism in as little
as 3 ½ years because we had belief in our own capabilities.None of the crises we experience today are long-term problems. We can find solutions to them with an optimistic
approach. There is a role that each of us can play to expedite this process. We must all endeavour to do our utmost for the country by fulfilling our responsibilities in a proper
manner. We realized early on that the only solution to control of Covid-19 pandemic was vaccination. Hence we have been able to provide both vaccine doses to over 85% of the
targeted population, control the disease and resume normal community life. By now, all vaccine doses required to administer the booster to the people have been imported to Sri
Lanka. Rather than go back many years into the past searching for reasons for the economic problems that the country faces today, what is more relevant is to find both short and
long-term solutions for such. This is what we as a government is focused on. We need to improve all three sectors of agriculture, industry and services in order to strengthen the
economy of Sri Lanka. Special attention must be paid on ways and means to enhance export revenue whilst encouraging local production. While our national policies are very clear
on this stance, there should be more active participation in all sectors in implementing them. Investment is an essential factor in the development process of our country. While the
government is constantly working to encourage investments, we need both local investments as well as foreign investments. Foreign investment is especially important for large
scale projects, industries requiring modern technological know-how and new

ventures that open up global market opportunities for us. People need to be more vigilant of those who attempt to propagate incorrect public opinion against foreign investments,
based on political motives.

We cannot accelerate economic development without encouraging entrepreneurship and removing obstacles faced by entrepreneurs. We have a responsibility to be more respectful
and friendly to entrepreneurs who start their own businesses amidst various vulnerabilities and provide employment and income opportunities for others as well. Government
officials should fully understand the contribution of entrepreneurs to the country’s development and provide all assistance they require expeditiously within the legal framework. By
preventing major delays in business registration and investment approvals, we can mobilize the entire economic process in the country.

A number of education reforms are taking place in the country to create a more productive citizen. Every child completing school education must strive to develop a skill or
industry that can contribute to the country’s economic process. One must try to enhance knowledge in the chosen sector and also acquire professional qualifications if possible. In
this manner, you have the opportunity to directly contribute to the country’s economic process.

The people who shed their sweat in farmlands, factories and workplaces make an active contribution to the country’s economy. I pay my respects to all of them.

Expatriate Sri Lankans who provide foreign exchange to the country are a major resource to us. We have not forgotten how they came forward for the country in the recent past
and supported us making great sacrifices. We greatly appreciate their regular contribution to energize our economy. I invite all expatriate Sri Lankans to invest in their homeland.
This will enable you to continue to actively contribute to building the future of the country.

If we are to win over the challenges before us and accomplish our future goals successfully, then all of us have to make a change. We all have to make some sacrifices towards it.
As the President of the country, I am ready to set the necessary example for it. I am already doing this to the best of my ability. I ask all Ministers, Parliamentarians and other
politicians to act in an exemplary manner for the country at all times. If you set this example to the people, then the majority of the people will follow you.

Forces against a national leadership that values our indigenousness and protects the country’s sovereignty are subtly misleading the people through various false propaganda. I urge
the people of this country to always act prudently. No one can mislead the people if they make inquiries based on fact, ascertain the truth and make decisions.

I have pledged as the Head of State to always protect the freedom won for the future generations, and to safeguard the unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of this country. We
will always abide by that pledge.

Cultural freedom is important to all communities. We consider it our prime responsibility to preserve our thousands of years of indigenous traditions and customs, values and
identity. Steps have been taken to preserve and develop places of archaeological value that have been subject to various threats and destroyed in the recent past.

We are a nation that safeguards the rule of law and respects international conventions. Although some parties have attempted to make various allegations against Sri Lanka for
narrow motives, the government has not condoned any type of human rights violations, and will not leave room for such incidents in future either.

Under no circumstances shall we allow extremism to raise its head in this country. Today we have secured national security as promised by the government to the people.

The people have given the opportunity for the current government to implement the Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour Policy Statement presented by us.

There have been no changes in the policy framework we presented in regard to identified priorities such as green agriculture, promotion of renewable energy use, education reforms
compatible with the modern world, encouragement of local entrepreneurship, export diversification and value addition, and promotion of technology use for a new leap in the

We are committed to achieving the basic goals of a productive citizen, a happy family, a disciplined, virtuous society and a prosperous country.

I was given the leadership of the country at a very difficult time. In the last two years we have had to find solutions to a number of unanticipated problems. Despite all these
difficulties, our government was able to carry out many development activities.

All the plans required for the sustainable development of the country, during my remaining tenure are being implemented. No matter what the obstacles are, if the majority of the
people in our country are optimistic about the future and give their due contribution, we will be able to achieve those goals.

I heartily invite all patriotic Sri Lankans to unite to build a proud nation that has achieved the true meaning of freedom.

I thank you all.

Theruvan Saranai.

The launch of 100,000 development projects islandwide under the Gamata program from the budget presented by Minister Basil Rajapaksa under the 2022 budget proposals will take place next Thursday at 8.52 am auspicious time.

It is the intention of the Government to utilize the funds provided for development projects in accordance with the budget proposals for the needs of the people in the most efficient manner as per the budget proposals. One hundred thousand work programs will be implemented from the budget in such a way that at least five development projects will be implemented in one Grama Niladhari Division.

Over the past month, Members of Parliament, Local Government Representatives and Government Officials have held a series of discussions at the Electoral and Grama Niladhari level islandwide on the systematic and effective implementation of these development activities.

All arrangements are  being finalized to conduct the 74th Independence day celebration on a grand scale under the theme Isurumnath Ratak and Saubagyamath motherland.  All nations in the country are working together after obtaining the independence.  Minister Chamal Rajapakse said that everyone who dedicated for the independence of the country will be remembered.  He made these remark at a media briefing held today.  The rehearsal of the ceremony will be held at the at the Independence Square premises these days following the health guidelines.

The Jaya Piritha organised by the Defence Ministry annually was held at the BMICH under the patronage of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday This year’s Jaya Piritha was  held with the participation of 1,000 bhikkhus invited from around the country including Maha Nayaka and Anunayaka Theras to invoke blessings on the country, all Sri Lankans and also to save the country from the pandemic.

Family members of differently-abled and fallen heroes  was also attend the event which also invokes blessings on them and the Tri-Forces.

The Maha Sangha has emphasised that  it is the responsibility of all ro provide support for the government and the President to face the future challenge

State Minister Prasanna Ranaweera says recognizing talents of handicraft artists who provides a major contribution to strengthen rural economy is an introduction of the country’s culture to future generations. He said steps have been taken to find a market place to them after identifying their problems.  He further said a large sum of money has been spent to provide raw material to them. The state minister was speaking at the Shilpa Abhimani Handicraft Presidential Awards Ceremony 2021 was held under the patronage of President Gotabhaya Rajapakse and with the attendance of Minister Wimal Weerawansa at the Sirimavo Bandaranayake Conference Hall in Colombo.

The Jaya Pirith Chanting organized by the Defence Ministry will commence this evening at the BMICH under the participation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. 1,000 Buddhist monks from all around the country will participate in this jaya pirith chanting. This will be held under strict health guidelines to invoke blessings for the people of the country and the war heroes who sacrificed their lives to save the country. Family members of martyred war heroes and war heroes injured in the battlefield were also invited to participate in this Jaya Pirith Chanting ceremony.

Decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 24.01.2022

01. Construction of Akuressa bus stand

Akuressa urban development project has been inaugurated back in the year 2012 while preliminary
activities for the construction and commercial development have been performed by developing an
extent of 4.5 acres as phase one. Approval for the construction of the main bus stand / depot with
20 terminals and other facilities has been granted as phase two of the project within an extent of
1.75 acres of land. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Hon. Prime
Minister as the Minister of Urban Development and Housing for implementing the said project
subject to an estimated cost of rupees 474 million according to the final architectural and
engineering plans of the project within the period of year 2022 and 2023.

02. Increasing the grant of ;Obata Geyak - Ratata Hetak' (A home for you - A future for the
country) housing programme.

An amount subject to a maximum of Rs. 600,000/- per selected beneficiary family is granted
under this project based on the construction progress of the house under this project implemented
for low income families resided in temporary houses. Followed by the inauguration of the project
in the year 2020, cost of construction materials have been escalated by multiple amounts and due
to this it has been difficult to construct an appropriate complete house with the grant of Rs.
600,000/=. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers has decided to grant their approval to the proposal
submitted by the Hon. Prime Minister as the Minister of Urban Development and Housing for
increasing the amount of grant paid under the programme to the selected beneficiary families up to
Rs. 650,000/- with effect from the year 2022.

03. Implementation of a High - rise development project within the land situated in Kotta Road,
Rajagiriya belong to the Urban Development Authority.

Investment proposals on competitive basis have been invited for the plot of land in extent 01 acre
01 rood and 9.29 perches situated at Kotta Road Rajagiriya which is entrusted to the Urban
Development Authority under the methodology of design, construction, financing monitoring and
transferring. The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to grant their approval to the proposal submitted
by the Hon. Prime Minister as the Minister of Urban Development and Housing for engaging the
said land for the said purpose subject to the recommendations furnished by the Cabinet Standing
Review Committee under the State Ministry of Urban Development, Waste Disposal and
Community Cleanliness and the management board of the Urban Development Authority to LOLC
Investment Holdings Two (Pvt.) Ltd. which is a subsidiary company of Lanka Orex Leasing
Private Limited on long term lease basis.

04. Entrusting the health institutions within the estate sector to provincial health authorities.

It has been recognized that entrusting the health institutions existing within the estate sector to
provincial authorities is appropriate with the objective of supplying a more productive health
service to the estate community. Accordingly, a committee comprised of officers chaired by the
Director General of Health Services and representations from other relevant institutions has been
appointed to submit recommendations on the methodologies to be followed in the regard.
According to the recommendations submitted by the said committee comprised of officers the
Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Minister of Health to transfer 59
health institutions to provincial health authorities under stage one from 450 health institutions
extisting within the estate sector.

05. Sri Lanka's national policy on transplantation of organs, cells and tissues.

Transplantation of organs, cells and tissues is considered as a successful methodology to secure
lives of patients at the final stage of disfunction of internal organs such as kidneys, liver, heart,
lungs and pancreas. These organ trnasplanting surgeries is taken place in 09 government hospitals
including two major national centres in Colombo and Kandy in Sri Lanka. The requirement of a
national policy on organ transplant has been recognized for upgrading the living standard and
securing rights of donors and their families as well as the donees of organs. Accordingly, the
national policy on transplantation of organs, cells and tissues in Sri Lanka has been prepared
followed by the convention 57 of World Health Summit and the guideline theories of the World
Health Organization (WHO) on human organ transplant. the Cabinet of Ministers approved the
resolution submitted by the Minister of Health for implementing the said prolicy.

6. National Policy on Quality and Safety of the Health Service

The "National Policy on Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety" approved by the Cabinet on 27
May 2015 is currently in effect. Action has been taken to revise this policy based on the resolution
adopted at the 72nd World Health Assembly in 2019 on the “Global Action on Patient Safety”.
Accordingly Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Health to
implement implement the revised policy which guarantees the quality and safety of the health care
system in Sri Lanka.

7. National Project to Provide Investment Opportunities to New Entrepreneurs for Business
Development and the Establishment of small and medium scale industrial zones at regional
and district level.

The Budget 2022 proposes to accelerate the local industrialization process by localizing the existing
industrialization program and establishing industrial zones at the regional and district levels.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Industry has designed a program. Under this, it is expected to establish

two types of industrial estates based on the land areas identified at the district / divisional secretariat
level. It is proposed to construct a small scale industrial zones with about 15-35 factories on a 5-15
acre plot and a medium scale industrial zones with about 35-50 factories on 15-25 acre lands. A
National Committee and a District Steering Committee will be appointed in collaboration with the
Ministry of Industries to implement and supervise these projects. Accordingly cabinet of Ministers
approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Industries to implement the proposed project.

8. Paddy Purchase Program for 2021/2022 Maha Season

It is planned to implement the Government Paddy Purchase Program during the 2021/2022 Maha
Season with the objective of providing a fair price for the paddy harvest of the farmers and
maintaining a secure paddy reserve by the Government. The purchase of the paddy harvest is done
directly by the Paddy Marketing Board and by the District Secretaries / Government Agents
through the small and medium scale paddy mill owners. The required allocation of Rs.29,805
million will be secured through state banks. Accordingly, taking into consideration the proposals
made by the Minister of Agriculture, the Cabinet took the following decisions.
i. Purchase of Paddy by the Paddy Marketing Board at competitive prices with the Private
Sector under the Government Paddy Purchase Program for the Maha Season 2021/2022
ii. In case, there is a reduction in the paddy harvest in the 2021/2022 Maha season, to
provide a compensation of Rs. 25 per 1 kg of paddy to secure the income level of the paddy
farmers affected due to this.

9. Purchase of locally produced Sterile Liquid Small Volume Parenteral – SLSVP Injectable for
Public Sector

The government spends approximately Rs. 3,000 million (approximately USD 15 million) annually
to purchase Sterile Liquid Small Volume Parenteral – SLSVP Injectables. The government
approval has been granted to Cologne Life Sciences (Pvt) Ltd to set up a factory in Pallekele with
an annual production capacity of about 50 million of these injections. The only company that has an
ability to manufacture Sterile Liquid Small Volume Parenterals in Sri Lanka with the relevant
standards is ready to supply its products from February 2022. Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers
approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Health to enter into an agreement between the
company and the State Pharmaceutical Corporation to procure the said products for the needs of the
public sector.

10. Amendment of Drug dependent persons (Treatment and Rehabilitation) Act No 54 of 2007

Amendment of Drug dependent persons (Treatment and Rehabilitation) Act No 54 of 2007 contains
provisions for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. It has been identified that the
provisions of that Act should be amended to suit the present requirements. Accordingly, the cabinet
of Ministers approved the joint proposal presented by H.E. the President in his capacity as the
Minister of Defense and the Minister of Justice to advise the legal draftsman to prepare the
respective Bill.

11. Prevention of double taxation on income tax and avoid tax evasion.

The Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has reached the following
i. Signing the Alliance for the Agreement with the Government of the Republic of
India to Avoid Double Taxation and Tax evasion on Income Tax
ii. Signing of an Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Turkey on the
Prevention of Double Taxation and Tax evasion on Income Tax
iii. Signing an agreement with the Government of the Czech Republic to prevent double
taxation and Tax evasion on Income Tax
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. Minister of
Finance to sign the said Agreements and to submit the aforesaid agreements to Parliament for
approval as per the provisions of the Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017.

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