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President Gotabaya Rajapaksa urged the tea factory owners not to pave the way to tarnish the image of Ceylon Tea brand which has attracted many countries in the world for a long time.

Media recently reported instances of adulterating the quality tea by mixing sugar, glucose, sodium bicarbonate and ferrous sulfate. The rejection of such tea in the world market has caused a huge setback to the tea industry.

President emphasized that the country’s reputation as well as the global demand for Ceylon Tea could not allowed to be harmed in the future.

President stressed that no room will be left for tea industry to suffer the same fate that the pepper had met with.

President Rajapaksa made these comments during a discussion with small and medium scale tea factory owners and exporters held at the Presidential Secretariat today (18).

The deterioration of the quality of tea has resulted in the decline of its demand from 65% to 45% among the global consumers. The number of tea factories in this country stands at 705. Improper activities have been reported from 45 factories and production has been stopped in 18 among them following investigations, Chairman of Ceylon Tea Board Jayampathi Molligoda said.

Based on intelligence information the Special Task Force of the Police and the Police raid tea factories which produce garbage tea and using harmful chemical components.

No room should be left to hamper the revenue of the country or the tea industry due to substandard tea production. Tea factory owners as well as the exporters should ensure the supply of high quality tea to the world market. “Production of low-quality tea will not be allowed” said the President while giving instructions to officials to close down the factories that do not adhere to this rule.

President also instructed the acting Inspector General of Police to continue to raid such factories after conducting investigations with the assistance of intelligence services.

State Minister Kanaka Herath, Principal Advisor to the President Lalith Weeratunga, secretaries to Cabinet and State Ministries, acting IGP and other officials, tea factory owners and exporters were present during the discussion.

President Rajapaksa symbolically presented motorbikes for the Public Health Inspectors in appreciation of their commitment and life-risking service during the COVID 19 at the Presidential Secretariat today(September 18).

Since 2015 no PHIs were provided with motorbikes. PHIs representing 26 selected Medical Health Zones covering the entire island and who had not received motorbikes during their service were presented with 749 motorbikes. In addition, another 56 PHIs received motorbikes on a priority basis.

At the stage of recruitment process, Public Health Inspectors are directed to follow a 2 year fulltime course. “We will discuss with the University Grants Commission to extend their training period and allow them to graduate at the end of the course.” President added.

Minister of Health, Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Secretary to the Ministry, Retired Major General Dr. Sanjeewa Munasinghe and Director of COVID 19 Emergency Response and Health System Preparedness Project Jayasundara Bandara were present at the occasion.

The Buddhist Advisory Council commended President Gotabaya Rajapaksa for following advice and implementing suggestions of Maha Sangha. Member Theros of the Council are confident that the policies being followed by the President will be instrumental in building a fair and virtuous society.

Five months ago, President Rajapaksa decided to set up the Buddhist Advisory Council to seek the advice and views of Maha Sangha in the process of implementing policies of the Government.

The first meeting between Maha Sangha and the President took place on April 24th at the Presidential Secretariat. During the meeting President apprised Theros of the measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID – 19 pandemic and the future activities of the Government. President informed that he intends to meet the Council on the third Friday of every month and invited Theros of the three Chapters to participate.

Member Theros of the Council presented their advices and suggestions to implement strategies pertaining to several areas included in “Saubhagyaye Dekma” national policy statement during previous 5 sessions.

The Buddhist Advisory Council which met for the 6th time at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (18) reviewed the progress of the implementation of proposals so far.

Maha Sangha commended and invoked their blessings for paying attention of the Government and executing several proposals put forward by them including protecting historical places with archeological value, developing Pirivena education by removing deficiencies, providing deeds to Vihara lands, Dhamma School education, National Education Policy, early childhood development, prioritizing national security, controlling the drug menace, environmental protection, creating the background for discourse on Buddha Sasana and taking Buddhist Universities under the purview of Ministry of Education.

The Council praised the President for taking measures to lay a strong and viable foundation for the future of Ministry of Education by appointing 4 State Ministers for the first time in the history.

The Maha Sangha pointed out that the decision to amend the Antiquities Ordinance to address the long standing issues related to Viharas built on archeological sites has been welcomed by many.

While highlighting the importance of the Advisory Council which meets once a month, President Rajapaksa said that it had helped him as well as the officials to gain a better perspective of various fields. President assured to take steps to rectify prevailing shortcomings.

Maha Sangha representing the Buddhist Advisory Council, Principal Advisor to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Ministry Secretaries and heads of several institutes were present at the meeting.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal made by Mass Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella to purchase necessary machinery to print passports and government confidential documents locally through the Government Printing Department.

Addressing a media conference held yesterday at the Government Information Department Cabinet Spokesman Minister Rambukwella said this decision had been taken to save foreign exchange spent annually to print these documents through foreign printing companies.

The Cabinet of Ministers decided to assign the Planning Department to conduct a detailed evaluation on this project.

Principals are advised to totally disregard requests to admit children to schools based on letters that mention the names of President, Prime Minister and other high ranking state officials.

It had come to light that certain individuals have resorted to influence Principals to get children admitted to schools claiming that it had been ordered by the President, Prime Minister and other high ranking state officers. It has been observed that even state officials have sent such letters attempting to influence the proper enrolment procedure.

Under no circumstances, Principals should admit children to schools accepting such letters. Students should only be enrolled adhering to the guidelines and regulations stipulated by the government.

Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera warns that stern action will be taken against all the principals who violate this rule.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa emphasized that it is an imperative of the era to establish a sports culture in order to form a healthy, disciplined and an athletic society in the country.

Sport is the youth’s language. President noted that directing a child simultaneously towards both education and sports will raise a balanced individual for society.

President stated that Ministries of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports have a massive responsibility to bear in this regard.

President Rajapaksa made these comments during a discussion to review the future activities of the State Ministry of Rural and School Sports Infrastructure Promotion at the Presidential Secretariat today(September 16).

President stressed the requirement of a program to hone the skills of the students who show talents in sports across the island by providing them proper nutritious food and access to international level training from a young age.

President highlighted that despite the construction of school playgrounds following requests by the people, it was evident on multiple occasions that they had not been maintained accordingly. President added that simple maintenance tasks such as cutting grass are cheap and bearable.

President advised the officials to establish a separate unit to maintain school playgrounds at district level.

Provincial Government bodies have the capability to maintain school playgrounds. Head of the Presidential Task Force for Economic Revival, Mr. Basil Rajapaksa requested to make school playgrounds cleaned within 3 months.

Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs, Namal Rajapaksa noted that plans have been devised to attach the National Institute of Sports Science at Torrington Avenue with the Diyagama Sports Complex to establish a globally recognized Sports University.

Minister Namal Rajapaksa added that in order to create a sports culture it is necessary to look for locations young are attracted to play and construct playgrounds accordingly.

Minister further added that during the past month they have focused on tasks such as taking all the major playgrounds under the purview of one institute, maintaining 25 fully accommodated playgrounds, new proposals for the sports ordinance and formulation of a brand new sports act and attracting sponsorships from the private sector to promote sports.

State Minister Thenuka Vidanagamage showed the importance of developing sports at divisional level.

President stated that it was necessary to identify popular sports in remote areas and train sportsmen and sportswomen under training programs immediately.

Member of the Sports Council Kumar Sangakkara highlighted the importance of ranking each sport and training sportspersons targeting international games.

In addition, Mr Sangakkara also shared a suggestion to promote providing marks for sports talents in university entrance to popularize sports as well as to breed national level sportspersons within university network.

It was also discussed during the meeting to make a full scale restructure of Sugathadasa National Sports Complex Authority.

Moreover, mastering sports such as archery and the shooting which have a chance at winning Olympic medals, from the school level were discussed.

Cabinet and State Ministers requested the Sri Lankan sportspersons around the globe to gather under the national flag to bring glory to the motherland.

Minister of Education, Prof. G.L. Peiris, Head of the Presidential Task Force for Economic Revival Mr. Basil Rajapaksa, Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera, Secretaries to the Cabinet and State Ministries, officials of the Line Institutes, representatives from Sports associations and veteran sports personnel were present at the discussion.

  • No vehicle parking on pedestrian walkways of main roads
  • New bridges to replace hanging bridges, wooden plank bridges, and small bridges
  • Steps to plant 2 million plants along roads

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa assigned the officials to complete the project for the construction of 100,000km of rural roads and connect them with the main road network by 2024.

It’s a right of the citizenry to have their transportation requirement satisfied speedily with convenience, and security. Considering the unsuitability and fractured inter-connection in the existing road system, establishment of an efficient and advanced road system was promised in the national policy framework “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”.

President emphasized that the project to construct 100,00km of rural roads needs to adhere to environmental guidelines.

President made these comments during the discussion to review future activities of the State Ministry of Rural Roads and Other Infrastructure Facilities at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday(September 15).

The President stated that new bridges will be built replacing hanging, wooden plank and small bridges. The construction of 8000km of roads has commenced and 400km of it has already been completed in the last few months.

President Rajapaksa noted that the District Secretaries are tasked with ensuring the supply of required soil, stones and sand for the constructions. President emphasized that prior approval should be granted to those who seek necessary resources from the authorities such as Wildlife Conservation and Archaeological Departments at district level meetings.

It was also decided during the discussion to plant 2 million trees along the main roads to shelter the pedestrians.

President highlighted that no room should be left for interruptions and delays in the construction process.  “The supervision of the constructions should be carried out by both government representatives and contractors and no subcontracts are allowed”. President added.

President advised to strictly prohibit vehicle parking on the pedestrian walkways along the main roads. President further added that it should be made mandatory to allocate parking spaces when residential flats and shopping complexes are constructed.

Minster Johnston Fernando, State Minister Nimal Lansa, Head of the Presidential Task Force for Economic Revival, Mr. Basil Rajapaksa, Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera, Cabinet and State Ministry secretaries, officials of the Line Departments and representatives of the contract companies were present at the discussion.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa handed over letters of appointment to 12 new High Court judges at the Presidential Secretariat today (14).

Name of the Judge                                                   Position previously held

  1. Mr. W. A. Perera                                                District Judge

2.  Ms. C. Meegoda                                               District Judge

3.Miss. A. I. K. Ranaweera                                    District Judge

4.Miss. K. S. L. Jayaratne                                     Chief Magistrate

5.Mr. R. S. A. Dissanayake                                   Magistrate

6.Mr. W. M. M. Thalgodapitiya                             District Judge

7.Miss. T. W. W. M. R. C.P. Kumari Dela             District Judge

8.Mr. H. S. Ponnamperuma                                 District Judge

9.Miss. S. I. Kalingawansa                                   Additional District Judge

10.Mr. D. A. R. Pathirana                                      Magistrate

11.Ms. N. T. Wickremasekara                              Senior State Counsel

12.Ms. A. G. U. S. N. K. Seneviratne                   Senior State Counsel

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed officials to implement a short-term and long-term plan in collaboration with the public, private sectors and small-scale farmers to meet the local demand for liquid milk.

The President stressed the need to improve grass cultivation, dairy cow breeding and research institute services in order to achieve the set targets expeditiously.

President Rajapaksa made these remarks during a discussion held at the Presidential Secretariat today (14) on the future activities of the State Ministry of Livestock Farm Promotion and Dairy and Egg Related Industries.

Less than 40% of the country’s annual liquid milk requirement is produced locally. As a result, people are deprived of the opportunity to consume nutritious fresh liquid milk. The President has pledged to increase liquid milk production in the next decade in his National Policy Framework ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour’.

The Government intends to expand the research activities that would help in introducing new breeds of dairy cattle suitable for different geographical areas of the country.

During this meeting the cultivation of high quality grasses and cattle feed production to increase the production of milk, was discussed at length.

Small scale dairy farmers provide 85% of the total liquid milk production. ‘They should be strengthened and steps should be taken to increase the percentage’, said Mr. Basil Rajapaksa, the Head of the Presidential Task Force on Economic Revival. Farmers are discouraged due to the rising cost of production per liter of milk. Mr. Basil Rajapaksa pointed out the need to provide dairy farmers cattle feed including grasses under concessionary rates. It was pointed out that farmers should be encouraged at the institutional level to produce animal feed needed for both the public and private sector.

While highlighting the importance of involvement of the Central Environmental Authority in resolving issues related to animal husbandries, the President said that these measures should not be a burden on the farmer.

Mr. Basil Rajapaksa said animal farms run traditionally should not be closed down based on complaints by the public without conducting an investigation.

Measures have been taken to rear 15,000 milking cows with the assistance of 15 estate companies with the aim of increasing the dairy production, Minister of Agriculture Mahindananda Aluthgamage said.

Expanding the production of chicken and eggs and diverting large scale producers to the export market was also discussed during the meeting. Investors of the private sector said they anticipate foreign exchange earnings of USD 16 million in 2020 by exporting eggs, chicken and related products.

Secretary to the President P. B. Jayasundera, Secretaries to Cabinet and State Ministries, heads of line institutes and several private-sector investors were also present during the meeting.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa emphasized that the tea industry which has suffered a severe setback should be revived based on a holistic approach.

Experts in the field pointed out that long, medium and short –term plans should be implemented after scrutinizing loss making estates in order to increase tea exportation and its revenue. President said the the objective should be to reclaim the status enjoyed by Ceylon Tea in the global market in the past while identifying the factors contributed to the downfall of the industry.

President made these remarks during a meeting to discuss future activities of the State Ministry of Company Establishment Reforms, Tea Estate Crops, Tea Factory Modernization and Tea Export Diversification held at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (7).

10 out of the 20 major plantation companies are inoperative. It was revealed that the production capacity of plantation companies has been declining rapidly in an environment where the small tea estates achieve higher production. The President instructed the officials to identify causes for losses and inactivity of these companies within a short period of time and to provide permanent solutions for these issues. It was decided to hand over loss-making plantations companies to the tea smallholders as a pilot project.

‘Losses at plantation companies should be thoroughly investigated in a context of where the infrastructure facilities including roads, hospitals, schools and sanitation have been provided by the government’, said the Head of the  Presidential Task Force on Economic Revival, Basil Rajapaksa. During this meeting the need to rehabilitate tea estates and regularize cultivation to produce higher yields was discussed detail.

Mr. Basil Rajapaksa pointed out the need to provide reliefs to tea growers to engage in self-employment or other livelihoods until the tea plants reach the yielding stage.

Experts believe that the setback in the tea industry is caused due to ignorance of the findings made by researches in the field. They highlighted the requirement of prioritizing research developments and pursuing new markets for the product. Attention was also paid to the possibility of expanding the Bio tea industry and securing a better profit from its high demand in the world market. President Rajapaksa emphasized the importance of strengthening the plantation management and supervision.

Representatives from the small tea estate sector commended the President for his wise decisions taken during the curfew period under COVID 19 pandemic which protected nearly 421,000 small tea estate owners across the country.

Minister Ramesh Pathirana, State Minister Kanaka Herath, Head of the Presidential Task Force for Economic Revival, Basil Rajapaksa, Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera, Secretaries of the Cabinets and State Ministries, Officials of the Line institutes, representatives from the tea estate owners and planters were present at the discussion.

The Dutch Ambassador in Sri Lanka Tanja Gonggrijp called on Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa this morning at Temple Trees.

Ambassador Gonggrijp congratulated Prime Minister Rajapaksa for the “convincing election outcome” and commended the Government for the way Sri Lanka has managed the COVID19 pandemic. Upon Prime Minister Rajapaksa’s inquiring about the team of Dutch experts on board the MT New Diamond oil tanker, the two delegations agreed that providing training to Sri Lankan experts on handling such maritime incidents could be a potential area of collaboration for the two countries moving forward, given the historical maritime expertise of the Dutch.

The Netherlands is also involved in a number of other projects in Sri Lanka, including building hospitals and bridges, providing vocational training and a long-term project in Jaffna that would provide safe drinking water and better irrigation to the region. The service sector and integrated multi-crop agriculture were discussed as other areas for potential cooperation.

Several decisions pertaining to the welfare of the public and the progress of the society were taken during the meeting between President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and all State Ministers held at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (10).

Increasing the number of National Schools to 1,000 in the country is one such decision. Some of the existing National Schools are there only for the name. There are no adequate facilities available. These schools will also be developed expeditiously.

President and the State Ministers decided to appoint District Educational Committees for the development of school network. It was also decided to strengthen the liaison between zonal offices and divisional offices. The opportunity to contribute to any activity that will ensure the progress of the school system except transfer of teachers and admission of students is available for politicians. However, the President pointed out, it is only for the benefit of society and not for political interference.

Attention was drawn during the meeting to appoint Acting Principals to fill existing vacancies in Principal Grades. Teaching exams should be held once a year according to the Teacher Service regulations. The main reason for vacancies in Principal posts is due to the failure to conduct these examinations in a methodical manner. It was also decided to explore the possibility of appointing competent and experienced teachers in schools as Acting Principals.

Flooding in urban areas during the rainy season was another topic taken up for discussion. Even a minor rain would inundate the City of Colombo. “We introduced a permanent solution for this problem. It was not operative during the last 5 years and the issue remains. The responsibilities have been assigned to multiple institutes and it is one of the reasons for this failure.” President emphasized the significance of avoiding such weaknesses and resolving these issues immediately.

President and State Ministers, while taking the issues related to medical field into consideration, discussed the need for the amendment of the medical ordinance. Implementation of a proper procedure in importing medicine and amendments in regulations for importation practices were agreed during the discussion.

“We are capable of not only meeting the local medical requirements but also can claim a share in the global supply.  We have investors stand by, if we can accomplish this it will be a historical victory for Sri Lanka” Head of the Presidential Task Force on Economic Revival Basil Rajapaksa noted.

It was discussed in detail the need to implement more effective measures aimed at controlling illicit drug trade while establishing Civil Defence Committees to assist the exercise of eradicating the drug menace.

The President also pointed out the importance of public service that can actively contribute to the development process of the country while improving the efficiency of their service. Some officials are afraid to take decisions. This situation must be changed. President Rajapaksa emphasized the need for politicians and government officials to work together to make the public service more efficient and streamlined.

Secretary to President, P.B. Jayasundera also participated in the discussion.

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