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Parliament issued a statement yesterday (18) regarding the commencement of the Ninth Parliament session and the election of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker of the House and the Deputy Chairman of Committees.

In the statement issued by the communications department, it was mentioned that MPs have not been appointed from the Our People’s Power Party and the United National Party for their National List seats and nominations have not been made to these two seats.

It further mentioned that all health precautions have been taken in consultation with health officials from the Health Ministry regarding COVID-19. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa will begin the ceremonial activities on August 20 leading up to other official matters regarding Parliament.

The Ninth Parliament will commence sessions on Thursday, August 20, with several measures post-COVID-19.

Cabinet approval was granted today (19) to provide employment to 10,000 more graduates under the programme formulated by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to employ unemployed graduates.

The programme to provide employment to unemployed graduates that was suspended due to the General Glection re-commenced last Friday. Under this programme 50,000 unemployed graduates received jobs. With today’s decision of the Cabinet another 10,000 will be joining them.

A group of unemployed graduates who did not receive appointments staged a protest near the Presidential Secretariat today. The President, who is on his way after the Cabinet meeting, parked his vehicle near the protesters and told them that all the graduates would be given jobs.

“Go home now. Today we decided to give jobs to another 10,000 more,’’ the President told them.

The Ministry of Urban Development will resume its development drive after a five year-long hiatus, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa said.

He was speaking after assuming duties as the Minister of Urban Development and Housing at Suhurupaya , Battaramulla yesterday.

The Premier said that they lost power in 2015 at a time when the city of Colombo was becoming the most developed city in Asia.

He also said that major cities such as Colombo, Kandy, Galle and Jaffna will be developed.

Addressing the employees of the government institutions under the Urban Development and Housing Ministry, the Premier said that an excellent service is expected from the employees as the Ministry carries a huge responsibility in taking the country into greater heights.

“Ministry Urban Development and Housing is a special Ministry and the functions carried by the ministry plays a vital role in the development of the country.

“Therefore we have a major task on behalf of the country. I expect the maximum from employees,” he added.

Daily news

The United States is interested in furthering cooperation with Sri Lanka on a number of sectors including economic, commercial, governance, security and development. This was stated by the U.S. Ambassador in Sri Lanka Alaina Teplitz at a meeting with Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees yesterday evening (17).

At the outset, Ambassador Teplitz congratulated the Prime Minister on what she described as a “very very successful campaign with very significant results.” Noting that the election was
conducted in a free, fair and peaceful manner, she said the results showed the “rejection of the previous administration.”

“We look forward to working with the (new) government,” the Ambassador said. Asked about the new government’s priorities, Prime Minister Rajapaksa said that economic recovery is currently the main priority due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ambassador Teplitz said, “The Government certainly is to be commended for its success” in handling the COVID-19 outbreak, calling it “a big success story.” She further said that the Sri Lanka-U.S. economic relationship is also a priority for the United States, including help with generating new job opportunities for Sri Lankans in the private sector.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa also suggested that the United States could provide assistance to Sri Lanka to establish vocational training centers around the country to better-prepare youth for job opportunities “There are many opportunities,” Ambassador Teplitz said, “especially with the strong advantage Sri Lanka has with a well-educated labor force.” In discussing the development sector, Prime Minister Rajapaksa informed the Ambassador that certain sectors of the population and certain areas of the country are lacking basic facilities. The Prime Minister highlighted the need for safe drinking water in certain parts of the country, noting that unsafe drinking water is a major cause of chronic kidney disease.

Other areas discussed included bringing in new investments to Sri Lanka, support for democratic institutions and governance-related projects, and cooperation on the security sector with a specific focus on counterterrorism, trafficking of people and narcotics, and addressing transnational crime.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa stated that the structures of the State Ministries were formulated with the intention of building a people centric national economy, in which the people of Sri Lanka would be stakeholders.

President made this comment commencing the elucidation of the scopes of the State Ministries at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (August 17).

He explained the reasons for the formation of a State Ministry assigned with the task of overseeing Batik, Handlooms and local garments.

President Rajapaksa added that it was necessary to develop the local economy in order to move forward until the rest of the world recovers from the COVID 19 outbreak.

Exports of the garment industry represent a 43% out of the total exports while it earns an annual income of nearly USD 5 billion to the country. Garment industry pioneers in employment generation and regional development. “It is one of the top priorities of the government to strengthen the garment industry and increase the production of batik, handlooms and the local garments”. President added.

President instructed the officials to implement a plan to develop batik and handloom industry covering all the aspects of it. President added that with its success, the garment industrialists will be able to reach stability in the next 5 years.

President stated that state owned outlets such as “Salu Sala” could also facilitate a market expansion for garment industry.

Minister of Industries, Wimal Weerawansa, State Minister Dayasiri Jayasekara, Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera, Secretary to the Treasury, S.R. Attygalle and several leading entrepreneurs related to batik, handlooms and local garments were present at the discussion.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa advised the relevant authorities to revive the upliftment of public transportation service by creating a conducive environment for the passengers to travel with mental satisfaction as the initial step.

“A small step will lead to a big change. Start cleaning buses and provide seating facilities to passengers from tomorrow itself,” President directed.

Pointing out that the small step taken to stop using posters had enabled all cities in the country to be kept clean President Rajapaksa said that development in any sector can begin with a small initiative.

President made these remarks during a meeting to discuss future activities of the Ministry  of Transport and the State Ministry of Vehicle Regulation, Bus Transport Services and Carriages and Automotive Industries held at the Presidential Secretariat today (18).

President reiterated the necessity of implementing the Park and Drive system in order to minimize traffic congestion. Although the Transport Board provides bus transportation as a service it should be transformed into an entity which is not making losses, he said. Both public and private transport sectors should pay attention to the bus service in rural areas.

“Start implementing the combined transport time table of trains and buses without delay. It is important to identify areas that need swift solutions to develop the transport sector. Long and short-term plans should be formulated for the next five years to develop the sector. It is imperative reviewing  if the targets have been achieved,” President observed.

It was decided to repair railway carriages to provide a better service. Minister of Transport Gamini Lokuge said Colombo Fort and 4 other railway stations will be modernized as a pilot project.

The Minister said that by increasing the number of trains, more people will be able to travel by the Kelani Valley Railway Line.

State Minister Dilum Amunugama pointed out the importance of exploring the potential benefits which can be gained through opening up the services of training and maintenance facilities belonging to the Transport Board to the private sector as well.

It was decided to introduce a pre-paid card system expeditiously for both public and private sectors for an efficient passenger transport service.

During this meeting, it was discussed in detail the steps that should be taken to make the Department of Motor Traffic an institution which is free of corruption and irregularities.

The President drew attention to the possibility of allowing ordinary buses in good condition to operate on the expressway so that more passengers can travel paying low bus fares.

Secretary to the President P.B. Jayasundera, Finance Secretary S.R. Attygalle, Secretary Ministry of Transport, N.B. Monty Ranatunga and Heads of the institutions under the Ministry of Transport and the State Ministry as well as the representatives of private bus associations were present at the discussion.

Mr. Jagath P. Wijeweera has been appointed as the secretary to the Ministry of Mass Media by His Excellency the President Gotabhaya Rajapakse. He took office today (17) at the Ministry of Mass Media. Mr. S.R.W.M.R.P. Sathkumara, the Additional Secretary (Administration), Mr. H. Hewage, the Additional Secretary (Development) of the ministry and Mr. Nalaka Kaluwewa, the Director General of the Department of Government Information, were also present.

Addressing the media at a press briefing held at the ministerial auditorium, the newly elected secretary emphasized that the media should not be a trumpet for the government, but for the public. He further added that the media culture in the country should cater to the wellbeing of the masses uplifting the economy, education and the culture of the country.

Mr. Wijeweera has obtained his first Degree from the University of Kelaniya and possessed Post Graduate Degree in International Relations from the University of Colombo. 

Mr. Jagath P Wijeweera, who has debuted his career as an officer in SLAS, has a long journey in public service for 35 years.

During his tenure Mr. Wijeweera has served various positions in Departments and Ministries and further held the post of Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Defence. 

Mr. Wijeweera, who has held the post of Director General of the Department of Customs, has also made his contribution holding the post of Secretary of the Ministry of Law and Order. 

Mr. Jagath P Wijeweera, a senior officer of Sri Lanka Administrative Service, is the former Chairman of Development Lotteries Board before he was elected as the secretary of Mass Media Ministry.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa reviews the 150,000 employment programme which will come to effect from 2nd September onwards.

President advised the relevant authorities to appoint the eligible graduates in accordance with their field of study. He also said priority should be given to the poorest among the poor in every Grama Niladhari division when selecting candidates for the programme to employ 100,000 low-income persons.

President made these remarks during a discussion held at the Presidential Secretariat today (17) to discuss future modalities of the employment programme.

President emphasized the necessity of providing on the job training as a measure to address shortcomings and deficiencies in the public sector. Qualified persons will be employed in the private sector too. During the one-year training programme more attention should be paid to nurture qualities such as leadership, meeting targets and building confidence.

The President also pointed out the importance of offering jobs for selected graduate employees at new State Ministries to achieve set goals of those ministries.

Many people apprised the President of the issue of shortage of teachers in schools when he visited several districts during the election campaign. It was also decided to appoint new job recipients to overcome this problem. Low-income recipients selected for employment under the 100,000 jobs scheme will be directed to fill vacancies at 24 different trades. They will be trained by the National Apprentice Board.

Secretary to the President P.B. Jayasundera, Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Retired Major General Kamal Gunaratne, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration, Provincial Councils and Local Government Mr. J.J. Ratnasiri and other officials were present at the discussion.

Hon.  Keheliya Rambukwella assumed duties today (13) as the Honorable Minister to the Ministry of Mass Media. The newly elected Minister Rambukwella took oath at the Temple of Tooth yesterday (12) before his Excellency the President Gotabhaya Rajapaksha and the Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksha. 

After taking office, Hon. Minister addressed the media at a press briefing held at the ministerial auditorium. Thereby he stressed that the newly assigned ministerial position is not a piece of jewel, but social responsibility and he intends to carry it out amicably with media as he once did during his tenure at the same ministry. 

The newly elected minister also emphasized that what he expects is not the curtailing of media but the competitiveness between the private and state media in the years to come.  Moreover, he added that monetary assistance would be provided for the higher education of the journalists with a view to producing a generation of veteran media personalities and they would be further encouraged by providing loan concessions for the purchase of media equipment. 

The Hon. State Minister of Postal Services and Professional Development of Media, Sathasivam Viyalendran was also present at the press briefing. In response to a matter raised by a journalist, he said that he would go into the discussions with the Hon. Minister with regards to the housing and land issues of the journalists.  

Additional Secretary to the Ministry Mr. S.R.W.M.R.P. Sathkumara, Director General of Government Information Mr. Nalaka Kaluwewa, and other institutional heads of the ministry were also present at the press briefing.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa handed over letters of appointment to new Secretaries to 25 Cabinet Ministries at the Presidential Secretariat today (13).

1. W.M.D.J. Fernando - Cabinet Secretary

2. R.W.R. Pemasiri - Ministry of Highways

3. S.R. Attygalle - Ministry of Finance

4.  J.J. Rathnasiri - Ministry of Public Services, Provincial Councils and Local Government

5. Jagath P. Wijeweera - Ministry of Mass Media.

6. Ravindra Hewawitharana - Ministry of Plantation

7. D.M. Anura Dissanayake - Ministry of Irrigation

8. W.A. Chulananda Perera - Ministry of Industries

9. Ms. Wasantha Perera - Ministry of Power

10. S. Hettiarachchi - Ministry of Tourism

11. R.A.A.K. Ranawaka - Ministry of Lands

12.M.P.D.U.K. Mapa Pathirana - Ministry of Labour

13.Ms. R.M.I. Rathnayake - Ministry of Fisheries

14.Major General (Retd.) Kamal Gunaratne - Ministry of Defence

15.M. K.B. Harischandra - Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Conservation

16. N.B. Monti Ranatunga - Ministry of Transport

17. Dr. Priyath Bandu Wickrama - Ministry of Water Supply

18. Ms. J.M.B. Jayawardene - Ministry of Trade

19. Major General Sanjeewa Munasinghe - Ministry of Health

20. Major General (Retd.) A.K. Sumedha Perera - Ministry of Agriculture

21.Anuradha Wijekoon - Ministry of Youth and Sports

22. K.D.R. Olga - Ministry of Energy

23.Admiral (Retd.) Jayanath Colombage - Ministry of Foreign Relations

24. Dr. Anil Jasinghe - Ministry of Environment

25.Prof. Kapila Perera - Ministry of Education

26. Sirinimal Perera - Ministry of Urban Development and Housing

Kandy District MP Keheliya Rambukwella has been appointed as the Minister of Mass Media in the new Cabinet.

The ministers of the new government took oath before President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa at a swearing-in ceremony this morning.

Rambukwella has held the post of Media Minister prior to this instance as well. He also contributed exceptionally as the Government Spokesman during the 30-year war.

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