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The commemoration ceremony of founder Theros of Sri Lanka Amarapura Maha Nikaya was held under the patronage of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the BMICH, today (08).

The Amarapura Maha Nikaya was established in 1802 following countless efforts by the Most Ven. Welitara Mahakarawe Gnanawimala Tissa Thero.

The Maha Nayaka Theros such as  Most Venerable Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka Thero, Most Venerable Aggamahapandita Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero and Most Ven. Davuldena Sri Gnanissara Thero had given leadership to the Amarapura Maha Nikaya and Amarapura Nikaya produced widly respected prelates such as Most Ven.  Polwaththe  Buddhadatta Thero, and Most Ven. Migettuwatte Gunananda, who nurtured the Sambuddha Sasanaya.

The Amarapura Day was celebrated felicitating all the founder Theros who rendered a noble service for the Sambuddha Sasanaya during the past 217 years.

Most Ven. Agga Maha Panditha Kotugoda Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero of the Amarapura Maha Nikaya presided over.

President Rajapaksa paid floral tribute for founder Theros.

The first copy of the Most Ven. Agga Maha Panditha Kotugoda Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero’s biography was presented to the Thero by President Rajapaksa.

“Amarapura Viharasthana Namawaliya”(Directory) containing details of all the Viharas come under Amarapura Nikaya was also launched.

A memento was presented to the President by Most Ven. Agga Maha Panditha Kotugoda Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero and Registrar, Prof. Ven. Pallekande Rathnasara Thero to commemorate the “Amarapura Day”.

Mahanayakas, Anu Nayakas and Nayaka Theros of the Trisects including Maha Sangha and laymen were present on this occasion.

M.A.H.P. Marasinghe, an 84-year old retired female teacher had handed Rs. 200,000 to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who was in Puttalam today as a contribution to COVID Fund.

This donation was handed over to President during a public rally in Thaniwella in Madampe organized in support of candidates of Sri Lanka Podu Jana Peramuna (SLPP) contesting the upcoming Parliamentary election.

“Dear President, set up a government that protects law, justice and virtue and build a prosperous country” she had written on the paper used to wrap Rs. 5,000 notes amounting to the value of the donation.


The United Nations in New York belatedly commemorated the International Day of Vesak virtually on 2nd July 2020. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic prevented Member States  from gathering at the UN General Assembly Hall to celebrate this occasion, as in previous years. Rescheduling to July was also not without significance, as it was on the full moon  day of this month that the Buddha preached his first Dhamma sermon.

The event, organized by the Permanent Missions of Sri Lanka and Thailand, featured a keynote message from Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister of Foreign Relations of Sri  Lanka. Highlighting the value of Buddhism during this time of unprecedented global insecurity created by the pandemic, the Minister stated that the Buddha’s teachings could be a  guide through this haze of uncertainty, towards light. He upheld that the practice of the four virtues of loving kindness, compassion,sympathetic joy and equanimity could ease the  sufferings of mankind and generate trust and understanding. Minister Gunawardena outlined that the Dhamma is not only a religion but also a philosophy on the way of life,  symbolized by a Path of Knowledge with its’ goal being the destruction of ignorance, characterized, among others, by the futility of the egoistic notion.

The Minister emphasizing that even after 2600 years that the Teachings are still sought for its intrinsic wisdom and values, continue to provide solace, comfort and tranquility to  ensure peace of mind to humankind in this troubled modern world. He also paid tribute to Late Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar for his leading role in obtaining recognition  for the Day of Vesak at the United Nations in 1999.

Ambassador Kshenuka Senewiratne, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in her opening remarks,referred to the teachings of the Buddha, being reflected in  the objectives of the UN Charter, including the practicing of tolerance and living as good neighbours, maintenance of global peace and security and achieving economic and social  development. Emphasizing the need to arrest the erosion of multilateralism, she pointed out the relevance of the Buddhist doctrine grounded on the principle of equality for all,  regardless of status or circumstances, which resonates in the UN tenets of sovereign equality and inclusivity of all nations. Stressing that the consequences of the pandemic have  further exacerbated the ceaseless suffering of mankind, she urged that countries must unite to build in a spirit of cooperation, compassion and equality, a peaceful and prosperous  world.

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres observed that the Buddha’s message of solidarity and service to others is more important than ever, as it reminds of  the need for unity to combat the pandemic. He highlighted that international co-operation, especially through the combining of energies and expertise, could ease the economic and  social consequence of the current crisis and build a healthier, more inclusive, sustainable, resilient and equitable world. He concluded that the sense of a shared fate and collective  compassion, both encapsulate the spirit of the Buddha and the animating force of the UN Charter, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year.

Elaborating on the severity of the current global pandemic, the President of the General Assembly, Tijjani Muhammed Bande, remarked that the world was facing a global health  crisis unlike any other, experienced during the 75 years of the United Nations, adding that it is during these times of great anxiety that faith can be a significant source of comfort  and community resilience. He observed that this commemorative event served to remind people of the importance of tolerance, mutual respect and understanding that are enshrined  in the teachings of the Buddha, which are the same values that the UN has been promoting and advancing throughout the world,that will enthrone peaceful co-existence in diversity.

The occasion also featured blessings in the Theravada tradition by venerable monks of the New York Buddhist Vihara, who chanted excerpts of the “Ratana Sutta” together with  blessings, to alleviate the suffering and fears of people during this time of a global pandemic. Blessings in the Mahayana tradition were also conducted by venerable monks from  China, Japan and Korea of the Buddhist Council of New York and the American Buddhist Confederation. In his sermon, Ven. Dr. Bellanwila Dhammaratana Nayake Thero, Chief  Incumbent of the Bellanwila Raja Maha Vihara and Advisor to the Buddhist Library in Singapore highlighted the concept of equality and inclusion in the teachings of the Buddha, 

which promoted equal opportunities for men and women, Brahmins and outcasts, the rich and the poor alike, to pursue the path of enlightenment. Ven. Dr. Phra Anil Sakya,  Deputy Rector, Mahamakut Buddhist University of Thailand, in his sermon highlighted that the Buddha’s teachings encapsulated the importance of Sustainable Development, as  advocated in the “Dhammachakkappavattana Sutta”.

Several Member States also spoke on the significance of Vesak, including the Permanent Representatives India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao  PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. In addition, Deputy Permanent Representatives and senior officials of the Philippines, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and  Singapore also spoke during the commemorative event. Many of these countries elaborated on the historic Buddhist ties in their countries and contribution that Buddhism makes  to global peace and solidarity and its relevance to coping with the challenges of modern life.

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations

2nd July 2020

The Central Bank, in consultation with the Government of Sri Lanka, has introduced the Saubagya Covid-19 Renaissance Loan Scheme to provide working capital loans at 4% interest rates to businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, through Licensed Banks, thereby supporting the revival of economic activity in the country. This Loan Scheme is available for COVID-19 affected businesses with an annual turnover below Rs. 1 billion, including self-employment and individuals. The Rs. 1 billion limit of annual turnover will not be applicable to businesses engaged in tourism, exports and related logistical supplies.

The Loan Scheme, which has been implemented in three phases, is expected to disburse a total of Rs 150 billion in working capital loans at the rate of 4% per annum. The total of working capital loan facilities provided by the Central Bank to be distributed among 20,240 businesses under the Loan Scheme as of 02 July 2020 exceeds Rs. 53 billion. These loans carry a concessional interest rate of 4% per annum with a repayment period of 24-months including a grace period of 6-months.

Under Phase-I of the Loan Scheme implemented with effect from 01 April 2020, the Central Bank granted approval for 13,926 loans amounting to Rs. 28 billion. Out of approved loans, Licensed Banks have already disbursed more than Rs. 21 billion among 10,270 affected businesses and individuals island wide as of 02 July 2020. Under Phase-II of the Loan Scheme implemented with effect from 19 June 2020, the Central Bank approved 6,314 loans amounting to Rs. 25 billion distributed among 6,314 businesses and individuals (See Table 1 for details). Out of Rs. 53 billion approved under both Phases I and II of the Scheme, 45% has been provided to businesses in the services sector led by trade services, while distributing 38% and 17% among businesses in the industry sector and the agriculture sector, respectively  

The Central Bank announced Phase-III of this Loan Scheme with a credit guarantee and interest subsidy with effect from 01 July 2020 with a view to accelerating lending at 4% per annum using the already available excess liquidity with Licensed Banks and to ensure adequate flow of funds for businesses which lack collateral to back their creditworthiness. Accordingly, the Central Bank will share a major portion of credit risk of end borrowers, while providing an interest subsidy of 5% per annum to banks to cover their cost of funds. The credit guarantee provided by the Central Bank ranges from 80% for the smaller loans to 50% for relatively larger loans. Submission of loan applications under the Loan Scheme can be made to respective banks until 31 August 2020

 Central Bank -

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa engaged in religious observances in Veherabanda Kutiya and Thanthirimale Rajamaha Viharas today(July 04).

According to the Sinhala Shila Lekana Sangrahaya(Stone Inscriptions Volume), the King Bathiya the 1st has constructed the  Veherabanda Kutiya Rajamaha Vihara between 5th and 6th AD.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa visited the Veherabanda Kutiya Rajamaha Vihara in the morning. The President met with the chief incumbent of the vihara, Ven. Welisara Siri Jinawansa Thissa thero and received blessings.

The President also exchanged pleasantries with devotees who were present to observe sil on Esela poya.

President Rajapaksa also made medicinal pujas to Ashta Pala Bodhi during his visit.

Later he visited Thanthirimale Rajamaha Vihara and the chief incumbent Ven. Thanthirimale Chandrarathana thero blessed the President for his assumption to the office of the President and commended him for his successful strategies and governance in containing COVID 19 pandemic.

The stone reclining statue of the Lord Buddha at Thanthirimale vihara which resembles the statue at Polonnaruwa Gal Vihara was observed by the President.

President Rajapaksa opened the display of sacred relics at the vihara for public view and the president himself paid his obeisance.

The President also conversed with a number of devotees from all over the country at the vihara premises.

Foreign Relations Minister Dinesh Gunawardena and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo engaged in discussions on matters of bilateral interest in a telephone conversation on 29 June evening.

US-Sri Lanka cooperation in COVID response-supply of PPEs to the US, donation of ventilators to Sri Lanka and COVID related bilateral assistance amounting to US$ 5.8 million- economic recovery initiatives, defence and security matters, counter terrorism and international economic cooperation featured in the discussions.

Minister Gunawardena briefed his US counterpart on the Review Report of the MCC, the forthcoming Parliamentary elections and thanked the US for the support extended to the reconciliation and resettlement processes in Sri Lanka.

He conveyed Sri Lanka’s felicitations for the forthcoming US Independence Day on 4th of July.

In order to develop villages the banking service in the country should understand the rural economy and the needs of the people, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa emphasized.

It is a timely necessity to develop export agricultural businesses instead of waiting for foreign countries to come into fray. Mere establishment of industries alone cannot be defined as development pointed out the President adding that rural entrepreneurship centered around agriculture should be promoted.

President made these observations during a discussion held at the Presidential Secretariat July (02) to review the current progress and the future activities of the Rural Development Bank (RDB).

The Government expects to achieve economic growth by developing the agriculture while properly assessing needs. President said it is vital to look at the context from the angle of the grassroots level.

In providing loans commercial banks give priority to the trading sector than to the production sector. It is the responsibility of the RDB to encourage farmers to increase their production.

The need of promoting the cultivation of Undu, maize, green grams and other varieties of grain without resorting to import them was also stressed. President said it is his wish to see that the rural banks reach the rural community and encourage farmers by setting different targets.

The loan defaulters who had taken large sums of money on a long-term repayment basis should severely be dealt with according to the law President said. He also said a mechanism should be formulated to collect debts owed to the State banks.

Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera, Secretary to Ministry of Finance, S. R. Attygalle, Governor of the Central Bank, Prof. W. D. Lakshman, Chairman of the RDB, Mahinda Saliya, General Manager / CEO , T. Kuhan and members of the Board of Directors participated in this meeting.

Following corporate, individual donations and direct deposits, ‘ITUKAMA’ COVID-19 Healthcare and Social Security Fund balance has now surpassed Rs. 1423 million.

Today’s donations included Rs. 361,438.32 by the Prime Minister’s Office, Rs. 1,200,000.00 by Housing Development and Finance Corporation Bank of Sri Lanka (HDFC), Rs. 100,787.40 by Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society, Rs. 1,000.000.00 by NSB Fund Management Co. Ltd, Rs. 1,000,000.00 by Sri Lanka Savings Bank, Rs. 5,000.00 by Ms. D. M. M. Dissanayake, Rs. 5,000.00 by Mr. Sanath Sandasiri, Rs. 4,030.00 by Miss. Marzook Morita Sara.  Cheques relating to these donations were handed over to the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa by Prime Minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa.

In addition, Cooperative Provincial Rural Bank Society in Matale donated Rs. 500,000.00 and Govijana Development Department Rs. 4,420,158.36 to the Funds. Minister Chamal Rajapaksa handed over the cheques to the President.

The cheque worth Rs. 300,000.00 contributed by National Institute of Language Education and Training was handed over by Mr. Janaka Bandara Tennakoon.

Mr. Lelwala Bandusena Guruge donated Rs. 50,000.00.

Ms. J.A.D. Anasta donated a sum of Rs. 25,000.00, Mayoress of Colombo Rosy Senanayake Rs. 30,000.00, Mahapola Higher Education Scholarships Trust Fund Rs. 102,500.00, Science and Technology Human Resources Development Project at the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Rs. 108,891.13, Dr. Rev. Harispaththuwe Ariyanshalankara Thero Fund Rs. 50,000.00, Tamil Artists Association Rs. 20,000.00, Friends Lanka Child Foundation Rs. 600,000.00, Mr. L.J.G. Peter Rs. 5,000.00, Mr. L. Sachidanandan Rs. 2,000.00 and Mr. K.S.K. Wijeratne Rs. 35,000.00.

The Fund’s balance has now reached Rs. 1,423,421,045.71.

Local, as well as foreign donors, have made their contributions to the Fund. Deposits can be made through cheques, telegraphic transfers, via or by dialling #207#.

For further information contact through 0760700700/ 0112320880/ 0112354340 or 0112424012.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa assured to extend fullest assistance to protect artistes integrating them into the local economic environment without waiting the world to win against COVID – 19.

During former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s tenure the contribution of artistes were sought for various activities. This was instrumental in artistes from top to bottom to provide their aesthetic contribution, President said.

President said the ground work will be created to harness lost opportunities in the face of COVID – 19 pandemic.

President made these comments during a discussion on issues faced by the artistes held at the Presidential Secretariat today (01).

Prof. Mudiyanse Dissanayaka pointed out the importance of teaching aesthetic subjects up to  O/L and A/L. President said this proposal will be forwarded to the Task Force on “National Education Policy”.

The reasons for not receiving royalties by the artistes domestically as well as internationally were discussed in depth. The country has lost more than USD 20 million foreign income due this situation. The artistes informed the President that they do not receive royalties for songs broadcasted over local electronic media either. The President and the Prime Minister said measures will be taken at the government level to rectify the situation and to protect the rights of the artistes.

Government’s decision to offer loans for the artistes under a low-interest-rate was admired; however the failure to implement this decision by state, banks was also highlighted during the discussion.

Artistes also conveyed the importance of taxing foreign content and pooling it for the benefit of local artistes. It was decided to launch the project proposal to allow foreign movie makers to do their shootings in local landscapes in exchange for foreign currency. The requirement to look after individual artistes in rural areas at divisional and provincial levels was also discussed.

Prime Minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa, Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera, ministers, relevant officials, a number of movie directors, actors/actresses, singers, lyricists representing the artistic sphere participated in the event.

In honor of Africa Day 2020, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa met with a delegation of African heads of mission in Sri Lanka at Temple Trees today and discussed further strengthening relations between Sri Lanka and African countries as well as issues faced by the small community of Afro-Lankans living in the country.

High Commissioner of South Africa in Sri Lanka Robina P. Marks, who led the delegation, said even though all countries are facing difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sri Lanka and Africa should look for new opportunities that may emerge as a result of the outbreak as a way of strengthening relations.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa, recalling his foreign policy when he was President, mentioned that he had placed a special emphasis on strengthening relations with Africa. However, much of that work was dismantled by the previous administration. He said he is keen on reestablishing those close relations once again.

The delegation thank Prime Minister Rajapaksa for prioritizing improved relations with Africa during his presidency. Sri Lanka obtained Accreditation Status in the African Union in 2014 and expanded its diplomatic presence in Africa, which helped further cooperation with the region. Prime Minister Rajapaksa, during his Presidency, made a number of official visits to African countries, including Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Seychelles and Libya.

The High Commissioner of Seychelles Vincent Conrad Mederic said his country is planning to continue the collaborations with Sri Lanka, especially in the health sector. He said Seychelles would also like to develop a regional tourism program post COVID-19. Seychelles is reopening its borders on Aug. 1.

The Ambassador of Egypt Hussein Abdelhamid El Saharty informed the Prime Minister that high quality Sri Lanka tea is being reintroduced into the Egyptian market in large quantities once again and that trade has started to pick up as well.

At the meeting, the Prime Minister was also presented with a book titled “Tell Us Our Story, Grandma” about the history of the Sri Lankan community of African descent, authored by the South African High Commissioner Robina Marks. The High Commissioner informed Prime Minister Rajapaksa that a scholarship fund has been established to help students in the Afro-Lankan community. Two of them - Gayathri Thikshi and Sherin Alex - met Prime Minister Rajapaksa today, and Thikshi was awarded a scholarship check from that fund. Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Libya Nasser Y.M. Alfurjani and Honorary Consul of Rwanda Cally Alles were also a part of the delegation.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa pointed out that undue interference by the Government could interrupt the progress of small scale enterprises. What is required is the provision of facilities and assistance for skills development.

President made these comments during a meeting with the representatives of beauty culture and hair dressing business held at the Presidential Secretariat june (25).

Enhancing professional standards of those who are engaged in beauty culture and hair dressing, provide financial assistance and increasing trade promotion capabilities are the responsibilities of the Government.

Upon the request of the many present, President agreed to ensure the assistance of the National Enterprise Development Authority to the beauty culture sector. President emphasized that this is not to bind them but to contribute to meet their demands.

There are around 90,000 small, medium and large scale beauty salons in the country with a workforce of more than 400,000. Around 1.5 families depend on the industry. Provision of required training to maintain the beauty culture as a standard profession was discussed in length. President directed the officials to take measures to conduct NVQ Level 05, 06 and 07 in Sinhala, Tamil and English medium.

The representatives commended the President for his knowledge about the prevailing issues in the industry.

Minister Dinesh Gunawardene, Secretary to the P. B. Jayasundera and Ministry Secretaries, Chairman of the National Enterprise Development Authority Anushka Gunasinghe and several experts in the beauty culture and hair dressing industry were present.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa participates in religious observances on his birthday June (20). The President lit oil lamps and offered milk rice to Ruwanweli Maha Seya in Anuradhapura today morning while Ven Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera conducted the religious observances.

After rituals at Ruwanweli Maha Seya the President fulfilled the ritual of boiling milk at the Ruwanweli Maha Seya Maluwa.

President Rajapaksa also garlanded the statues of the King Dutugemunu and Viharamaha Devi at the Ruwanweli Maha Seya premises. The President also took part in religious observances at the Buddha Mandiraya and Devalaya. Almsgiving for the Ven Maha Sanga was organized under the patronage of the President.

Ruwanweli Mahaseya Chithyadikari Ven Pallegama Hemarathana Thera, Chief Incumbent of Anuradhapura Sambuddha Jayanthi Viharaya Ven Nugathenne Pannananda Thera, Chief Incumbent of Mihinthale Rajamaha Viharaya, Walawahangunawawe Dammarathana Thera, Chief Incumbent of Anuradhapura Lankaramaya Ven Ralapanawe Dhammajothi Thera and Chief Incumbent of the Nellikulama Panchasathika Viharaya Ven Aluthgama Bogamuwe Siddaransi Thera also participated the ceremony while Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, Minister Chamal Rajapaksa, Basil Rajapaksa, Namal Rajapaksa, ministers parliamentarians, family members, relatives and associates participated in these religious ceremonies.

President Rajapaksa worshipped the Abayagiri Poorwaramaya Maha Viharaya on Friday afternoon (19) and the Chief Incumbent and Uthurumeda Palath Sanganayake Ven Pothane Dhammananda Thera invoked blessings by chanting pirith. The Ven Thera appreciated the Prresident Rajapaksa’s yeoman service of protecting the country from the global pandemic COVID 19 and the services rendered earlier to liberate the country from the three decade long terrorism. The Ven Thera also observed that the blessings of the Ven Mahasanga is bestowed on the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa for his great service rendered to the nation as a leader born to liberate the nation. The President instructed the officials to renovate the dilapidated building in the temple premises and to take measures to solve the issue of a land that was acquired without making payments four decades ago.

The President worshipped the Kuttam Pokuna Viharaya and received blessings and visited the Chief Incumbent Ven Ihalagama Pavarakiththi Thera and engaged in a brief discussion. The President too engaged in a friendly discussion with the devotees visiting the temple.

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