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The Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn Friday paid a courtesy call on Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat, President’s Media Division said.The Minister was accompanied with the Delhi based Luxembourg Ambassador to Sri Lanka Jean Claude Kugener.During discussions, Minister Asselborn noted that Luxembourg and Sri Lanka are very similar. Both are small countries and just like Sri Lanka has India and China as powerful neighbors, Luxembourg is sandwiched between France and Germany.The discussion was mostly centered on strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries.President Rajapaksa was interested in the renewable energy, cargo and financial sector solutions that Luxembourg can offer Sri Lanka.“Sri Lanka with its year around Sun would really benefit with solar power solutions,” observed the Minister.

“Investors in solar and wind are certainly welcomed in Sri Lanka”, stated the President. “Another good area to explore in Sri Lanka is agriculture. Today, there’s a big market for organic vegetables in the world. The Middle Eastern countries are bid importers. Sri Lanka is an ideal country considering the easy distance to supply to such markets”.Though he himself is not an expert on the banking sector, the Minister said that Luxembourg is a financial hub and would have much to offer Sri Lanka. Secretary to the President Dr. P. B. Jayasundara who was also present at the discussion noted that sometimes it is easier to work with smaller entities with regard to financial concerns.

Reiterating his commitment to develop the lives of the people, the President said “We need commercial investments to come to the country. We do not want money but investments in terms of education, technology, agriculture and industry. The high tech industries can certainly take advantage of our highly trainable workforce.” The Minister promised to talk to the cargo sector and interest them in investing in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Ambassador in Brussels Ms. Grace Asirwatham could certainly facilitate the areas that were just discussed, he said.

Collect information from experts in indigenous and western medicine to find a remedy to cure those affected with coronavirus President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed health authorities. President issued these instructions during a meeting with Ministers and officials of Health, Foreign Relations, Tourism and Higher Education held at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (Jan. 31).

The first victim of novel coronavirus identified in Sri Lanka is now in stable condition, the official website of the President said in a statement. Sri Lankan doctors were capable of preventing the spread of the disease. President has commended efforts of everyone who contributed to secure this result and advised them to continue their mission.

President reviewed the steps taken by the committee of experts to prevent the spreading of the disease and to bring back the Sri Lankan students from China.Instructing officials to provide all the necessary facilities to the students who returned from Wuhan and ensure their well-being, the President highlighted the importance of taking measures to sustain the tourism industry amidst this global health threat.

He has also instructed officials to take steps to enhance facilities available at hospitals. Ministers Chamal Rajapaksa, Dinesh Gunawardena, Bandula Gunawardena, Arundika Fernando, Pavithra Wanniarachchi and several Ministry officials were present at the meeting.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has appointed a 12-member high-powered Task Force for Poverty Eradication and Livelihood Development through the issuance of an extraordinary gazette.The Committee will be chaired by Retired Deputy Secretary to the Treasury S.B. Divarathne Esquire. The other members of the Task Force are Government Medical Officers’ Association President Dr. Anuruddha Padeniya, Retired Ministry Secretary V. Sivagnanasothy, University of Peradeniya Senior Lecturer Prof. H.M.W. Ariyarathna Herath, University of Kelaniya’s Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda, University of Jaffna Senior Lecturer Dr. S.S. Sivakumar, retired District Secretary Nimal Abeysiri, Medical Consultant Dr. Sanjeewani Hapugoda, retired Major General Sumedha Perera, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce’s Gayathri Gunaruwan, E.W. Creasy and Company Executive Officer Sanjeewa Gunawardana and Nature’s Secrets Chairman Samantha Kumarasinghe.

The committee has been instructed to deliberate 13 areas of concerns, and compile a report within a period of one year.Among the tasks assigned to the Task Force are; Implementation of programmes for supply of essential food items in order to ensure the food security of Samurdhi beneficiaries, Co-ordination Lanka Sathosa, CWE, Cooperative system and Mark-Fed in expanding the Network for the supply of foods and other essential items, Incentivizing and mobilizing local suppliers in supplying foods and other commodities at concessionary prices through the above retail Network, Establishing a network of authorized dealers at grass root level in order to expand the supply network through Lanka Sathosa, Coop-Fed and Mark-Fed and give priority for women’s entrepreneurship in the expansion of the said authorized dealers' network.

The Task Force will Co-ordinate with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Policy Development, Regional Development Bank, Samurdhi Bank, Cooperative Banks, Housing Development and Finance Corporation and Micro - Finance Institutions in providing financial facilities for the needy and low income earning communities prioritizing small scale business development, self-employment, cottage industries development initiatives and facilitating provision of financial facilities for the low-income recipients, Co-ordinate with the multi-purpose Task Force to ensure the availability of sustainable livelihood programmes for the 100,000 needy families identified in respect of the 100,000 employment programme.

The Task Force will also Co-ordinate with the Ministry of Lands, Lands Commissioner’s Department and ‘Bim Saviya’ program in providing long-term permits on 30-year lease basis for agricultural and business development to those identified from among the poor and low income earning people, coordinate with Local Government institutions, District Secretariats, Divisional Secretariats and other Government institutions to ensure these communities have been provided with facilities for the delivery of services at grass-root level and work with the Department of Wildlife and Divisional Secretariats in providing protection for the villages and cultivated lands from wild elephants.

The Task Force will also initiate necessary measures for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs launched by the private sector to be linked as far as possible to the national program for the eradication of poverty is also anticipated.The Task Force will also Co-ordinate with the relevant institution in mobilizing funding provided by various international bank and Funds in making this programme a success.

The President requires and directs all public officers and such other persons to whom the Task Force Poverty eradication and Livelihood Development may issue instructions or apply for assistance for information, to comply with such instructions, render all such assistance and furnish all such information as may properly be complied with, rendered and furnished, in that behalf.

And, president also directs the said Task Force to report to him all instances where any Government employee or an officer in any Ministry, Government Department, State Corporation or any such Institution who delay the performance of duties and fulfillment of responsibilities or fail to perform such duties and responsibilities to be entrusted by the said Task Force.The gazette notification noted that, Poverty had been a major drawback in the country achieving its development goals for a secure and prosperous nation and that the need had arisen for strategies to be adopted for the empowerment of low-income communities based on a people-centric economy.

A number of urban development and housing projects which were neglected during the last few years will be revived and completed soon, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday. The Prime Minister also said that the government will make allocations for the most creative and innovative city and housing plans from the next budget.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa made these observations at a Progress Review Meeting for Urban Development and Housing Ministries held at Suhurupaya, Battaramulla, where lengthy discussions were held concerning the urban development projects centering the city of Colombo, including the Port City project, railways, and development plans for Jaffna, Kandy and Anuradhapura.

The Prime Minister paid attention on proper garbage disposal in line with the city development projects. He also gave instructions to the Urban Development Authority(UDA) officials to pay special attention to development, housing and waste management projects which were overlooked during the previous years.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa also pointed out that a number of housing projects commenced during the last four and a half years by the Urban Development Authority are not completed. He also said that the monies allotted for these projects have not been utilized for their construction activities.

During the meeting, State Minister for Housing Indika Anuruddha pointed out to the Prime Minister that there have been many instances where monies were allotted only for 100 houses whereas 1000 foundation stones have been laid, deceiving the general public. It was also pointed out that during the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, construction activities for 96,344 housing units commenced.However, the necessary allocations around Rs.26,000 million to complete these projects were not available.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa observed that the Urban Development Authority and Housing Development Authority have carried out programmes which are not directly relevant to these two institutions, as a result of which they are suffering from financial losses.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa further said that the government would take measures to relieve these institutions of their financial losses and reactivate them.

“I believe that we need to find a way to revive these institutions. We will get into trouble if we run these institutions while incurring losses. Therefore, we need good financial management and administration. We cannot get any allocations from the General Treasury right now. We should wait until the next Budget. However, we can seek financial assistance from other ministries if available. For example, if the Health Ministry or the Ministry of Buddhasasana have additional financial capabilities, you can obtain those funds after holding discussions with them,” Premier Rajapaksa said.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the previous government has unnecessarily sought foreign expertise for construction projects and paying them large sums of monies. Prime Minister Rajapaksa directed the officials to seek the advice of local experts’ for construction projects.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa also instructed the UDA to establish a hostel facility in Colombo for school athletes who come for practices from the outstations. He also instructed the relevant authorities to produce the required number of hospital beds for government hospitals without having to import them. It was also decided to manufacture the doors, windows and other relevant equipment necessary for housing scheme projects using our workforce.

UDA and Housing Development Authority officials said that billions of rupees had been spent as advertising expenses.

Fifteen government institutions including the Urban Development Authority, Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation, National Physical Planning Department, National Housing Development Authority, Urban Settlement Development Authority, State Engineering Corporation and the Department of Government Factory participated in the meeting.

The Health Ministry or the Education Ministry has not advised anyone, including students to wear face masks in public or when attending school, Information and Communications Technology, Higher Education, Technology and Innovations Minister Dr.Bandula Gunawardena said.

Addressing a media briefing at the Government Information Centre yesterday, he said there is an unfounded fear among the people and children. He said that some persons are trying to capitalize on this situation and increase their sale of masks by publicising that the wearing of masks has been made mandatory. “Don’t believe these rumours and panic. In the event there is an emergency situation and it is required to wear these masks, then we will notify the people through the media,” he said.

Minister Gunawardena noted that President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa are both very involved in ensuring the maximum protection and services in this issue. “However, the Health Ministry or the Education Ministry has not issued any instructions for students to wear masks when attending school. However, we have been notified that some parties have been spreading such statements and this is not a good thing. We will directly notify the schools and authorities if such a need arises. Moreover, there is no decision to close schools at this point.”

He urged the public not to be misled by rumors and fake news. “We have experienced worse epidemics than this and Sri Lanka has dealt with such situations effectively. We have had more deaths from dengue and other illnesses. This is not such a serious situation. So far only one person has been confirmed with coronavirus and we have taken all necessary precautions to ensure that this epidemic does not get out of hand, the minister assured.

Minister Gunawardena also pointed out that at this point of need Sri Lanka must stand-by China and assist them. “China has always stood by Sri Lanka through our good times and bad. Hence, we will do everything possible to assist them in their time of need. We are saddened by this situation China has to face. However, we have to take certain measures to safeguard our people from this virus and although it could cause some inconvenience, these steps have to be taken for the betterment of our people. I hope and pray that this endemic will soon be contained and all people would be able to live without fear.”

Education Ministry Secretary N.H.M.Chithrananda said they had a meeting with the Prime Minister and he had issued ordered to allow all media notifications to go through the PM’s office and the Health Ministry.

“There are some precautionary measures that need to be followed to prevent spreading or contracting the coronavirus or any other illness. One step is to constantly wash your hands, especially when you have been outdoors, and to always use a tissue when sneezing or if you have a cold or cough and dispose of these used tissues responsibly. One should also ensure that very little touching of the face or nose is done and to refrain from touching stray animals. Moreover, we also asked the school authorities not to stop any of the sports or school activities as this will create unnecessary fear and panic among the public.”

GMOA Representative Dr. Samantha Ananda addressing the media briefing said there is unwarranted fear and panic among the people over this coronavirus due to incorrect and fake news being spread through social media. Hence, he urged the media to report matters pertaining to this issue responsibly and refrain from reporting unverified news.

“The coronavirus is an infectious disease and the best we can do is to prevent contracting it as there is no known treatment for it. What can be done for those who have already contracted is the same treatment followed to treat those with the common viral flu. This virus has only spread in a certain part in China. Now it has spread to around 14 countries around the world, but only to a minimum level. In Sri Lanka so far there is only one confirmed case and that too is a Chinese national. She is stable and is not serious.There have been many other viruses such as SARS and MERS that spread earlier and many more deaths were reported. However, the coronavirus is not as deadly as the other viruses, but the rate of spreading is somewhat faster than the others. Therefore, although many infections are reported, there are fewer deaths than in previous epidemics.”

He said that there have been around 4500 reported cases confirmed with the coronavirus, but 95% of them are in China and that too only in this specific area. He said less than 60 cases have been reported outside of China.

He also said that the WHO is directly involved in this case and therefore, there is nothing to panic about. Dr. Ananda also noted that Sri Lanka has taken the right approach and followed the proper measures and that is the reason that they were able to detect this Chinese lady who had contracted the virus. He said Sri Lanka has deployed experts in the medical field at various capacities and asked that the public place their trust in them to ensure Sri Lankans are safeguarded. He also noted that a special action team has been established to monitor the Coronavirus worldwide and keep the local authorities updated on the latest situations. Further, thermal scanners are established at all airports and ports and medical teams are positioned to treat any patient or detect those infected.

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday that the government will make allocations for the most creative and innovative city and housing plans from the next budget. The Prime Minister also said that a number of urban development and housing projects which were neglected during the last few years will be revived and completed soon,

Prime Minister Rajapaksa made these observations at a Progress Review Meeting for Urban Development and Housing Ministries held at Suhurupaya, Battaramulla, where lengthy discussions were held concerning the urban development projects centering the city of Colombo, including the Port City project, railways, and development plans for Jaffna, Kandy and Anuradhapura.

The Prime Minister paid attention on proper garbage disposal in line with the city development projects. He also gave instructions to the Urban Development Authority(UDA) officials to pay special attention to development, housing and waste management projects which were overlooked during the previous years.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa also pointed out that a number of housing projects commenced during the last four and a half years by the Urban Development Authority are not completed. He also said that the monies allotted for these projects have not been utilized for their construction activities.

During the meeting, State Minister for Housing Indika Anuruddha pointed out to the Prime Minister that there have been many instances where monies were allotted only for 100 houses whereas 1000 foundation stones have been laid, deceiving the general public. It was also pointed out that during the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, construction activities for 96,344 housing units commenced.However, the necessary allocations around Rs.26,000 million to complete these projects were not available.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa observed that the Urban Development Authority and Housing Development Authority have carried out programmes which are not directly relevant to these two institutions, as a result of which they are suffering from financial losses.Prime Minister Rajapaksa further said that the government would take measures to relieve these institutions of their financial losses and reactivate them.

“I believe that we need to find a way to revive these institutions. We will get into trouble if we run these institutions while incurring losses. Therefore, we need good financial management and administration. We cannot get any allocations from the General Treasury right now. We should wait until the next Budget. However, we can seek financial assistance from other ministries if available. For example, if the Health Ministry or the Ministry of Buddhasasana have additional financial capabilities, you can obtain those funds after holding discussions with them,” Premier Rajapaksa said.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the previous government has unnecessarily sought foreign expertise for construction projects and paying them large sums of monies. Prime Minister Rajapaksa directed the officials to seek the advice of local experts’ for construction projects.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa also instructed the UDA to establish a hostel facility in Colombo for school athletes who come for practices from the outstations. He also instructed the relevant authorities to produce the required number of hospital beds for government hospitals without having to import them. It was also decided to manufacture the doors, windows and other relevant equipment necessary for housing scheme projects using our workforce.

UDA and Housing Development Authority officials said that billions of rupees had been spent as advertising expenses.

All Sri Lankan students arriving from Wuhan, China will be moved to and screened at the Diyathalawa army camp for two week’s time, says Minister of Health Pavithra Wanniarachchi.She stated this addressing the special media briefing on the measures taken to curb the spread of new coronavirus which took place at the Department of Government Information this morning (28).Minister Wanniarachchi further stated that every passenger arriving in Sri Lanka will be screened at the airport and those who have high body temperature and show symptoms of coronavirus will be directed to the Infectious Disease Hospital (IDH) and other relevant hospitals. “Persons who are tested positive for coronavirus will be treated after separating them from other patients,” she added.The 22-member national action committee appointed to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Sri Lanka convenes daily to discuss the steps that should be taken to control the situation in the island, the Health Minister commented further.

Addressing the Director General of Health Services Dr. Anil Jasinghe mentioned that authorities are collecting the travel itineraries of all of the passengers arriving at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) and this ‘declaration’ is now made available in Chinese as well. The travel destinations of these visitors will be inspected by PHIs from time to time, he noted.Commenting further, Dr. Jasinghe said four thermal screeners are currently in use and the number of staff deployed in this regard has been increased. He stated that screening also takes place Jaffna International Airport as there are passengers entering the country, although in small numbers.

He emphasized that strict procedures have also been implemented at harbours with regard to ships anchoring in Sri Lanka.Dr. Jasinghe said that in addition to the IDH, the Colombo North Teaching Hospital (CNTH), Gampaha Hospital, Negombo Hospital, Kandy National Hospital, Karapitiya Teaching Hospital, Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital, Jaffna Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala Teaching Hospital, Ratnapura Provincial General Hospital, Batticaloa Teaching Hospital and Badulla Provincial General Hospital are now treating persons who are suspected to be contaminated with the coronavirus.

The Medical Research Institute in Colombo has established the facilities for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test in the country to detect 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), he added.“In order to protect the health staff from being infected by the virus, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) have been supplied to medical officers while more stocks are to be received from the World Health Organization (WHO) and emergency purchases. There is no inadequacy of PPE in the country,” Dr. Jasinghe said noted.

Speaking further he said the Ministry of Health has issued a technical Circular to all medical officers containing instructions on treating patients infected by new coronavirus and protecting themselves from being contaminated.Director General of Health Services Dr. Anil Jasinghe, Chief Epidemiologist at the Epidemiology Unit of the Health Ministry Dr. Sudath Samaraweera, Deputy Director Generals of Health Services Dr. Susie Perera and Dr. Paba Palihawadana, Health Ministry’s Quarantine Unit Director Dr. S.M. Arnold, Health Ministry’s Director of Health Promotion Bureau Dr. Palitha Karunaperm and several other senior medical officers.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa called on Most Ven. Aggamaha Panditha Kotugoda Dhammawasa Supreme Mahanayake Thera of the Amarapura Maha Nikaya at the Mount Lavinia Dharmapalarama Viharaya on Sunday afternoon and conveyed his greetings and good wishes to the prelate on the occasion of his birthday.

The President also wished the prelate good health and a long life.

The Most Ven. Dhammawasa Supreme Mahanayake Thera in turn invoked blessings on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and wished him the ability to rebuild the country and usher in permanent peace and prosperity to the people within the next five years.

A media communique by the President’s Media Division said in a brief anusasana, the Mahanayake Thera said the President who was elected to power at a time when the country and its people were in deep frustration had a great responsibility towards the fulfilment of people’s hopes and aspirations. The blessings of dignitaries of all religions including the Maha Sangha was with the President for his endeavour to fulfil that responsibility and rebuild the motherland as a prosperous country once again. 

April 21, 2019 began like any other day. It was Easter Sunday. While the faithful were flocking to Churches, others were planning to spend a leisurely day out. Sri Lankans were just one month away from celebrating 10 years of peace, following the victory over the LTTE.

It took just a moment to shatter that hard-earned peace, as bombs placed by fundamentalist extremists went off in several hotels and churches around the island, killing more than 250 and injuring many more. It took a while to realise that this was an ISIS-inspired attack. Terrorism had again raised its head in Sri Lanka, albeit in a different form. The result, however, was almost the same – the needless destruction of lives and property for vague aims.

The attacks exposed a gaping vacuum in our security and intelligence apparatus, which had been neglected by the previous regime. Foreign and local intelligence agencies had warned of an impending terror attack in Colombo, but the warnings went unheeded at the top political levels. Sri Lankans, regardless of their ethnicity, religion or political affiliation, felt totally insecure.

There was a collective realization among the populace that Sri Lanka should have a leadership that gives priority to national security and defence. After all, if better security and intelligence measures were in place and if the intelligence warnings were heeded, this tragedy could have been prevented.

It is in this backdrop that the people saw Gotabaya Rajapaksa as a potential statesman who could revitalize the defence, intelligence and security apparatus. After all, as a former military officer and later as Defence Secretary, he has an intimate knowledge of defence matters and requirements. He also straddled both military and civilian worlds as a former military officer and then a civil servant, which meant he could consider military matters from a civilian perspective as well.

National security

For a populace frustrated by a serious lack of attention on national security, it was an easy choice to elect Gotabaya Rajapaksa as President. Making his very first speech as President at the sacred precincts of the Ruwanweli Maha Seya in Anuradhapura, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa stated that national security would be a priority for his administration. “I consider ensuring national security as a fundamental facet of governance. We will implement a national security mechanism that will free the country of terrorism, underworld activity, extortion, drug trafficking, violence against women and children and all types of crime,” the President told the Nation.

The President elaborated on this in his Policy Statement delivered in Parliament on January 3 this year. “In our policy, National Security occupies the foremost place. We have already taken steps to strengthen the national security apparatus. Talented officers have been given appropriate responsibilities again. We have taken steps to ensure proper coordination between the Armed Forces and the Police, who are collectively responsible for maintaining national security. The network of national intelligence agencies has been reorganised and strengthened. We will take all necessary steps to make our motherland a safe country free of terrorism, extremism, underworld activities, theft and robbery, extortionists, the drug menace, disruptors of public order, and the abuse of women and children.”

He also explained his vision for ensuring Sri Lanka's sovereignty and security in a globalised world: “We follow a neutral foreign policy. We must strive to maintain friendly relations with every country. However, we can never give up our independence. We must establish an honourable governance that will allow this country to maintain its sovereignty, security, national pride, and deal with all nations on equal terms, without demonstrating weakness in our diplomatic or trading relationships. We will never allow other countries to take over our economically significant geographic regions or physical resources.”

The President has indeed kept to his words from a defence and national security perspective. He has revitalized the intelligence mechanisms, appointing experienced officers to top positions. Today, intelligence is not only about tracking local and transnational terrorist movements such as ISIS. There are so many other threats that we need to keep an eye on – international narcotics and gun running, human smuggling and trafficking, online hate speech and hate preaching, underworld crime, money laundering, white collar (financial) crime, hacking, online identity theft, cybercrimes, child porn and online exploitation networks are among the other issues. This covers a vast array of issues and we should have a top-notch intelligence team to assess and track these. It is also important to monitor social media for potentially incendiary material that cause public disorder or disharmony.

With the Police again under the Defence Ministry, there will be a greater role for the Police and the STF in tackling organised underworld crime and other vices such as illicit liquor, illegal gambling and malpractices, bribery and corruption, which tend to make society immoral. Another big challenge is how the Tri Forces should be mobilized in peacetime, now that April 21 is firmly behind us. The challenge is to ensure that such an act of terrorism never occurs on Sri Lankan soil again. The President has met this challenge with a two-pronged strategy – ramping up the intelligence gathering network and enhancing physical security. Hence his decision to mobilize the Armed Forces throughout the country to face any eventuality. Since there is no Emergency in place, the Armed Forces will work closely with the Police in this endeavour. This is a very reassuring move for the public.

Quite apart from maintaining security per se, there are many other endeavours that the Armed Forces are engaged in, under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s guidance. The Army plays an invaluable role in clearing up the last few remaining landmine hit areas in the country. It is also engaged in an anti-dengue drive and a beach clean-up drive. The other two Forces (Navy and Air Force) are engaged in similar ventures that serve the public. This is also part of the President’s strategy of bringing the Police and Armed Forces closer to the public to build a better rapport between them.

The President has also emphasized the importance of our Police and Armed Forces personnel gaining advanced education in the “Knowledge Century” replete with many new technologies ranging from Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics, the Internet of Things, Biotechnology, 3-D Printing, and Automation. The President has noted that these technologies will reshape economic growth in developed and developing countries over the coming decades. He has stated that such transformative technologies must be adopted at their early stages.

Security and intelligence gathering

In this regard, the President has placed his trust in the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University which was established under the Sir John Kotelawala Defence Academy Act No. 68 of 1981 with the aim of producing highly qualified Tri-Forces officers. In 2009, the then Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa elevated this into a University. The establishment of the Medical Faculty, registration of local and foreign cadet officers, introduction of Postgraduate degrees for research and development activities, establishment of the Southern University in Suriyawewa and the construction of a state-of-the-art hospital were some of his achievements vis-à-vis a Kotelawala Defence University. The President has said that the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University should strive to be an exemplary higher educational institution not just in Sri Lanka, but in the region as well.

Defence is a vast subject that requires a thorough grounding and knowledge of conflicts past and present as well as the latest trends in security and intelligence gathering. As the first-ever Sri Lankan President with a battle-hardened military background and a public service stint, Gotabaya Rajapaksa understands perfectly well the future challenges the country will face in these realms. This is why he has formulated a long-term vision for the country’s national security, one that will hopefully not change drastically despite any changes in the political landscape. It will be a long-lasting blueprint that serves the country’s interests locally and globally.

People’s Bank and Regional Development banks have been acknowledged to offer “Madhya Aruna” loan to those who have submitted their application forms to the banks before 20th November 2019. This was said by the State Minister of Information and Mass Media Hon. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena at a press briefing held at the ministerial auditorium today(28) .

He further emphasized that “Madhya Aruna” media loan would be implemented next month with a new face. The applications have already been called for “Asidisi Media Scholarship 2020” which would be carried out with a view to enhancing the professionalism of the Sri Lankan journalists. The State Minister reminded that the applications are being received until 07th of February and the journalists who expect to develop their skills should submit the duly completed applications to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

The role that media is playing at the moment with regards to acknowledging the people regarding the viral spreading Corona virus was also subject to the appreciation. The State Minister also emphasized that the yeoman service that His Excellency the President Gatabaya Rajapaksa has taken to bring back the Sri Lankan students in Wuhan is second only to America.

The State Minister said that Sri Lankans can get to know about their relations in China by contacting 0861065321861 / 0861065321862 which would be in use for 24 hours in Sri Lankan Embassy in Beijing and a committee of 15 has already been appointed to prevent the Virus for being spread.

The state Minister said that a special package of 500,000 inclusive of foods and lodging also would be introduced to the Islamic devotees who would be visiting Macca.

Moreover the State Minister emphasized that the public can enjoy 8% VAT concession and accordingly 5555 goods and items belonging to 50 companies reported to Consumer Affairs Authority have been entitled to the VAT concession.

Qatar’s State Energy Minister Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi met President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday.Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardene,President’s Advisor Lalith Weeratunge and Qatar Amabassador Jassim bin Jaber Al-Sourour were present. Picture by President’s Media Division.

Army troops-built first-ever state-of-the-art rehabilitation centre, ‘AYATI’ for children with special needs at Ragama formally opened its doors to the public on Saturday (25) offering multi-disciplinary clinical operations covering all forms of disabilities.President Gotabaya Rajapaksa graced the momentous occasion as the first citizen of the country at the invitation of Prof D.M Semasinghe, Vice Chancellor, University of Kelaniya and Prof P.S Wijesinghe, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Kelaniya and Prof Nilanthi De Silva, Chairperson ‘AYATI’ Trust, Sri Lanka and Board of Trustees. Two kids with clinical disabilities, together with those above patrons welcomed the day’s Chief Guest.

Together with two children,the President lit the traditional oil lamp and inaugurated the day’s proceedings with singing of the national anthem and the delivery of welcome address by Prof D.M Semasinghe, Vice Chancellor, University of Kelaniya.

An emotional and heart touching talk by one child with disabilities, supported by a few other of the same ilk describing ‘My Life Story’ added a sentimental value to the day’s proceedings depicting the density of this national issue and the need for everyone’s focus.

The brief but elaborate presentation of Mrs Shiromi Masakorala, Executive Directress, ‘AYATI’ Trust tabled the founding of this special centre for treatment of Down Syndrome (genetic and nutritional aspects of accompanying disorders) and Autism (symptoms in children with autism). A subsequent vote of thanks proposed by Prof Nilanthi De Silva, Chairperson ‘AYATI’ Trust, Sri Lanka and Board of Trustees set the stage ready for HE the President to unveil commemorative plaque and to conduct a guided tour in the new facility premises, in the company of Mr Lalith Weerathunga, President’s Adviser, Former State Minister of Defence Hon Ruwan Wijewardene, Prof D.M Semasinghe, Prof Wijesinghe, Prof Nilanthi De Silva, Prof Samanmali, Mrs Shiromi Masakorala, Mr Roshan Mahanama, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva, Commander of the Navy, Major General Sathyapriya Liyanage, Chief of Staff and Major General Mahinda Mudalige, Commander, Security Forces - West.

HE the President and the retinue closely looked at consultation rooms, learning rooms, SLT wing group therapy and CVI room, audiology wing, laboratory, music room, sensory integration room and a few other units. Before the day’s programme ended, several group photos were taken as symbols of memory at the occasion.

The ‘AYATI’ Centre, located within the University premises in Ragama, was built at a cost of Rs 550 million. On-going operations will require extra funds for sustainability since services are to be provided free of charge. The ‘AYATI’ Trust will continue to facilitate the raising of additional funds to ensure smooth operations.

The Sri Lanka Army’s 10 (V) Corps of Engineer Services a few months ago completed the construction of the new three-storied building on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya and vested it with the ‘AYATI’ Trust before it became functional from today (25) onwards for the benefit of all the children on free of charge basis.

Sri Lanka Army, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Hemas Holdings PLC, MAS Holdings, Rotary International, MICD architects, Wickramasinghe Associates, E&Y, People’s Bank, People’s Leasing, John Keels Holdings Company Ltd, Brandix, Foundation of Goodness and Triad are the main patrons and sponsors of this project of this magnitude, meant to improve those children’s quality of life, independence and promotion of full potential, innate strength and individual talents, inherent among those children with disabilities since the percentage of such children in the country stands at more than 20%.

‘AYATI’ meaning ‘Hope’ in Sanskrit would serve as a National Centre for Rehabilitation of such Children.

The Sri Lanka Army supported this magnanimous initiative by providing their services free of charge to construct the Centre in a short span of 13 months. Rotary joined hands with the provision of audiology equipment and ‘Roshan Wijerama Family Foundation’ stepped in to support as a third key donor. The ‘AYATI’ Centre is now open to serve all Sri Lankans across the country and will provide its services free of charge.

The clinics will be conducted by highly qualified professional experts, attached to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Kelaniya. Prior appointments are essential to ensure the delivery of standards that the Centre expects to offer. Appointments can be obtained by calling 0115960050 between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm on weekdays.

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