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The Madya Aruna loan scheme to assist journalists with purchasing equipment and scholarship schemes will be revised and re-implemented from March this year, State Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena said adding that it has come to light that there had been many discrepancies in the manner the loan had been granted.

“For the whole of last year, only a hundred journalists had received letters signifying the Ministry’s approval to obtain loans, however I am aware that there are many more journalists who wish to apply and who should be granted this facility,” he said.

“We are presently looking at the discrepancies and will implemented a revised version of the loan scheme from March this year.

Information and Communication Technology and Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardena said a decision was taken to conduct a practical test in addition to the Z-Score marks only for the entry to the Visual and Performing Arts University on a temporary basis.

The Minister arrived at this decision following a discussion with Inter University Student Federation (IUSF) representatives and the Students Union of the Visual and Performing Arts University at the Higher Education Ministry.

A protest organized by the IUSF and the Student’s Union of the Visual and Peforming Arts University was held opposite the Ministry and the Minister had given an opportunity to have a discussion on their issues with him. “I saw a heavy police contingent opposite the Ministry as I arrived at the Ministry. University authorities informed me of a protest too. I informed the Ministry Secretary to allow the students to meet me,” he said.

The Minister said he had a very cordial investigation with the students and arrived at a decision to have a pratical test only for the entry of the Visual and Peforming Arts University.

“We should look into how A/L questions papers are prepared by the National Institute of Education without consulting the professors of the Visual and Peforming Arts”, he said

The Minister said necessary changes will be made after having discussion with the National Institute of Education , Department of Examinations, Education Ministry Secretary

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday called Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to extend his sympathies to Australia over the devastation caused due to bushfires, a communiqué issued by the President’s Media Division said. President Rajapaksa had extended his condolences to families of the bushfire victims.The President had said, as a country which had suffered from many natural disasters including the 2004 tsunami, the Sri Lankan people could fully understand the pain and suffering the affected Australian people are going through.

President had Rajapaksa went on to say that Sri Lanka would donate a stock of Sri Lankan tea to the Australian people. The current bushfires in Australia are considered the most devastating in its history.Bushfires have been a part of the Australian landscape during this time of the year, but this time they have a wrought a significant amount of damage. Already around 30 people have died, including relief workers.It is said that around five million animals too have died but experts think that the numbers could be much higher.

The State Minister to the Ministry of Information and Communication said that it has been planned to provide benefits to a wider circle of journalists by introducing a loan scheme for them to purchase the equipment and the annual “Asidisi Media Scholarship Programme-2020” has already been launched aiming at improving the professionalism of the journalists. The state minister revealed this at a press briefing held at the ministerial auditorium today (7).

The state minister disclosed that an amount of Rs.200,000 is to be offered for a journalist between 18-55 in order to obtain the degree if he/she has completed three years of service as a journalist and has got registered at the Department of Government Information. He further said that an amount of Rs.100,000 is to be offered for short term courses and the applications must be sent to the Ministry of Information and Communication before 7th of February.

The state minister hereby emphasized that he has taken discussions with the Ministry of Finance to provide this loan scheme for purchasing equipment, at the end of March upgrading it in a manner enabling more journalists to reap benefits of this loan scheme. 

The state minister further added that several modal post offices have intended to be established to revive the efficiency of the Postal Department and as the first stage of this project, the Central Mail Exchange, Colombo, Matara-Makandura post office, and post offices in Slave Island, Homagama and Kurunegala have planned to be upgraded. Moreover he stated that 500 more sub post offices would be established in the form of teleshops in collaboration with Sri Lanka Telecom in order to provide all the online facilities of the people under one roof.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa Monday instructed the relevant officials to grant approval for construction plans of houses & small business within one day if the plans are properly prepared. The President pointed out that the people are greatly inconvenienced due to the strict rules and the lengthy time in approving the construction plans.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government to simplify the existing regulations and minimize the problems faced by the people, the President said at a special discussion held this afternoon (06) with the officials of the Ministry of Urban Development and Water Supply and Drainage.

The President advised to direct attention to give powers to the Local Authorities for planning approval and other agencies to make appropriate provisions expeditiously.The President also advised to take steps to appoint an officer with legal knowledge to approve plans which are not currently approved. It was made compulsory to issue the Certificate of Conformity in a day.

On a different note, the President said that tourists can be attracted by systematically and beautifully developing all the small towns around the country. Taking cities such as Talawakelle, Ella and Ginigathhena as examples, the President discussed how they could be modernized.

The President also instructed to expedite the Weressa Ganga Storm Water Drainage and Environment Improvement Project.Paying special attention to waste management, the President instructed the relevant authorities to make plans to convert the waste into organic fertilizer and to use the technology to the maximum.

The President pointed out that sand prices could be brought down by removing the accumulated sand deposits with the assistance of the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau. It will also address the flood threats faced by many areas.It has also been decided to promptly commence the project to clean up the Beira Lake. The President advised the relevant officials to take immediate action to close down the sites identified as adding waste to the Beira Lake.Ministers Gamini Lokuge, Indika Anuruddha and other officials were also present at the discussion.

The Sri Lankan government while expressing deep concerns of the growing tensions in the Middle East region in the aftermath of the assassination of a senior Iranian leader, yesterday urged all parties to excise utmost restraint and maintain peace and security in the region through constructive dialogue.

The statement issued by the Foreign Relations Ministry outlined that a constructive dialogue will help de escalate the threat to the stability of the region. The statement: “Sri Lanka is deeply concerned about the growing tensions in the Middle East following the assassination of a senior Iranian leader.

“Sri Lanka urges all parties to act with utmost restraint and maintain peace and security through constructive dialogue in order to de-escalate the threat to the stability of the region”.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has asked the European Union (EU) to view Sri Lanka in a positive light as a potential investment hub. The President made this request at a meeting with the ambassadors of European Union member countries at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday morning.

While inviting investments from the European Union, the President explained to the ambassadors about Sri Lanka’s neutral foreign policy.President Rajapaksa argued that facilitating small states like Sri Lanka to become developed nations was the optimum way of assisting such small countries to deal with regional powers.

Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka Eric Lavertu, Ambassador of Germany to Sri Lanka Jorn Rohde, Deputy Ambassador of Italy to Sri Lanka Allegra Baistrocchi, ambassador of the Netherlands to Sri Lanka Tanja Gonggrijp, ambassador of Romania to Sri Lanka Victor Chiujdea and the Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka Denis Chaibi participated in the meeting.

The ambassadors paid special attention to development and devolution of power in Sri Lanka during the discussion. President Rajapaksa in response pointed out to the representatives that political resolutions should align with the development process of the country.

The discussion also focused on climate change, agriculture, carbonic fertilizing and advanced technology in cultivation and environmental pollution. The delegation extended their appreciation of the President’s commitment to fighting corruption and encouraging transparency. They also assured Sri Lanka of the fullest support of the European Union as a long standing friend and partner. They pointed out that an honest and efficient administration will enable Sri Lanka to win the EU’s continuous support and confidence.

The Government plans to set up a trilingual school in each district, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic and Policy Planning, Buddha Sasana, Cultural & Religious Affairs, Urban Development, Water Supply and Housing, Mahinda Rajapaksa announced in Kandy yesterday. This will fulfil the dire need for learning languages, he pointed out.The Prime Minister was addressing a gathering to mark the opening of the Sri Palipana Chandrananda Bauddha Balika Vidyalaya yesterday in Katugastota, Kandy. The Premier also pointed out that with the spread of trilingual schools, problems over language usage will be avoided. He said that an education system which developed knowledge and values should be implemented to create a disciplined society. A majority of children passing out of schools today were rich in knowledge but lacking in moral values. This did not bring any benefits to society.

Premier Rajapaksa noted that in the ancient past, education in this country was linked to the village temple. This system changed with the advent of the colonial rule. Subsequently, education was distanced from the temple.The Prime Minister said that today two 40-minute periods were allocated weekly for religious education in schools. More time should be devoted to teach religious norms and values to students in schools in order to create a just society. The creation of schools like the Sri Palipana Chandananda Balika Vidyalaya would help to rescue children from the present system of educating children for the sole purpose of money making.

The Prime Minister said that the care shown by parents for children during their primary schooling waned when they reached higher classes. This sometimes led some children astray when they came of age. Therefore, parents should take more interest and care in their children throughout their school career in order to ensure that they acquire both knowledge as well as social values.
Most Ven. Wendaruwe Upali Anunayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter, in his speech, said schools were today classified according to their infrastructure such as playgrounds and swimming pools. “Chandrananda Vidyalaya was an honourable and distinguished school although it lacked such facilities,” the Anunayake Thera said.

The Most Ven. Niyangoda Sri Vijithasiri Anunayake Thera of the Malwatte Chapter said that the Sinhalese were the main force in the political sphere in this country. Buddhists occupied the prominent place in it while Christians too formed one segment of that force. It would be opportune for Hindus and Muslims to understand this and act accordingly, he commented.Managing Director of the new school, Ven. Godagama Mangala Nayake Thera, said that the ‘Reconciliation’ concept which gained ground in the recent past offered step-motherly treatment to subjects such as the Sinhala language, Buddhism and History. He would request the government to appoint a committee to look into this matter and re-assess the curriculum in schools.

Ven. Warakagoda Gnanaratana Mahanayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter Ven. Dimbulkumbure Wimaladhamma Anunayake Thera of the Malwatte Chapter, Ven. Anamaduwe Dhammadassi Anunayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter, Ven. Medagama Dhammananda Nayake Thera, State Ministers Lohan Ratwatte and Dilum Amunugama and Sabaragamuwa Province Governor Tikiri Kobbekaduwa were also present on the occasion.

The Institute of Surveying and Mapping, located at Diyatalawa in the Badulla district will be made an accredited University, Minister of Information & Communications Technology, Higher Education, Technology & Innovations Dr. Bandula Gunawardena said.The Minister was speaking during an inspection tour to the Institute of Surveying and Mapping in the company of Lands and Land Development Minister S.B. Dissanayake yesterday, a ministry communiqué said.

The Minister addressing the staff and the students at the institute said that following the election of Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the country’s President, the government has given special emphasis on developing human resources.“There are two main areas of focus in the President’s manifesto and one of them is human resources development. Therefore, this government has already taken several decisions to speedily implement them to ensure employability and a prosperous future for those students who have passed the GCE Advanced Level exam but has failed to gain entry to state Universities,” Minister Dr.Gunawardena said.

The Minister said that there were around 181,000 students who passed the Advanced Level last year and only about 30,000 will gain university entry.While noting that the government’s intention was to provide quality university education opportunities to a maximum number of students, it is therefore imperative that institutions like the Institute of Surveying and Mapping should be upgraded to university status.

He said the institute had reasonable physical resources to be upgraded to university status. The minister also said the institute will be used to conduct other part time courses when it is upgraded to University status. State minister S.B.Dissanayake also spoke.


Vibhajjavada Dhamma Sangayana organized for the continued sustenance of the Buddhism and the donation of Tripitaka Dhamma scripts to 5000 monks commenced at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium on Saturday (04).The concluding ceremony of the event was held under the patronage of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa this evening.This Dhamma Sangayana was organized by Labunorukanda Aranya Senasana under the guidance of Dharmacharya Ven. Mankadawala Sudassana Thero of Labunorukanda Aranya in Anuradhapura and Sasanadhipathi Shashrapathi Rajakeeya Panditha Ven. Kothmale Kumara Kassapa Thero.

The event included orations and open discussion fora with the participation of erudite Maha Sanga to discuss ways and means to preserve the original teaching of the Buddha.The meritorious act of donating Tripitaka and Atta Katha in digital form to 5000 clergies was also held today.

The President and the Prime Minister donated Tripitaka tabs to Maha Sanga.The “10-year Vibhajjavadee Plan” for the upliftment of Buddhism and the proposal to set up “Theravada Dhamma Script Donation Fund” to provide Tripitaka Dhamma texts to temples around the country free of charge were also presented to the President and the Prime Minister.

The Maha Sangha including the Maha Nayaka Theros of the Tri-Nikayas and Anu Nayaka Theros, former President Maithripala Sirisena, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya , Ministers and MPs participated on this occasion.

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa said that religious freedom within the country will be ensured only if Sinhala Buddhis are protected. “A unitary state, safeguarding the Buddhists and Sinhalese are all combined together. When we go back in history, it is clearly visible that religious freedom within the country will be secure and strengthened only if the Sinhala Buddhists are protected.

The Sinhala Buddhists are capable of ensuring the freedom of other religions,” the Prime Minister said.The Prime Minister was speaking at an event held to donate Tripitaka and ‘Atta Katha’ in digital format to 5,000 members of the Maha Sangha at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium last Saturday (4).

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa further said that even though new technology is misused in several ways, the importance of technology is highlighted in meritorious acts like this. “In order to protect and nurture Buddhism , Labunoruwakanda Aranya Senasanaya under the guidance of Dharmacharya Ven. Mankadawala Sudassana Thera organized this event to donate Tripitaka Dhamma scripts,’ Atta Katha, Pali-Sinhala dictionaries in digital format to 5,000 monks.

“It is not practicable to print huge number of books including Tripitaka Dhamma scripts and Atta Katha.But with the technology we can guarantee that every Buddhist monk possesses Tripitaka Dhamma scripts and Atta Katha,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister further said that the Tripitakaya is an important part of the world’s intellectual heritage.“Eventhough the origins of Buddhism are not initiated from Sri Lanka,we are the protectors of Theravada Buddhism. New technology must be used for the propagation of Buddhism. Buddhists across the world should appreciate the efforts taken by the Labunoruwakanda Aranya Senasanaya for safeguarding Buddhism,” he added.

The Prime Minister said that when considering the results of the last Presidential election it is clearly visible that any force that moves against Buddhism is rejected by the general public.“We also must think twice regarding the fate of Buddhism, if the forces that moved against the Sinhalese and Buddhists came into power. We must be strong after facing all these challenges. The Maha Sangha played the most pivotal role by helping to save the country,” Prime Minister Rajapaksa said.

Prime Minister Rajapaksa also pledged his fullest support for the uplift of the Buddha Sasana and considered that donating tablets containing the Tripitaka, Atta Katha and Pali-Sinhala dictionaries is a great move to uplift the entire nation.
The Vibhajjavada Dhamma Sangayana organized the ceremony to donate Tripitaka Dhamma scripts to 5,000 monks for the continued sustenance of Buddhism.The concluding ceremony of the event was held under the patronage of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa.
This Dhamma Sangayana was organized by Labunoruwa Aranya Senasana under the guidance of Dharmacharya Ven. Mankadawala Sudassana Thera of the Labunorukanda Aranya in Anuradhapura and Sasanadhipathi Shashrapathi Rajakeeya Panditha Ven. Kothmale Kumara Kassapa Thera. The event included orations and an open discussion with the participation of members of the Maha Sangha to discuss ways and means of preserving the original teachings of the Buddha.

The meritorious act of presenting Tripitaka and Atta Katha in digital format to 5000 members of the clergy was also held.

The President and the Prime Minister presented Tripitaka tabs to Maha Sanga.

The “10-year Vibhajjavadee Plan” for the uplift of Buddhism and the proposal to set up “Theravada Dhamma Script Donation Fund” to provide Tripitaka Dhamma texts to temples around the country free of charge were also presented to the President and the Prime Minister.

The Maha Sangha including the Maha Nayake Theras of the Tri-Nikayas and Anu Nayake Theras, former President Maithripala Sirisena, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya, Ministers and MPs participated on this occasion.

The Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament ceremonially declared open under the patronage of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa a short while ago. The President accompanied to the House of Parliament by the Serjeant-at-Arms, Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms, Assistant Serjeant-at-Arms followed by the Speaker of Parliament and the Secretary General of Parliament where the session ceremonially declared open.

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