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President Ranil Wickremesinghe has issued instructions for the final rites of the late Anuradhapura Atamasthanadhipathi, North Central Province Chief Sanghanayaka Most Venerable Dr. Pallegama Sirinivasa Thera, to be held under full state sponsorship.
Accordingly, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has appointed a committee comprising the Governor of the North Central Province Maheepala Herath, and Minister of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs Vidura Wickramanayaka to coordinate the state funeral of Venerable (Dr) Pallegama Siriniwasa Thera, Custodian and Chief Priest of the Maha Bodhi and Atamasthana Adhipathi of Anuradhapura.
Most Venerable Pallegama Sirinivasa Thera, who played a leading role among the Maha Sangha of this country, spent his monastic life meaningfully, constantly dedicating himself to the welfare of the people of Rajarata as well as the whole country.

Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu who is currently on an official visit to Sri Lanka met with President Ranil Wickremesinghe and assured to support Sri Lanka during this difficult period.

While appreciating the President’s efforts in rebuilding Sri Lanka’s economy he said that President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the right person to get the country out of the present crisis & assured him that he has a force backing him.

He also stated that the U.S. government would continue to assist Sri Lanka with their negotiations with the IMF and the debt restructuring talks.

These remarks were made during the discussion that took place this evening (19) at the Presidential Secretariat in Colombo.

During the discussion President Wickremesinghe also expressed his appreciation to the US Government for their continuous support towards Sri Lanka.

The Assistant Secretary further stated that the US government is expected to provide all possible support to Sri Lanka and its people in this difficult period and welcomed the President’s efforts in regard to reconciliation and strengthening of the Democratic institutions.

The US Ambassador to t Sri Lanka Julie Chung and Political and Economic Advisor Susan Walke were also present at this discussion.

Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers taken at their meeting held on 17.10.2022

01. State Asset Management Bill

During the budget speech delivered by the Hon. President for amending the appropriation
bill for the financial year 2022, it was suggested to introduce several new acts with the
the objective of strengthening the economy, enhancing the efficiency of the government
service as well as product management of government-owned resources and the
requirement of revising provisions of several existing acts. Accordingly, the Cabinet of
Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Hon. President as the Minister of
Finance, Economic Stabilization, and National Policies instruct the Legal Draftsman to
draft a bill in order to introduce a new act for the management of public assets including
appropriate provisions so that provisions will be available to expand the duties of the
Comptroller General Office which is under the purview of the General Treasury and to
provide legitimacy to it as well as prepare a national assets register and introduce a
central database related to state assets.

02. Revision of the Ayurveda Act (Indigenous Medicine Act)

The Ayurveda Act No. 31 of 1961 has been amended from time to time on several
occasions previously and it has been recognized that the act required to be amended further
to cater to the requirements of the day so that sustainable development goals can be
achieved. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the proposal
furnished by the Minister of Health to amend the Ayurvedha act including appropriate
provisions for expanding services of the Department of Ayurveda for the upliftment of the
indigenous medicine sector and activities such as the establishment of Osu Uyna (medicinal
gardens) for research purposes.

03. The Recovery of Possession of the Premises Given on Lease (Special Provisions) Act.

The Cabinet of Ministers gave approval on 27.09.2021 to the draft bill to enact a new
law in place of Recovery of Possession of the Premises Given on Lease (Special
Provisions) Act. The Attorney general’s clearance has been received for the bill prepared
accordingly by the legal draftsman. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal
presented by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms to publish
the bill in the Govt. gazette and to table it in parliament for approval consequently.

04. Establishment of the National People’s Council Secretariat for the formation of the
People’s Council to strengthen participatory democracy.

It has been revealed that due to the gap between the center of governance and the people
of the periphery, the representative democratic structures that have been operating in Sri
Lanka does not pay due attention to public opinion sufficiently in the policy and
the decision-making process and since the people's real issues are not adequately addressed,
social criticism is arising in this regard. Based on this, it has also been seen that opinions
and objections against representative democracy are emerging in society. Under that
the situation, the need for a strong mechanism where public officials and the public can discuss
rural issues together, determine development priorities and rural people can participate in
the decision-making process in an organizational structure where participatory democracy
is practiced at the rural level has emerged. It will be possible to effectively and efficiently
prevent public oppression that may occur due to bureaucracy and arbitrary politicization
through an organized mechanism that actively finds public opinions for public policy
formulation and implement those policies with community participation. The National
Movement for a Just Society has accordingly presented a concept paper on " People’s
Council System" with an independent institutional structure where public participation can
be ensured for the formulation of public policies and the successful implementation of
those policies. The concept paper also proposed the establishment of the “National People's
Council and "Village People’s Councils " to cover every Grama Niladhari Division in the
Island. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon.
President to accept the proposed People’s Council system as a fundamental policy and
to establish the "National People’s Council Secretariat" as the national-level independent
central institution for establishing the People’s Councils system.

05. Establishment of Cabinet Sub-Committee on Reconciliation.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President to
establish the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Reconciliation chaired by the President and
consisting of the following members in order to promote reconciliation between the various
sections of the population in Sri Lanka and to propose solutions to the problems faced by
the people regarding resettlement, land, and missing persons after the conflict in the North
• Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena – Prime Minister
• Hon. Douglas Dewananda – Minister of Fisheries
• Hon. Dr. Wijayadasa Rajapaksha – Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and
Constitutional Reforms
• Hon. Ali Sabry – Minister of Foreign Affairs


Decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on the 10.10.2022

01. Allocation of plots of lands for the establishment of industries from regional industrial zones
where that infrastructure facilities have been developed.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Minister of Industries to allocate
16 plots of land under long – term lease basis for 35 years for 16 investors recognized under the
regional industrial zone development programme as recommended by the project evaluation
committee in operation under the Regional Industrial Services Committees that has been established
as per the provisions of the Industries Promotion Act No. 46 of 1990 and the Ministry of Industries.

02. Making of one - time Payment for the welfare of the families of missing persons

Based on the certificate of missing issued by the Registrar General for the families of the missing
persons, it was decided at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 14.03.2022 to pay a sum
of rupees 100,000/- to the closest relative of the missing person. However, due to taking a long time
to obtain the certificate of missing, as well as the amount of rupees 100,000/- not being sufficient,
the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution submitted by the Minister of Justice, Prisons Affairs
and Constitutional Reforms to ignore the requirement of obtaining the certificate of missing if the
compensation secretariat has confirmed that the relevant person is missing and to pay an increased
amount of rupees 200,000/- as compensation.

03. Provision of a plot of land belonging to the Urban Development Authority on long – term lease
in order to implement a rest house development project.

A proposal has been submitted to provide the land at No. 09, Kareithivu Road, Jaffna which belongs
to the Urban Development Authority to Grand Mountain Hotel Co. on a lease for 30 years with a
view to implement a rest house development project. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved
the proposal submitted by the Minister of Urban Development and Housing for providing the said
land to Grand Mountain Hotel Pvt. Ltd. on a lease for 30 years with a view to implement a rest house
development project subject to relevant conditions.

04. Submission of regulations issued under the Import and Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 for
the approval of the Parliament.

Import and Export (Control) Regulations No. 15 of 2002 relevant to the import of goods under open
accounting system as well as the Import and Export (Control) Regulations No. 16 of 2002 with a
view to encouraging financial remittances performed by Sri Lankans serving overseas countries have
been imposed. Accordingly, the import export regulations No. 15 of 2002 imposed for empowering
imports under the payment systems of open accounts / payment of money after sale of goods basis
in relation to import of essential fool items including milk powder and red legumes / dhal and poultry
food products has been published in the Extraordinary Gazette notification No. 2297 / 79 dated
16.09.2022. Further to that, the import export regulations No. 16 of 2022 imposed for enabling the
Sri Lankans employed overseas to import totaly electric vehicles as a method of encouraging them
has been published in the Extraordinary Gazette notification No. 2298/55 of 23.09.2022.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Hon.
President as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to submit the
aforementioned import and export regulations to the Parliament for its concurrence.

05. Amendments to Civil Procedure Code (Statute 101) (Section 205)

Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted at their meeting held on 18.01.2022 for drafting a
bill to amend the Civil Procedure Code (Statute 101) (Section 205) which is applicable to provision
of certified copies of decree nisi or decree absolute to the parties of a court case. Accordingly,
clearance of the Attorney General has been granted for the draft bill which has been prepared by the
Legal Draftsman. Therefore, the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted to the proposal of
the Minister of Justice, Prisons Affairs and Constitutional Reforms to publish the said draft bill in
the government gazette notification and thereby to table it in the Parliament.

06. Introducing a new Legal Deposit Act in place of former Legal Deposit Law.

The National Archives Department is responsible for the systematic management and preservation
of evidentiary documents and private documents of public authorities that reflect the written history
and cultural identity of Sri Lanka. The department implements 3 Acts namely Newspaper Ordinance
No. 5 of 1839, Printers and Publishers Ordinance No. 1 of 1885 and Press Ordinance No. 16 of 1902
in relation to the legal deposit of such printed publications. Accordingly, the legal copies of the
relevant documents are kept in the custody of the National Archives Department. Accordingly, the
legal copies of the relevant documents are in the custody of the department of national archives. Out
of 131 countries in the world, the law in effect in Sri Lanka is the oldest deposit law. The need to
amend the said law to suit the current needs has been recognized. A committee of relevant subject
experts has prepared a preliminary draft for this purpose based on the opinions of the relevant parties
from the year 2018. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the
minister of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs to advise the legal draftsman to prepare
bill to introduce a new Legal Deposit Act to Sri Lanka based on the said preliminary draft.

07. Purchase of 80 Ton Bollard Pull Twin Azimuth Stern Drive Harbour Tug Vessel for Port

Currently, there are 7 tugboats that are functioning well in the port of Colombo. It has been identified
that one more tug vessel of 80 ton capacity should be procured for future operations. The Cabinet of
Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Ports, Shipping and Aviation to take
necessary steps for procurement of tug vessel following international competitive bidding process.

08. Awarding the Contract for Automated Crew Scheduling and Resource Management System
for Sri Lankan Airlines.

Commercial airlines around the world operate Automated Crew Scheduling and Resource
Management Systems. The contract period of the current system of SriLankan Airlines will end on
31.10.2022. Therefore, the international competitive bidding system is being adopted to procure a
suitable service provider. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by
the Minister of Ports Shipping and Aviation to award the relevant procurement to CAE Flight
Services USA, Inc. company for a period of 5 years as recommended by the Cabinet appointed
Standing Procurement committee.

09. Awarding the construction contract of National College of Education of Technology to be built
in Narangalla, Kuliyapitiya with Korean aid and local funds

The Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval on 18.01.2017 for the construction of a National
College of Education of Technology in Narangalla, Kuliyapitiya with the aid of Korean government
and the local funds. Until the end of November 2021, it has not been possible to commence the
construction work assigned to the Korean International Cooperation Agency due to various
reasons. Korean International Cooperation Agency has agreed to assign these construction works
to Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau as a direct contract. The Cabinet of Ministers approved
the proposal presented by the Minister of Education to assign this contract to the Central
Engineering Consultancy Bureau accordingly

10. Road Reconstruction Project, Suriyakanda- Rakwana (A017) section of Deniyaya-Madampe
road in Galle

A loan agreement has been entered into with the OPEC Fund for International Development for the
reconstruction of the road section Suriyakanda- Rakwana (A017) of Deniyaya-Madampe road in
Galle. The renovation work of that road section is planned to be done under 3 contract packages
and out of these 2 packages are under the authority of the Ministry Procurement Committee. The
other package is under the authority of the Cabinet of Ministers. Accordingly the cabinet of ministers
approved the proposal presented by the minister of Transport and Highways to award the contract
package under the cabinet authority to K.D.A.Weerasinghe & Pvt. Ltd. upon the recommendation
of cabinet appointed standing procurement committee.

11. Enhancement of substitution allowance paid on maternity leave for female sub postmasters.

According to the Sri Lanka Sub-Postmaster Service Constitution, a Sub-Postmaster is entitled to
maternity leave subject to employing a substitute at her own expense. It seems that many maternity
Sub-Postmasters limit their maternity leave to only 30 days as they have to hire a substitute at their
own expense for this period. Medical recommendation is that a child should be breastfed for at least
6 months. The recommendation of the World Health Organization is the same. Accordingly the
Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the minister of mass media to pay an
allowance of 84 days instead of the present allowance of 30 days to female Post Masters.


The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad who is venerated by the Sri Lankan Muslims as well as the Muslim brethren around the world is celebrated today (09).
It is my belief that doctrine of Prophet Muhammad as the religious leader of the Islamic devotees around the world will help to alleviate the situation in the society today more than ever before.
To live with the qualities that Prophet Muhammad preached and deal with others with a sense of understanding is a tribute to him rather than attempting to overcome them.
The coming of the Prophet Muhammad and his vision signified the protection of the entire human community as well as their respect. By molding one’s life in accordance with the teaching of Prophet Muhammad, one can achieve success not only spiritually but also socially.
I wish that the birthday of Prophet Muhammad who was also called Al-Amin or ‘the trusted one’ will lead to spiritual and social progress and peace of all the nations including the Sri Lankan Muslims and Muslim brethren around the world.
Ranil Wickremesinghe

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that if the country is to overcome the current challenges, stability must be created in the country, and in order to achieve that, accurate information must be circulated among the public.
Pointing out that nothing can be achieved without propaganda, the President called on all the media secretaries to commit to revealing the government’s ‘Rebuilding the Country’ program to the people without delay.
President Ranil Wickremesinghe said this while addressing the workshop held today (07) at the Government Information Department to apprise the press secretaries of all cabinet ministers, state ministers and governors about the state communication mechanism.
It is noteworthy that the President joined the event without prior notice.
The President noted that ministry press secretaries hold the prime responsibility in publicizing the development and policy programs of the government, and in this workshop, the press secretaries were informed about the importance of maintaining optimal coordination between the Government Information Department, the President Media Division and the Ministries to maintain a strong state communication mechanism.
President Wickremesinghe further commented,
“Holding such workshops is timely. I do not expect to comment at length here. I have spoken enough. Now it is time to convey the essence of my utterances to the country. The program of the government has to be conveyed to the country. We are facing very difficult times. I don’t think such a situation has been faced during the 20th century or even prior to that. We have to get out of this. Many people have lost hope. We must correct that situation. We have to publicize the government’s program.
We are aware of the problems that the country is facing. Even if we cannot find solutions for all the problems, still, we are aware of those problems. This message should be carried to the people.
Everyone should be aware of what the government is undertaking. If there are mistakes, they should be corrected. We need to get out of this problematic period. If there is instability in the country, we will not recover. There should be stability in the country. It is necessary to provide the correct information to create that stability.
Unlike Print and electronic media, currently, we are all facing social media problems. It carries positive as well as negative information, which is one of the major problems that the entire world is facing. This bad impact affects us, especially at this time. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each and every one of you to address this challenge appropriately. If you do not accomplish your responsibility, the whole country will face more problems. The reason that you are here today is for you to understand this message. I learned that all media secretaries have been invited to this workshop. However, according to the attendance sheet, only about 83% have participated in this workshop. We need to find out who was not present today. Since these people have a responsibility of conveying news to the media and how to correct the misconceptions, there is a major publicity campaign in this regard. Nothing succeeds without publicity.
In addition, there are numerous other programs. You should be aware of that too. The programs such as the 75th Anniversary of Independence in 2023. According to the idea of the former Speaker, forming of Public Councils (Jana Sabha) will take place next week. There is a great responsibility in organizing such programs. It is important to get publicity for these programs.
Also, I have suggested to convene this group once in 03 months and discuss with them. I would like to thank the chiefs in charge of our media departments who are conducting this program as well as the Editor-in-Chief of Lankadeepa.”
Minister Bandula Gunawardena, State Minister Shanta Bandara, Senior Media Adviser to the President Prof. Sunanda Maddumabandara, Director General of President Media Division Dhanushka Ramanayake, Chairman of the Independent Television Network Attorney-at-law Sudarshana Gunawardena and Editor in Chief of Lankadeepa Siri Ranasinghe were presented at this workshop which was organized under the guidance of the Director General of Government Information Dinith Chinthaka Karunaratne.

Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers taken at their meeting held on 03.10.2022

01. Establishment of a ‘Food Policy Committee’

The Government has recently implemented a multi – sector mechanism with the objective of
formulating a strategy that aligns from the grassroots level to the upper level when taking
decisions on ensuring food security as well as nutrition. The said mechanism ensures the
guidance as well as the supervision for the entire mechanism of essential food production and
distribution and the capability of obtaining essential food rations for those liable to be
discriminated within the society at various administrative levels. The Cabinet of Ministers
approved the memorandum submitted by President Ranil Wickremesinghe for the
establishment of the ‘Food Policy Committee’ with the participation of heads of the relevant
institutions and chaired by the Secretary to the President in order to build trust among
producers, traders as well as customers on monitoring the supply chains within the country as
well as the short–term issues prevailing with regard to supply, prices and marketing with a
view to implementing the mechanism formally and efficiently and to implement other long–
term programmes.

02. Amendment of the Age of Retirement of employees in State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)

As proposed by the Supplementary Budget 2022 passed by Parliament, the compulsory
Retirement Age of employees serving in State - Owned Enterprises (SOEs) is to be revised as
60 years. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal submitted
by President Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and
National Policies in order to issue a circular in this regard with effect from 01.01.2023.
03. Procurement of Muriate of Potash fertilizer required for Maha Season of 2022 / 23.
Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted at their meeting held on 20.06.2022
for the procurement of 40,000 metric tons of Muriate of Potash (MOP) for the Maha Season
of 2022 / 23 utilizing funds amounting to US$ 50 million provided by the Asian Development
Bank (ADB). Accordingly, the prescribed procurement process has been followed and, the
Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the memorandum submitted by the Minister of
Irrigation for awarding the relevant contract to Ameropa Asia Pvt. Ltd. subject to the
recommendations of the Standing Procurement Committee appointed by the Cabinet of

04. Revision of Customs Ordinance and Protection of Government Revenue (Special
Provisions) Act No.1 of 2006.

Cabinet approval has been granted previously to amend Sections 47 and 57 of the Customs
Ordinance and Section 3 of the Protection of Government Revenue (Special Provisions)
Act No.1 of 2006. The State Accounts Committee has pointed out the need for revising
Section 153 of the Customs Ordinance as the Government revenue from the confiscation of
goods and imposition of penalties has been significantly decreased due to the provisions of
the said Section of the Customs Ordinance. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved
the proposal presented by President Ranil Wickremesinghe in his capacity as the Minister of
Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to take necessary steps to further
amend the Customs Ordinance by introducing appropriate provisions.

05. School lunch programme

The Government annually implements the school lunch programme aiming at 1.08 million
students in 7,926 schools spending Rs. 4 billion. Under the policy of eradicating poverty, the
Government expects to immediately implement programmes aimed at addressing concerns
raised over nutrition. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal
submitted by President Ranil Wickremesinghe for taking appropriate steps to provide a
wholesome lunch to another one million school students, further extending the school lunch
programme which is already being implemented based on district - level data on poverty and

06. Submission of the draft Appropriation Bill for the Financial Year (FY) 2023 to

Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted to draft the draft of the Appropriation
Bill for the Financial Year (FY) 2023 at their meeting held on 22.08.2022. Accordingly, the
Cabinet of Ministers considered the draft Appropriation Bill for the Year 2023 in relation to
each Expenditure Head. The total Recurrent Expenditure for the Year 2023 has been estimated
as Rs. 4,634 billion while total Capital Expenditure has been estimated at Rs. 3,245 billion.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal submitted by President
Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National
Policies to submit to Parliament the draft Appropriation Bill for the Year 2023, after
publishing the same in the Government Gazette


President Ranil Wickremesinghe visited the London Buddhist Vihara on September 20, during his visit to the United Kingdom (UK) to attend the State Funeral Service of the late HM Queen Elizabeth II.
He made a courtesy call on Ven. Dr. Bogoda Seelawimala Thera, Chief Incumbent of the Vihara and the Chief Sangha Nayaka of Great Britain and engaged in a brief discussion.
During the meeting Ven. Seelawimala Thera chanted Pirith and invoked blessings on the President and the people of Sri Lanka.

The Ministerial Consultative Committee on Mass Media approved to present the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (Amendment) Bill to Parliament for its Second Reading Sep (16).

The approval for the afore said was obtained at the Ministerial Consultative Committee on Mass Media which met in Parliament under the chairmanship of the Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardana.

This Bill aims to amend the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation Act No. 06 of 1982. Accordingly, on the 22 nd , the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (Amendment) Bill is expected to be passed in Parliament following the second reading debate.

Furthermore, discussions were held regarding the need to make the National Film Corporation profitable and the need to bring forward the independent television service and the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation ahead in its rating reports. Discussion was also held regarding the spread of misleading news by various media organizations and the measures that can be taken for that.

State Ministers Hon. Shantha Bandara, Hon. Kanaka Herath, Hon. Siripala Gamlath, Hon. Geetha Kumarasinghe, and Members of Parliament Hon. S. M. Marikkar, Hon. Sanjeeva Edirimanna, Hon. Upul Mahendra Rajapaksha, Hon. Asanka Navaratne, Hon. Mohomad Muzammil, Hon. UK Sumith Udukumbura, Hon. Madhura Withanage, Hon. Jagath Kumara, Hon. Yadamini Gunawardena were present at this committee meeting held.


Clarification of the false information published in relation to the President's visit to the United Kingdom.

It is observed that some parliamentarians and social media are trying to mislead the public by spreading false and incorrect information about the delegation representing Sri Lanka at the funeral ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II held at Westminster Abbey in Britain.

Based on the official invitation received for this occasion, only President's Private Secretary Sandra Perera and President's Director on International Relations Dinouk Colombage joined the official delegation along with Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe. In addition, the President's official doctor attended.

First Lady Senior Professor Maithree Wickramasinghe participated the tour at her personal expense and Presidential Advisor on Climate Change and Deputy Leader of the United National Party (UNP) Ruwan Wijewardene also joined the Sri Lankan Diaspora meeting held yesterday (19) while on a private visit to the United Kingdom.

Polish President Andrzej Duda and his wife Agatha Kornhauser-Duda, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Indian President Draupadi, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, United States President, Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, French President Emmanuel Macron with his wife Brigitte Trogneux and many other heads of state were in attendance representing other foreign countries on this occasion.

President Media Division

World leaders who were in London to attend the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II met King Charles III at Buckingham Palace on the 18th of September.
The picture shows President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who participated in the event, having a friendly conversation with King Charles III.
Senior Professor Mrs. Maitri Wickramasinghe also joined the event.

A preliminary discussion was held today (14) under the chairmanship of President Ranil Wickremesinghe to reach a bilateral agreement between Nepal and Sri Lanka on the development of Sri Lanka's tourism sector and the expansion of university education opportunities.

H.E. Mr. Bashu Dev Mishra, Ambassador of Nepal to Sri Lanka, attended the meeting held at the Presidential Secretariat.

During the discussion, an agreement was reached to implement a youth exchange program enabling the youth of both the countries to join university education and tourism sector opportunities.

The administrative measures to make the agreement a reality is to be done by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka and the Government of Nepal

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