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Steps have been taken to prevent spread of the virus and to maintain high-quality healthcare services…

Officials pointed out

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed the relevant officials to expedite both the import procedures and administering COVID-19 vaccines to the public.

During a discussion held with the COVID-19 Committee today (07), which meets daily at the Presidential Secretariat, the President emphasized that the maximum number of COVID-19 shots should be given within a short period of time.

It is important to pay special attention to the Western Province, which is largely responsible for the spread of the virus. The administering of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine started from yesterday (06). The health sector has 600,000 Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines received from China. Sinopharm vaccines have been successfully administered to more than 55 million people in 51 countries. The President further instructed the officials to hold discussions with the health authorities of those countries to explore the possibility of administering the vaccine expeditiously. The second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine is being given to those who received the first shot.

Negotiations are already underway to obtain vaccines from countries where there is an excess of AstraZeneca vaccine.

The officials said that maximum measures have been taken to prevent the spread of the virus by closing and restricting areas where infected persons have been identified. Steps have been taken to maintain the facilities at all hospitals at the required level. The officials said that the support of the people was also essential for the success of the measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus.


The Democratic Left Front (DLF) presented their statement pledging to assist in the progress of the National Policy Framework “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat today (07).

The statement was presented by Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara, Leader of the Democratic Left Front.

The plans of the DLF to promote the policies listed in the “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”; prioritizing national security, implementing a friendly non-aligned foreign policy, building a transparent government free of corruption and fraud, and a constitutional reform to ensure accountability to the people were highlighted in the DLF statement.

The Democratic Left Front also plans to hold 100 seminars to mobilize political and social activists to educate the rural masses about the programme presented in the statement.

Dr. Gayashan Navanandana, Member of Parliament for Monaragala District was also present at the occasion.

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, who, as the Minister of Finance, serves as the Governor for Sri Lanka of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), was elected Chair of the ADBBoard of Governors for the year 2021/2022 during the 54th Annual Meeting that was held virtually this afternoon.

The annual meeting that was originally scheduled to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, had to take place in a virtual format due to the current pandemic. During the meeting, the Governors of Austria and Mongolia were also elected as Vice-Chairs.
The 55th Annual Meeting of the ADB Board of Governors is scheduled to be held in Colombo next year. Full Text of Prime Minister Rajapaksa’s Speech at the 54th Annual Meeting of the ADB

Fellow Governors, President Asakawa, Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen
It is indeed a privilege to be able to participate and share my thoughts at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank, especially since next year’s meeting is scheduled to be held in Colombo.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented loss of human life and has disrupted almost all aspects of our lives, our societies, our economies, our value systems and
our cultural practices. In that background, I believe the time is now right to reflect and re-group. After all, this century is the Asian Century. Our region has faced many crises, but
Asia is also known for its resilience. Therefore, it is not surprising that our region is leading the growth story of the world, even during the current pandemic.

Fellow Governors, emerging Asia has a responsibility to lead the world. We must ensure sustainable practices that will make our environment resilient to climate change. Our policy solutions must be environmentally and socially sustainable. We must preserve our way of life for future generations. The need now is to collectively cooperate in addressing our common issues.
Towards this goal, we must be ready to adopt practices and technologies that help us make use of natural resources more efficiently. In that regard, Sri Lanka has already identified the importance of digitalization to facilitate the delivery of services within a “green economy.” Our Government has also accelerated the drive to digitize public sector services as well.

We must, in addition, reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. We believe the ADB must lead the way in supporting member countries to make the transition from fossil fuels to
renewable energy. We also believe the ADB must extend support to emerging Asia to have smarter, eco-sustainable cities. It should be a new approach to ensure that access to
resources is better managed.
Another important area of focus is Women Empowerment. We must recognize the crucial role that women play in creating a just and equitable society. While the Asian region has
made significant strides in this regard, this is still an area that requires more work as well as the allocation of more resources.
At this time, let us also acknowledge the support extended by the ADB during the pandemic, which included the quick disbursement of a 20-billion dollar package. The 9-billion
dollar Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility has also assisted Sri Lanka and many other countries to gain access to much-needed vaccines, and we are thankful to the ADB for this
Fellow Governors, President Asakawa and Delegates,
The challenges ahead of us are daunting. However, I am certain that, together, we will be able to address these challenges efficiently and effectively, and that the ADB will provide
the necessary leadership for that effort.
Finally, as the incoming Chair, it is my great pleasure to invite you to Colombo next year to attend the 55th Annual Meeting of the ADB Board of Governors. I look forward to
continuing this important dialogue, and I wish you good health and safety!

May the Triple Gem Bless you al

Veteran journalist Sudewa Hettiarachchi, who was appointed as the Director General of the President’s Media Division (PMD), and President’s Spokesman Kingsly Rathnayaka assumed duties in their new posts this morning (03).

The ceremony to assume duties was held at the President’s Media Division in Colombo Fort, giving priority to religious observances. A limited number of people attended the ceremony due to the current situation.

The members of the Maha Sangha including Mirisawetiya Chief Incumbent Ven. Ethalawetunuwewe Gnanatilake Thero, Ven. Dr. Kirinde Assaji Thero, Ven. Prof. Induragare Dhammaratana Thero, Ven. Prof. Medagoda Abhayatissa Thero and Ven. Uduwe Dhammaloka Thero chanted Pirith and invoked blessings.

Principal Adviser to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Defence Secretary (Retired) General Kamal Gunaratne, Director General of Government Information Department Mohan Samaranayake and the staff members of the President’s Media Division and the Prime Minister’s Media Division were also present on the occasion.


 “It is with great pleasure that I extend my best wishes to all working people on this International Workers’ Day.

“The International Workers’ Day, which was started to win workers’ rights, is the greatest day of the working people. “The commitment made by working masses for the betterment not only of their country in general but of the world as a whole has always been highly commendable.

“I take this opportunity to appreciate your contribution and your efforts to ensure the well-being of all.

As we all know, International Workers’ Day is a day to show the world the strength and unity of the working masses.

“However, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, International Workers’ Day has to be celebrated without demonstrations and rallies, as it was done last year.

In such a situation, I hope that the Sri Lankan working people will celebrate May Day in a new way, in line with health guidelines.

“I remind you that no matter how difficult the situation, our Governments have given due respect to the working people. As always we are also committed to protecting workers’ rights.

“It is a great achievement for us to be able to pay the promised daily wage of Rs.1,000 for plantation workers which I promised in the budget 2021.

“I would also like to remind you that it is an honour for our Government to be able to protect workers’ rights by updating a number of Labour Acts such as the Employees Provident Fund Act, the Industrial Disputes Act and the Compensation Ordinance for the benefit of the working class.

During this May Day, celebrated under the theme “a people-friendly workplace, a safe country” I firmly believe that the working masses will work together to uplift the local economy“I appreciate your commitment to work day and night for socio-economic development even in the face of the unprecedented COVID 19 epidemic and extend my gratitude for your contribution to controlling the epidemic.

May the working people of the world be victorious!”

As the number of Staff personnel at the Presidential Secretariat have been minimized based on guidelines and recommendations given by the Health Authorities to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the public are requested to avoid visiting the Presidential Secretariat for their needs to avert any inconvenience. However, the available staff at the Presidential Secretariat is prepared to respond and facilitate the public requirements via telephone, post and e-mail.

Therefore, within the next two weeks the public are facilitated to reach the Public Relations Division, Ombudsman Office and the President’s Fund of the Presidential Secretariat via telephone and fax numbers as well as email address mentioned below

Public Relations Division –           –         011 4354550/ 011 2354550
                                                               Fax 011 2348855

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Ombudsman Office –                           011 2338073

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President’s Fund-                          –    011 2354354
Fax 011 2331243

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As promised to the people, our government has safeguarded national security and sovereignty. Similarly, we have ensured that no harm would befall to our national legacy and heritage. Steps are being taken implement policies for the growth of local industries and agriculture-based economy. A clear, well-defined economic plan has been formulated and being implemented to eradicate poverty, which is the biggest burden faced by a substantial segment of the working class.

The working community is one of the most adversely affected groups in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has clearly understood that reality faced by our working masses. Hence, the government is working with commitment to ensure better living standards for its citizens without imposing limitations that obstruct the economic activities of the working people.

The maximum benefit received by the working masses and their families was the programme implemented to provide employment for unskilled individuals without any formal or professional education selected from underprivileged families. The government has supported the life struggle of the working people by providing the provision of an allowance of Rs. 5,000 to low-income families.

The government committed itself to distribute the Rs.5,000 allowance to the people even during the New Year festive season. The right of the working people was safeguarded by ensuring that all public sector employees were given their full salaries without any deductions and continuing to maintain all public welfare programmes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Similarly, the government raised the daily wage of plantation workers to Rs 1,000 each in order to raise the living standards of those people.

The working people, especially the farmers in our country, will reap the benefits of the local economy that is being strengthened by the import restrictions imposed on 19 goods. We are aware that you have been strengthened and empowered by the move to remove barriers to sell farmers’ produce during the festive season. Projects such as the Gama Samaga Pilisandara (Discussion with the Village) and Weda Samaga Yali Gamata (Back to the Village with Work) are directly embedded in the lives of working people in the country today.

The working people have to refrain from celebrating May Day and holding rallies for the second consecutive year due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Nevertheless, we are aware of the strength of your struggle and its determination and commitment. While extending my gratitude for joining hands with the cause to establish a people-centric economy, I wish you a happy International Labour Day with the joy of securing international labour rights.

May the working people of our country be victorious!

Gotabaya Rajapaksa                                                        April 30, 2021


Sri Lanka looks forward to China’s support in rebuilding investor confidence in Sri Lanka since one of country’s main priorities in post-pandemic economic recovery is to attract investments from around the world, said Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa during the bilateral discussion with State Councilor and Chinese National Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe yesterday.

The Prime Minister said that despite the increase in COVID-19 cases in recent weeks, the Government decided not to pursue countrywide lockdowns due to the impact such lockdowns have on the economy and society.

He added he was sure the Chinese Government too would agree that there was a lot that needed to be done for post-pandemic economic recovery.

The Prime Minister said that he was very happy to welcome the Chinese Defence Minister to Sri Lanka. “We appreciate your deciding to visit despite the pandemic situation,” Premier said. “We have had a number of high-level visits from China since the outbreak of the pandemic. I look forward to our discussion today and the opportunity, through this visit, to further strengthen our already strong and friendly bilateral relations”.

He also extended the warm wishes on the 100th year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party this year and for all its achievements. It is indeed an important milestone.

“Furthermore, let me also congratulate you on your achievements in poverty alleviation,” Premier Rajapaksa said. “China has uplifted nearly 100 million rural residents out of absolute poverty. And you have accomplished this 10 years in advance of the completion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in poverty alleviation. This is an impressive achievement.”

 The Prime Minister said it has now become very clear to the entire world that vaccines will be the only way to overcome this pandemic. “On that front, on behalf of all Sri Lankans, I extend my sincere appreciation for the generous donation of 600,000 doses of Sinopharm vaccines and Personal Protective Equipment by China,” Prime Minister Rajapaksa said. “We look forward to China’s continued support in dealing with this crisis”.

The Premier also expressed his wish to work closely with Chinese Government to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic and further enhance the cooperation between the countries.

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Senior journalist Sudewa Hettiarachchi has been appointed as the Director-General of the President’s Media Division.

Sudewa Hettiarachchi, who received the letter of appointment from President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat, is due to assume duties next week.

A distinguished alumnus of Ananda College, Colombo, Sudewa Hettiarachchi is a full-fledged journalist with extensive experience.

With an over 25 year long career in the media field, he is a popular announcer and producer. He is an efficient administrative officer who had served in the capacities of Assistant Manager, Manager, Assistant General Manager, General Manager, Director and CEO in several leading media institutes.

Mr. Sudewa Hettiarachchi was the Chief Executive Officer of Swarnavahini Media Network prior to his appointment as the Director-General of President’s Media Division.

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday said that the country's robust public healthcare system provided free access to health and helped control the pandemic.

“Sri Lanka has made remarkable progress in controlling the spread of COVID-19, recording a very low death rate and a high recovery rate through case detection, contact tracing, quarantining and patient treatment,” he said.

The Prime Minister was addressing the 77th Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)via video technology.

This year’s meeting was conducted virtually from April 26-29, 2021, under the theme “Building Back Better from Crises Through Regional Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific.” While the COVID-19 pandemic dominated the discussions this year, other issues such as climate change, debt relief, investments, equitable health access, sustainable development and regional cooperation were also discussed

"The Government also repatriated nearly 100,000 Sri Lankans and started our vaccination program in February," he said. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa appreciated the efforts taken by the UNESCAP to bring the Member States together for a constructive and interactive regional discussion on the COVID-19 pandemic

Sri Lanka has made remarkable progress in controlling the spread of COVID-19, recording a very low death rate and a high recovery rate through case detection, contact tracing, quarantining and patient treatment.

Even during the pandemic, economic activities continued in several sectors. The export sector continued to function, and tourism restarted in January. The Central Bank reduced policy rates and implemented several concessionary refinancing programs.

“Our Government is deeply committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. For this purpose, an Inter-ministerial Steering Committee on Sustainable Development has been formed under my leadership. Our youth are also an important component of our development agenda," the Prime Minister said.

"That is why the decade 2021 to 2030 has been declared the Decade of Skills Development in our country. We are also keen on strengthening our regional ties and emphasize the need to accelerate the “South-South” cooperation," the Prime Minister added.

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