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According to the information revealed, the majority of the children employed as child labourers are from the estate sector. The President pointed out that the necessary authority should be exercised at the Grama Niladhari Division level to prevent this plight. Grama Niladhari officers possess the information on families in the estate sector. The President added that immediate action is imperative when a child is missing from a household in order to put a stop to child labour.

The President made these remarks at a discussion held with the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) and line institutes at the Presidential Secretariat this morning (05).

Special attention has been paid to empowering children and women in the national policy framework “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”. A separate state ministry has been established to accomplish this.

While commending the State Ministry's efforts to prevent violence against children and women, the President highlighted the importance of studying the research conducted on child development in other countries and the possibility of implementing those mechanisms in urban and rural areas.

The President stated that the main responsibility of the Child Protection Authority is to direct all children to undergo mandatory pre-school, school and Dhamma school education and to find out the reasons for children failing to attend schools and provide solutions. The President pointed out that the relationship between the children and parents could be strengthened through the cultivation of spiritual virtues by encouraging the children belonging to all religions to attend religious schools.

President Rajapaksa stressed the need to safeguard the children from drug addiction and at the same time to study and address the factors that motivated them to use these drugs.

The President pointed out the need to raise awareness on violence against women in the workplace, to pay special attention to the children whose mothers are living abroad, and to identify the children who maybe at the risk of being harassed.

Piyal Nishantha, State Minister of Women and Child Development, Preschools & Primary Education, School Infrastructure & Education Services, said that all the necessary steps are being taken to launch the National Child Protection Policy in line with the “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour.”

State Minister Nishantha said that steps have been taken to construct a house for the girl who died of burn injuries sustained at the house of MP Rishad Bathiudeen, to uplift the economy of the victim's family and to create self-employment opportunities for the victim's two sisters.

The State Minister also pointed out the measures that have been taken to prevent incidents of child and women abuse and to expedite court proceedings related to these incidents.

The President was briefed on the performance of the NCPA and line institutions.

Secretary to the President P. B. Jayasundera, Secretary to the Ministry of State K.M.S.D. Jayasekara, NCPA Chairman Prof. Muditha Vidanapathirana and the directors and other officials of the relevant institutions were present at the meeting.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa arrived in Parliament this morning to attend the sitting of the House.

The number of Mahapola scholarships is being increased by 3,000 annually.

The government says that there is no change in the policy decision of the president to use only organic fertilizer for local agricultural activities. It will not be changed in future. Permission has not been given to import chemical fertilizer for local agriculture. The cabinet has given approval to import plant nutrients prepared using natural minerals and natural plant nutrients. Only organic fertilizer with international organic fertilizer standards has been approved for agriculture. The Presidents media division said that permission has been given under the special permits system to import special fertilizer only through agriculture department and other relevant institutions. The government has to ensure the right of people to food without toxins to create a healthy and a productive citizen. The President’s media division has pointed out the accelerating production of organic fertilizer for Sri Lanka’s agriculture completely in next decade, is a pledge given in the vistas of prosperity manifesto.

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The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a joint proposal made by Mass Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella and Education Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris to establish a National Radio Channel for Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Higher Education.

Speaking at the Weekly Cabinet Media Briefing held yesterday at the Government Information Department, Co-Cabinet Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said that the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Mass Media and Information have planned to establish an islandwide radio education channel to address the educational disparities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution submitted by the Minister of Education and Minister of Mass Media to use a Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) channel to broadcast educational programmes among the existing channels that possible to expedite the establishment of a radio channel dedicated to education as it will take some time to fulfill the necessary infrastructure.


President Gotabaya Rajapaksa made an observational visit to the vaccination centre established at the Vihara Maha Devi Open Air Theatre in Colombo, on Monday night with Chief of Defence Staff, Army Commander and Head, National Operations Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) General Shavendra Silva. Picture by Upul Nilanga - President’s Media Division 

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa made an observational visit to the Vaccination Centre established at the Vihara Maha Devi Open Air Theatre in Colombo, on Monday night. The Centre, which is being operated by the Army, is open 24 hours a day. A large number of people visited the vaccination centre yesterday to receive the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The President engaged in cordial discussions with the people at the venue.

A total of 244,251 people have received the second dose of AstraZeneca in two days and the first dose was given to the people in the Kegalle District, on Monday. President Rajapaksa thanked all members of the health and Security Services, who are committed to making the vaccination programme a success. Secretary to the Ministry of Health, Major General Dr Sanjeewa Munasinghe and Chief of Defence Staff, Army Commander and Head, National Operations Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) General Shavendra Silva were also present.

The Government is confident that the country will be able to meet the ambitious target of administering two doses of COVID-19 vaccine to 13.5 million citizens above 30 years by September or October this year, Co-Cabinet Spokesman Mass Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said.

He was addressing a media conference held yesterday at the Government Information Department to inform the decisions taken at this week’s meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Minister said that the Government has given priority to implement all anti-pandemic measures and at the same time, the Government has to mitigate the economic and social fallout of the pandemic.

“Vaccination has been identified as the best way to control the pandemic and we are doing it in quite an effective and efficient manner. One of the most efficient vaccination drives in the world is taking place in Sri Lanka,” said the Minister.

As per the statistics of the Health Ministry around 89.66 per cent of the target population has been given at least one dose of the vaccine and around 21.31 per cent of the target population has received the second dose of vaccine. Accordingly, a total number of 12,758,216 doses have already been administered in Sri Lanka. A total of 244,251-second doses of AstraZeneca vaccines have been administered since Monday (1). The first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine was administered to 22,981 individuals on Monday.

Also, 203,515 doses of Sinopharm vaccines had been administered as the first dose while a total of 18,483-second doses of Sinopharm vaccines were given on Monday.

Around 2,490 doses of the Moderna vaccine had been administered as the first dose on the same day.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed the officials to conduct a survey covering the island on those who have not yet taken any COVID-19 vaccine.

Based on studies conducted into the details of COVID infected patients and the deaths resulting from the virus, it has been revealed that close to 95% of them had not taken the vaccine. The President pointed out the need to look into those who have not taken the vaccine though vaccines were made available, and to encourage them to get vaccinated.

The President instructed the officials to conduct an immediate survey on this at Divisional Secretariat level and obtain a report within a few days on those who have not taken the vaccine.

The President made these remarks at a meeting held with the Special Committee on Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak regarding the vaccination drive and future plans, at the Presidential Secretariat today (30).

The government has fulfilled its responsibility of bringing down the vaccine. The President said that it is the duty of the people to follow the health guidelines in order to prevent the spread of the virus and to obtain the vaccine expeditiously. The Covid Committee also paid attention to making it mandatory for the people visiting government institutions and public places in the future to have the card certifying that they have been vaccinated.

Ministers Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Gamini Lokuge, Johnston Fernando, Keheliya Rambukwella, Mahindananda Aluthgamage, Rohitha Abeygunawardena, Ramesh Pathirana, Namal Rajapaksa, State Ministers Sudarshini Fernandopulle, Sisira Jayakody, Channa Jayasumana, MPs Madhura Withanage, Principal Advisor to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Health Secretary Major General Dr Sanjeewa Munasinghe, Director General of Health Dr Asela Gunawardana, Commanders of the Triforces, Inspector General of Police, the Heads of Health and Security Sectors were present at the discussion.

A large percentage of the population that needs to be vaccinated against COVID-19 has now been vaccinated covering all districts in Sri Lanka. Since the majority of public servants have also been vaccinated, the priority should be given to restore normalcy to the public service.

Therefore, Secretary to the President P.B. Jayasundera has informed the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Services, Provincial Councils and Local Government, J.J. Rathnasiri, that all public servants be called to duty as usual from August 2, 2021 (Monday) in accordance with Covid-19 Health Guidelines.

The Secretary to the President has also informed to revoke all circulars with regard to working from home and calling for a limited number of staff members on a rotation basis which were earlier issued to facilitate the control of Covid-19 virus.

The Presidential Media Centre (PMC) was declared open yesterday (29) under the patronage of Senior Advisor to President, Lalith Weeratunga. The Media Centre is located at the ground floor of the old Chartered Bank building in front of the President’s House in Colombo Fort.

The Presidential Media Centre aims to provide accurate and efficient information to the media and the public on the progress of the implementation of programmes to fulfill the pledges made to the people in the policy statement, “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”. During this weekly media briefing, journalists get an opportunity to ask questions directly or via online from the President's Spokesman and government officials on selected topics. The Media Centre is equipped with a number of facilities and it can host up to 40 journalists at a time.

President’s Senior Advisor Lalith Weeratunga said that he believed that the Presidential Media Centre would help to build a comprehensive new media culture that goes beyond the popular media culture. The journalists were briefed today on the progress and future plans of the COVID 19 vaccination drive. Responding to the questions directed by the journalists, Mr. Weeratunga said that the vaccination of all citizens over the age of 30 would be completed by September 15th. He also added that the plans have been made to vaccinate all between the age group of 18-30 and will be implemented as soon as the recommendations of the World Health Organization are received.

“According to a recent report, over 90% of the vaccines have been shared among the wealthiest countries in the world while only less than 5% of global vaccines have been distributed among the developing countries. Therefore, the progress made by Sri Lanka in acquiring vaccine stocks is a great accomplishment,” Mr. Weeratunga added.

Director General of the President’s Media Division Sudewa Hettiarachchi noted that it is the responsibility of all the journalists to make the Presidential Media Centre a unique facility for sharing accurate information. Spokesperson to the President, Kingsly Rathnayaka highlighted that the Presidential Media Centre could be introduced as one of the foremost steps taken to fulfill the President's promise to provide accurate information to the public as envisioned in the national policy framework "Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour".

He briefed the media at length on the progress made by the COVID-19 vaccination drive and the steps taken by the President to carry it out more effectively.

The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) assured President Gotabaya Rajapaksa that it is eager to promote a number of sectors, including exports and tourism, as soon as the country returns to normalcy with its vaccination drive.

The President has implemented the policies listed in the “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” National Policy Framework amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The CCC points out that it can take advantage of this and contribute to the rapid development of the economy.

The newly-elected office-bearers of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce stated this at a meeting held with the President at the Presidential Secretariat, yesterday (27).

The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce was established in 1839 and currently, it has 560 member companies. The Regional Chambers of Commerce have expanded to cover all parts of the country.
The newly elected office bearers commended the President's efforts to bring the country back to normalcy through the vaccination programme. Infrastructure has been rapidly developed, especially the road network.

They pointed out that its benefits would greatly enhance investment opportunities in the near future.

The officials of the CCC highlighted the possibility of expanding export opportunities by entering into a Free Trade Agreement with the UK.

The officials said the National Agenda Committees of the CCC has paid special attention to the government's programmes implemented to promote sustainable energy, agriculture and the field of technology.

The investors are discouraged by some of the laws and regulations that are in effect. The President said one of the main objectives of the government is to remove such obstacles and to encourage exports by preventing corruption and malpractices through the introduction of digitalization. The President said that the government's responsibility is to create employment opportunities and pointed out the need to provide opportunities for the new generation to come forward as entrepreneurs and businesspersons.

Secretary to the President P. B. Jayasundera, Economic Policies & Plan Implementation Ministry Secretary Anusha Pelpita and other officials, former Chairman of Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Hans Wijesuriya, new Chairman V. Govindasamy and the new office bearers of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce were also present.

The Government of China has donated another consignment of 1.6 million doses of the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine to Sri Lanka. The two SriLankan Airlines flights UL869 and UL865 carrying the vaccine arrived at the Colombo Katunayake International Airport at 5.30 a.m., today (27).

Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Qi Zhenhong officially handed over the vaccines to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat, today (27). In addition to these vaccines, a stock of syringes has also been donated. The vaccines were handed over to the Ministry of Health to be given to people over the age of 30 years in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. 72% of the vaccines used in the vaccination process in Sri Lanka is Sinopharm.

President Rajapaksa said that he highly appreciated the support provided by the Chinese Government for the control of COVID – 19 by donating 600,000 doses of Sinopharm vaccines on March 31, 500,000 on May 26 and 1.6 million doses were received today.

The President pointed out that by the end of August, all those over the age of 30 will be vaccinated and the activities of the tourism industry will be able to commence from September. Therefore, the Chinese people are invited to visit Sri Lanka again, the President further said.

Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Douglas Devananda, Secretary to the President P.B. Jayasundera, Senior Advisor to President Mr. Lalith Weeratunga, Foreign Secretary Admiral Jayanath Colombage, and the Political Officer of the Chinese Embassy Luo Chong was also present on the occasion

The City University programme commences keeping another promise made in the national policy framework “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”. Its first university is planned to be established in the next few weeks, in Pinnawala area in Kegalle District.

As the foremost step of the programme President Gotabaya Rajapaksa launched the official website( to introduce the City university Programme as a concept at the Presidential Secretariat this morning(15) to coincide with the World Youth Skills Day – 2021.

The City universities will be established covering all districts with the aim of producing talented graduates equipped with the cutting edge technology, targeting the job market.

80% of those who qualify for tertiary education at the GCE Advanced Level milestone do not get opportunity to enter universities. Only those who are financially blessed will have the privilege to pursue their further studies at private institutes or abroad. The President expects to offer a degree compatible for the job market to the talented and capable students who have passed the Advanced Level and yet lack the financial support they need through the City University programme.

The programme specializes in formulating degree programmes based on a curriculum specific to each district as well as local and global job markets. Dr. Seetha Arambepola, State Minister of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovation noted that a citizen empowered with knowledge and professionalism will leave the university following their graduation.

Namal Rajapaksa, Minister of Youth & Sports and State Minister of Digital Technology and Enterprise Development revealed that youth unemployment fell as low as 4% in 2014 but has risen to 16% by 2019.

Minister Rajapaksa pointed out that youth unemployment could rise to 30% due to the
current global situation and that a talented youth should be created through degree programmes. The young generation is moving towards modernity coupled with the latest technology. The Minister said that it was important to adapt to the world trends and that it
was life, not traditional practices, that should win in the end.

Education Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris pointed out that the aspiration of a graduate is to obtain a good job, but it has become today's responsibility to rectify the certain degree courses
that are incompatible with any employment opportunity.

Many graduates seek government employment. However, the President said that the responsibility of a government should not be to provide jobs but to create a comprehensive economic environment that enables creation of jobs.

The President said that his objective of the 'City University' Programme is to create a person who can directly contribute to the economy or who possesses the knowledge to engage in
self-employment at the end of the degree course.
It is not possible to maintain only government universities one hundred per cent. However, the President stated that he was also opposed to operating private universities as a business. Income generated from private universities should be set aside for the promotion
of education itself.

The President stated that those who protest against educational reforms should come up with proposals for a modern education system instead of advocating political motives.

The President also emphasized the need to take steps to expedite the implementation of the City University Programme commencing from Kegalle, throughout the island.

Secretary to the President P.B. Jayasundera, Secretaries to the Ministries, Chairman of the University Grants Commission and other officials were present at the meeting.


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