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Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 30.10.2023

1. Formulation of a new Employees’ Provident Fund

The Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment, in consultation with trade unions, employers and
relevant parties, has prepared a concept paper for the formulation of a new Employment Act with relevant
provisions. It was discussed in the meeting on 07.08.2023. It was decided in the meeting of the Cabinet of
Ministers to present the said concept paper to the Tripartite Committee representing Employers,
Employees and the Government functioning under the Prime Minister's Office, for further discussion with
all relevant parties and to submit recommendations. The committee chaired by the Prime Minister has
studied the concept paper and submitted a report containing recommendations regarding matters that need
to be addressed to the attention of the Cabinet. Accordingly, it was decided by the Cabinet of Ministers to
advise the Legal Draftsman to prepare a bill based on those recommendations and the concept paper
presented by the Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment related to this matter.

2. Agreements entered into by the Open University of Sri Lanka for higher education
cooperation and regarding the Chinese Language Center

Aiming to promote international cooperation, scholarly collaboration, cultural interaction and friendship,
the relevant parties have reached an agreement to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between
the Open University of China and the Open University of Sri Lanka for higher education cooperation and
under the cooperation areas of the MoU, to sign a tripartite agreement between Shanghai Open University
of China , the Open University of Sri Lanka and the Bank of China Ltd for the establishment of a Chinese
language center in Sri Lanka . Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by
the Minister of Education to enter into relevant agreements valid for a period of 05 years.

3. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Ministry of Education and the Room to Read
Organization for increasing literacy

The Government of Sri Lanka is bound to eradicating illiteracy and ensuring the right of all to equal and
fair access to education at all stages. It is practically a difficult task for the government to provide all the
facilities in that process and therefore, the support of other parties is also obtained for this purpose. Since
the year 2005, the Ministry of Education has been implementing the Reading Development Program and
the Girls' Education Program together with the Room to Read Organization. The program is planned to be
further expanded and implemented within a period of 5 years from 01.12.2023. As such, the Cabinet of
Ministers approved the Proposal presented by the Minister of Education to enter in to a new Memorandum
of Understanding between the Ministry of Education and the Room to Read Organization for this purpose.

4. Joint Statement on the Establishment of the International Organization for Arbitration

The Chinese government has proposed the establishment of an International Organization for Mediation
to resolve disputes between states and commercial entities. Accordingly, the Chinese government has
discussed with interested countries in this regard and Sri Lanka also participated in some of those initial
discussions. In July 2022, the preliminary joint statement for the establishment of the proposed
organization has been issued and about 10 countries including China have endorsed the joint declaration.
Sri Lanka has sought observations from other government agencies including the Ministry of Justice and
the Attorney General's Department regarding the approval of the said Joint Statement and it has been
observed that the signing of the Joint statement will not affect any of the international obligations currently
undertaken by Sri Lanka. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Proposal presented by the
Minister of Foreign Affairs to approve the Joint Statement on the Establishment of the International
Organization for Mediation.

5. “Sri Lanka Abhiman” – National Art Festival

The National Art Festival ,“Sri Lanka Abhiman” is proposed to be held on December 30, 31, 2023 and
January 1, 2024, incorporating cultural elements for the enjoyment and entertainment of the general public.
Accordingly, the proposed art festival is scheduled to be held at Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha,
Colombo 07 and the surrounding premises of Nelum Pokuna Theatre, National Art Gallery , John Silva
Memorial Theatre, Viharamahadevi Park, New Town Hall and National Museum. Accordingly the
Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Buddhasashana, Religious and
Cultural Affairs to hold the “Sri Lanka Abhiman” - National Art Festival as a combined program of the
Ministry of Buddhasashana, Religious and Cultural Affairs and the affiliated institutions and the other
Government and Private Institutions.

6. Placement of social security systems in Sri Lanka under a formal institutional structure

Around a total of 8.1 million workers are employed in Sri Lanka. Among these 1.2 million are working
in the public sector and about 3.4 million are working in the private sector. According to census and
statistical reports, about 58.4% of the total number of workers is employed in the informal sector.
However, around 2.5 million workers are covered by social security schemes such as the Employees'
Provident Fund. In addition, the government bears the cost of various social security schemes such as
Farmers Insurance and Fishery Insurance implemented by various government agencies to cover the
informal employment sector.
The effectiveness and efficiency of these social security systems have been challenged due to the
difficulties caused by the implementation by different institutions under different methods and the cost
being borne by the government or the employer party. Due to this, it has been recognized that all the social
security systems currently in operation should be managed under one institution. The Cabinet of Ministers
paid attention to the proposal presented by the Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment in this regard
and decided to appoint a committee representing all parties to study the international experience related
to this matter and to make recommendations to introduce a system so that all current social security
systems can be implemented under one institution.

7. Submission of Regulations issued under the Import and Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969, for
approval of Parliament

The proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic
Stabilization and National Policies to submit the Regulation No.14 of 2023 imposed under the provisions
of Imports and Exports (Control) Act, No.1 of 1969 and published in Extraordinary Gazette Notification
No. 2353/16 dated 09.10.2023, for approval of Parliament, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

8. Sri Lanka Institute of Economics and International Trade Bill

The Cabinet approval has been granted for preparing a bill for the establishment of the Sri Lanka Institute
of Economics and International Trade with the objectives of operating as a space for research and policy
formulation relevant economics, international finance and international trade, Conducting modern
research and studies in those fields, Contribute by providing ideas to strengthen economic finance and
trade policies and the Effective promotion of international and regional trade policy integration.
Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President to publish the
bill prepared for this purpose in the government gazette and submit for approval of parliament
9. Long term contract for purchase of 03 stocks of crude oil during the period from 15.01.2024 to

Bids have been called to award a long term contract for the purchase of crude oil under the methodology
of payment at the 100% issuance from stored tanks basis pertaining to 03 shipment stocks of crude oil
during the period from 15.01.2024 to 14.06.2024 whereas two (02) bids in the connection have been
received. Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted to the resolution furnished by the Minister of
Electricity and Power to award the relevant procurement to M/s Vitol Asia Pte. Ltd. of Singapore subject
to the recommendation submitted by the special fixed procurement committee appointed by the Cabinet
of Ministers in regard to the said bids.

10. Long term contract for purchase by a letter of credit on the basis of payment in 30 days in
regard to 03 shipments of crude oil during the period from 15.01.2024 to 14.06.2024.

Three bids have been received in relation to the bidding for awarding long term contract for purchase by
a letter of credit on the basis of payment in 30 days in regard to 03 shipments of crude oil during the period
from 15.01.2024 to 14.06.2024. Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted to the resolution
furnished by the Minister of Electricity and Power to award the relevant procurement to M/s Coral Energy
DMCC, UAE, subject to the recommendation submitted by the special fixed procurement committee
appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers in regard to the said bids

11. Conducting a series of programmes to totally combine up country Tamil community in Sri
Lanka to the Sri Lankan society.

The Government has planned to implement a national level programme to commemorate the 200 years of
establishment of plantation community in Sri Lanka and to implement various other programmes in the
future for the betterment of that community. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the
proposal furnished by the Hon. President to appoint a Cabinet Sub - Committee chaired by the Hon. Prime
Minister to render guidance and supervision to implement relevamt programmes productively and
efficiently by the Ministry of Water Supply and Estate Infrastructure Development joined with the
participation of other relevant government and non - government institutions ensuring a higher standard
of life enhancing education and health facilities, creating economic and professional opportunities and
permanent residency of estate community who are Sri Lankan citizens for their betterment.

12. Submission of the National Education Policy Framework to the Parliament.

In order to take measures to prepare and furnish the Parliament with a National Education Policy
Framework, a Cabinet Sub - Committee headed by the Hon. President and another specialist Committee
comprised of 25 members headed by the Secretary to the Hon. Prime Minister to assist the above sub -
committee have been appointed and the specialist committee has prepared the draft National Education
Policy Framework paying attention on the relevant specific fields and subject matters Including the
observations and recommendations submitted by the Cabinet Sub - Committee for that draft, a further
enhanced ‘National Education Policy Framework - 2023 - 2033’ has been developed. The Cabinet of
Ministers granted approval for the proposal submitted by the Hon. President to direct the said National
Education Policy Framework to the Sector Supervision Committee on Education at the Parliament and
subsequently submit to the Parliament for its concurrence.

13. Tax Policy Reforms to strengthen State Finance Contemplation based on revenue.

Various tax based enhancing and developmental tax policy proposals have been implemented from the
month of June 2022 for the state financial stability based on the income with the objective of ensuring loan

sustainability and as a result of that, the state tax revenue of the first 09 months of 2023 has been escalated
by 51% compared to the year 2022. However, tax collection targets agreed with the International Monetary
Fund have not yet been accomplished. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to escalate
the value added tax rate up to 18% with effect from 01.01.2024, impose the said tax on certain goods and
services to which the value added tax is not yet applicable and implement some of new tax proposals with
effect from 01.01.2024 including the imposition of that tax to enable accomplishment of tax revenue and
primary balance targets as agreed with the International Monetary Fund.

14. Revision of the existing General Policy Guidelines on Supply of Electricity.

The Minister in charge of the subject of Electricity is vested with the power of preparation of a general
policy guideline on the supply of electricity subject to the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers as per the
provisions of the SRi Lanka Electricity Act No. 20 of 2009.. Accordingly, the electricity charges review
period is decided to be six (06) months as per the existing general policies guidelines. However,
considering the inconveniences the public has to confront due to acting according to it, the Cabinet of
Ministers granted approval to the joint Cabinet proposal furnished by the Hon. President in his capacity as
the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies with the Minister of Electricity and
Power to revise the relevant period as three (03) months, to implement power dispatch audit of the Ceylon
Electricity Board, and strengthen hydro electricity forecast with the assistance of the Department of
Meteorology so that the general policies guidelines already implemented can be revised.

15. Proposed salary revisions to be implemented by the budget 2024.

The Cabinet of Ministers discussed the escalation of salaries in the government service and the private
sector by the 2024 budget. The Hon. President made aware of the Cabinet of Ministers that it is expected
to furnish proposals to the Parliament in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization
and National Policies in regard to revision of government service salaries and private sector salaries by
the next budget.

 In the event of any inconsistency between the Tamil and English translations of this
document, the Sinhala text shall prevail.



  • A Non-Cabinet ministerial post for Plantation Enterprises.

The three Cabinet ministers took their oaths at the Presidential Secretariat this morning (23), in the presence of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Mr. Keheliya Rambukwella now serves as the Minister of Environment, Mr. Mahinda Amaraweera as the Minister of Plantation Industries and Dr. Ramesh Pathirana as the Minister of Health.

Furthermore, Dr. Ramesh Pathirana has been appointed as the Minister of Health in addition to his current portfolio as the Minister of Industry while Minister Amaraweera was appointed as the Minister of Plantation Industries in addition to his current post as the Minister of Agriculture.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, who presently serves as the State Minister of Finance, has been designated as the State Plantation Enterprise Reform Minister, which is a non-Cabinet position.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Monday arrived in Beijing to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. leaders from over 90 countries’ representatives confirm participation in the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

The event will be focusing on connectivity as the main theme as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to provide a new platform for international economic cooperation and add fresh impetus to participating countries’ development and world economic growth. China has signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with more than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations.

According to the World Bank, by 2030, BRI transport infrastructure, if fully implemented, is expected to increase global real income by 0.7% to 2.9% lifting 7.6 million people from extreme poverty and 32 million people from moderate poverty.

President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony of the forum and deliver a keynote speech and hold a welcoming banquet and bilateral events for the guests attending the forum.



President Ranil Wickremesinghe will leave for China tonight (15) to attend the 3rd Belt & Road Forum for International Cooperation.

The President will engage a four-day official visit to China from October 16 to 20.

During his absence, the responsibilities of the ministries under his purview have been temporarily entrusted to the respective state ministers and a cabinet minister.

As part of this arrangement, State Minister Pramitha Bandara Tennakoon will serve as the Acting Minister of Defence, State Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya as the Acting Minister of Finance, State Minister Kanaka Herath as the Acting Minister of Technology and Acting Minister of Investment Promotion, State Minister Anupa Pasqual as the Acting Minister for Women, Children Affairs and Social Empowerment and Minister of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation Pavithra Wanniarachchi as the Acting Minister of Environment with the effect from tomorrow (16).

President Ranil Wickremesinghe in a condolence message on the demise of veteran artiste Jackson Anthony said his untimely passing is an immense loss to the Sri Lankan creative arts industry.

The message said: A pioneer in Jackson Anthony’s generation Ediriweera Sarachchandra expressed a profound sentiment in his book ‘Malagiya Aththo,’ that “The world is full of comings and goings.

One cannot leave without entering and one cannot enter without leaving.” This serves as a reminder of impermanence, where all of us, living in this world, are bound by the inevitability of having to depart someday.

The time has now come for Jackson, a versatile artiste, to bid us farewell; a departure we did not anticipate to happen so fast. His untimely passing is an immense loss to the Sri Lankan creative arts industry.

Amid the recent reflections on Jackson’s creative contributions, it is important to highlight a facet that may have gone unnoticed – his brilliance as a storyteller. Jackson’s debut novel, ‘Kanda Uda Gindara,’ was just the beginning of his literary journey, with plans for a sequel that, sadly, could not be completed in his lifetime.

In this time of grief, both Professor Maithree Wickremesinghe and I extend heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and loved ones.

“It maybe recalled that Jackson Anthony’s life had its moments of scrutiny and critique. In such times, let us remember the wisdom from the New Testament of the Bible, “Judge not and yet shall not be judged. With the judgement you give, you will be judged. With what you measure, it will be measured to you.”

“May the multi-talented Jackson Anthony rest in eternal peace,” the message said.

The 2022 Kalabhooshana State Award Ceremony, which honours artistes for their outstanding contributions to the arts industry, took place at the Maharagama Youth Service Council under the leadership of President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday (11).

Organized by the Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs Ministry, this marks the 38th edition of the award ceremony. The Kalabhooshana Award, the highest recognition an artiste can receive in Sri Lanka, was bestowed on 200 accomplished artistes from across the country this year.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe participated in the event, symbolically presenting the Kalabhooshana Honorary Title, Appreciation Award and certificates, along with a cash prize of Rs. 50,000, to the deserving artistes. During the ceremony, Director of Cultural Affairs, Yasintha Gunawardena, also presented a commemorative gift to President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Before the awards were presented, a moment of silence was observed to pay tribute to artistes, including the late Jackson Anthony. The event was attended by Ven.Rambukana Siddhartha Thera, religious leaders and several dignitaries, including the Minister of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs Vidura Wickramanayake, State Minister Shantha Banadara, MPs Vajira Abeywardena and C.B.Ratnayake, Prof. Tissa Witharana and Religious and Cultural Affairs Ministry Secretary Somaratne Vidanapathirana. Notable scholars and artistes were also present.



  • Three new bilateral agreements were signed to foster greater cooperation between the two countries.

India’s Minister of External Affairs, Dr. S. Jaishankar met with President Ranil Wickremesinghe today (11) at the Presidential Secretariat.

Extensive discussions were held to further strengthen Indo-Sri Lankan relations, resulting in the signing of three new bilateral agreements aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two countries.

Furthermore, the inauguration of the third phase of the housing project, supported by Indian loan assistance, was conducted during the meeting. While an initial allocation of Rs. 1.026 million had been allocated per unit for the fourth phase, it was necessary to revise the budget to Rs. 2.8 million per unit due to increased housing unit costs.

To uplift the lives of Sri Lankan citizens, the Government of India has committed to providing additional funds for the speedy completion of nine development projects in the country, which are currently supported by the Government of India. The relevant agreement for this initiative was also signed today.

These projects include the modernization of 27 schools in the Northern Province, housing initiatives in Mannar and Anuradhapura, improvements to the Hatton Thondaman Vocational Training Centre and Pussellawa Saraswati Central College, the construction of a multi-ethnic trilingual school in Polonnaruwa, the establishment of 2889 rainwater harvesting projects in the Jaffna area, the promotion of vegetable cultivation in the Dambulla area and the construction of greenhouse facilities with a capacity of 5000 metric tons for fruit preservation. Additionally, a new surgical unit for the Batticaloa Teaching Hospital will be promptly built as part of these efforts.

An agreement concerning a joint project involving the Indian National Dairy Development Board, the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation of India (Amul), and the Cargills Group of Sri Lanka was signed with the aim of elevating Sri Lanka’s local dairy industry. This agreement emerged as a result of President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s official visit to India and allocation of funding for the modernization of Sri Lanka’s livestock sector.

The primary objective of this new project is to increase milk production by 53% within the first five years and achieve self-sufficiency in milk production for Sri Lanka within 15 years. As part of this endeavour, it is anticipated that approximately 200,000 local farmers will be empowered through the provision of facilities such as high-quality medicines, animal nutrition and technical support.

Furthermore, this initiative encompasses digitalization of the livestock sector, investments in new technologies to enhance the quality of milk-related by-products and ensuring access to milk-related products at affordable prices.

In addition to this significant agreement, a special commemorative logo was unveiled today to celebrate the 75 years of Indo-Sri Lankan relations.

Present at the signing ceremony were Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Mr. Gopal Baglay, Union Secretaries of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs Mr. Puneeth Agrawal and Mr. J. P. Singh, Indian Deputy High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Dr Satyanjal Pandey and Indian Ministry of External Affairs Deputy Secretary Mr. Raghu Puri.

From the Sri Lankan side, notable attendees included Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali Sabri PC, Minister Jeevan Thondaman, State Minister Tenuka Widanagamage, Member of Parliament M. Rameswaran, Senior Advisor to the President on National Security and Chief of Staff to the President Mr. Sagala Ratnayaka, Senior Advisor to the President on Economic Affairs Dr. R.H.S. Samaratunga, President’s Secretary Mr. Saman Ekanayake, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Aruni Wijewardena, Director of Presidential International Affairs Mr. Dinuk Colombage and other dignitaries.

Tarushi Karunaratne, who won the gold medal in the women’s 800m event held yesterday at the Olympic Sports Centre Stadium in Hangzhou, China, later won the bronze medal with the women’s 400m relay team.

Tarushi, who participated in the 800m event yesterday at 4.55 pm Sri Lanka time, won the gold medal with a time of 2:02.20 minutes, and she won the bronze medal by participating in the women’s 400m relay event at 5.45 pm Sri Lanka time.

This is the first gold medal won by Sri Lanka in the women’s 800-metre event at the Asian Games.

It is also notable that Sri Lanka won an athletics gold medal at an Asian Games after 21 years. The last time Sri Lanka’s Susanthika Jayasinghe and Damayanthi Darsha won gold medals was in Busan, South Korea in 2002. This is the 12th gold medal won by Sri Lanka in the history of the Asian Games.

18-year-old Tarushi was also the youngest among the eight players who joined this event yesterday. Tarushi, who holds the Sri Lankan record in this event, entered the sport at Walala A. Rathnayake Central College and is coached by Susantha Fernando. Gayanthika Abeyratne who represented Sri Lanka in this event got the last place. Her recorded time was 2:05.87 minutes. The silver medal was won by India’s Harmilan Bains (2:03.75), while the bronze medal went to China’s Wang Chunyu (2:03.90).

In the women’s 400m relay event, the Sri Lankan team clocked 3:30.88 minutes, Nadeesha Ramanayake, Jayeshi Uttara and Sayuri Mendis joined the team along with Tarushi. This time also became a new Sri Lankan record, while the old Sri Lankan record was set at the Asian Athletics Championship held last July at 3:33.27 minutes. Nadeesha Ramanayake, Sayuri Mendis, Nishendra Fernando and Tarushi Karunaratne participated in that event. This is the first medal won in this event at the Asian Games.

Bahrain won the gold medal in this event with a time of 3:27.65 minutes, setting a new competition record. India (3:27.85), which claimed their old record (3:28.68), won the silver medal.

The Sri Lankan men’s team managed to win the bronze medal in this event, where their time was 3:02.55 minutes. The preliminary round of this event was held on Tuesday, where the Sri Lankan team recorded a time of 3:06.60 minutes. Dinuka Deshan and Pasindu Kodikara, who took part in that event, did not participate in the race yesterday, while Rajitha Rajakaruna and Pabasara Nikoo joined Aruna Darshana along with Kalinga Kumarage.

Although this is the best time recorded by the Sri Lankan 400m relay team at the Asian Games, the previous best time in this event was recorded in 1974 when Sri Lanka won the gold medal with a time of 3:07.40 minutes.

The gold medal in this competition was won by India, who finished the competition in 3:01.58 minutes, while the silver medal went to Qatar (3:02.05).

With yesterday’s gold and two bronze medals, Sri Lanka finished 23rd in the medal table with one gold medal, two silver medals and two bronze medals.

Poor batting pull Sri Lanka out

Meanwhile, due to the irresponsible playing style of the batsmen, Sri Lanka’s medal hopes in the men’s event of the cricket tournament were dashed yesterday.

Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, who qualified directly for the quarter-finals of this tournament, met in the third match of that round, where the Sri Lankan team lost by eight runs. With this defeat, Sri Lanka lost the gold medal it had won in the men’s cricket event at the last Asian Games, and this time they are not among the first 4 teams. Sri Lanka had last won the men’s cricket gold medal at the 2014 Games held in South Korea under the leadership of Lahiru Thirimanna. Afghanistan, who won the match yesterday, will meet Pakistan in the semi-final match tomorrow.

Sri Lanka won the toss of yesterday’s match at the Sheijang University Cricket Ground in Hangzhou, and invited Afghanistan to bat first. Afghanistan scored 116 in 18.3 overs and in reply Sri Lanka were skittled out for 108 in 19.1 overs.

Captain Sahan Arachchige was the top scorer of the innings with 22 runs. Lasith Kruspulle scored 16 runs, Ashen Bandara and Vijayakanth Viaskanth scored 13 runs each. In front of the Afghan bowlers, the rest of the batsmen could not cross the 9-run limit, and the impatience of the Sri Lankan batsmen was seen throughout this match.

In bowling, Qais Ahmad and Gulbadin Naib shared three wickets each.

Batting first, Noor Ali Zadran scored 51 runs for the Afghan team, while Nuwan Thushara took 4 wickets and Sahan Arachchi took 2 wickets.


Viren Nettasinghe, who qualified for the round of last 16 in the badminton singles event yesterday, lost the opportunity to advance. It was due to losing 2-0 to Chinese Taipei player Tien Chen. The score was 21-16 and 21-10. With this defeat, Sri Lanka’s badminton participation in the Games came to an end as Viren was the only Badminton player to participate in the Games this year.


Nethmi Ahinsa, who is the only Lankan representative in the wrestling event of this year’s Games, is going to compete in the 53 kg event today.

Her first opponent is SEDNEVA Marina from Kazakhstan. The match will be held at 7.30 am local time.


The karate events of the Asian Games begin today, and Deneth Avihinsa Fernando and Heshani Hettiachchi are going to compete in the tournament representing Sri Lanka.

20-year-old Deneth, who has been representing the national team since 2016, has been competing in the 67 kg Kumite event, and he is a student of Moratuwa Prince of Wales School and has also won the South Asian Championship. 25-year-old Heshani has represented the national team since 2013 and is a student at Sabaragamuwa University.

Highways and Mass Media and Transport Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardhana, joined in a special observation of the Lumala Bicycle Manufacturing Company, which has been a leading bicycle manufacturing company in Sri Lanka for over 35 years and 3 generations.

The Minister’s special attention was paid to the electric bicycles (e-bikes) produced by the Lumala company, which manufactures more than 500,000 units of bicycles annually for the domestic and foreign markets.

The Minister observed the work performed by each division of this bicycle factory where cycles are produced locally with the contribution of various sectors of the institution. Many models are produced by the Lumala Company including electric bicycles that can run for about 100 kilometres in one charge, at a cost of less than one rupee per kilometre. Under this technology, ordinary electric bicycles, specially designed double-seated electric bicycles for tourists, special electric bicycles that can collect light waste including discarded plastic bottles, electric wheelchairs, electric bicycles with seats for passenger transport, and has introduced many product models including electric bicycles manufactured for mobile sales activities such as those of ice cream, sweets and the company has the ability to produce such bicycles on a large scale according to demand.

The management of the institute informed the Minister that there is a high demand for these electric bicycles in this country as well as in many countries including the United Kingdom, Europe, India, the United Arab Emirates, and the Middle Eastern states.

“It is essential that the people continue to be widely aware of the role of such institutions that engage in immense manufacture of products for the country. The country should see the services provided by such institutions, as an industry. We worked towards attracting a lot of public attention to the services provided by innovative institutions such as Vega. It is necessary to prepare such a planned program. For this purpose, more people will be aware of this by making use of the contribution of media organizations.

The people will especially, be aware of the financial and fuel savings made by the officials of the organization through the use of electric bicycles and the advantageous benefits that exist as a result. Awareness is very useful. Being able to provide transportation facilities using electricity instead of fossil fuels at a minimum cost will become a very effective alternative programme for the country in the face of the current financial crisis.”

Lumala’s Director CEO Tariq Miflal, Managing Director Asim Miflal, General Manager Ranjith Siriwardena and others were present during this tour of observation by the Minister.


In a recent interview with Deutsche Welle, President Ranil Wickremesinghe addressed several critical topics, including the Berlin dialogues, economic challenges and allegations of human rights concerns.

President Wickremesinghe acknowledged the progress made during the Berlin dialogues, emphasizing improved understanding and cooperation between Sri Lanka and European countries, particularly France and Germany.

Regarding economic challenges, he clarified the situation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and stated that they have reached an agreement, with discussions on alternative proposals to meet revenue targets on-going. He acknowledged historical taxation issues but expressed confidence in resolving them.

He highlighted that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a significant step toward addressing reconciliation and human rights issues.
When asked about calls for an international investigation into human rights abuses, President Wickremesinghe rejected the idea, asserting that Sri Lanka would handle investigations internally with the involvement of Sri Lankan personnel. He also dismissed the recent UN report on human rights, asserting that the government had rejected it.

The interview concluded with President Wickremesinghe defending his government’s efforts to address these challenges and its commitment to cooperating with the international community.

Following is the full interview President Wickremesinghe had with Deutsche Welle;

Interviewer: President Wickremesinghe, welcome to Deutsche Welle. Thank you for being with us. Any good news that you’re taking home from the two days of the Berlin dialogues?

President Wickremesinghe: What I can take back from here is that the gap between us is closing, and there’s more understanding, especially on the European side. I had the chance of attending the Paris climate summit, and I’m here in Berlin to say that within the European Union, both France and Germany know our thinking and are attuned to our thinking, and they are trying to find a way of resolving some of the issues.

Interviewer: It is the IMF that seems to be not completely attuned to your thinking, right? Over the last couple of days, the IMF has said that they will stop the second package, at least pending negotiations, because there has been a 15% failure to meet the expectations for revenue, which essentially means that you have a problem with taxation. This problem seems to be very pressing. Is there a particular plan to actually accelerate this process?

President Wickremesinghe: It’s not that they are stopping the second package; we have come to an agreement. We have the view that we will have the results of what we’ve done this year will be shown next year. In regard to the targets, it was always felt that some of the targets may not be achieved, and they were told of it. And now we are talking about how we can fill that gap. And in regard to it, there are some proposals to which we have not agreed because we feel it might add to the burdens of the ordinary people. The IMF has asked us to come up with alternate proposals. Before I left, the alternate proposals were given to them, but they were leaving the next day.

Interviewer: Sorry for interrupting, but you do have a historical and serious problem with taxation, and this cannot be news to you since you’ve been in power six times.

President Wickremesinghe: Look, I am the first one to admit that. And we say that we need a new revenue authority. I brought it up in 2003, and I lost the election in 2004. But it’s not only a question of revenue evasion, which we have agreed. It is from where are you going to take that money in? Revenue evasion cannot be overcome in one year. We are already talking, and they’ve already given us, we’ve agreed with many of it. It’s just where do we find the money at the present time. It will be resolved.

Interviewer: How long do you think it will take?

President Wickremesinghe: I think by next week it will be resolved.

Interviewer: There is actually a very pressing question about poverty. Save the Children International is talking about a full-blown hunger crisis in Sri Lanka.

President Wickremesinghe: There was a pretty bad hunger crisis last year. We’ve reduced it. No one is saying no. But once this package is done, we’ll take the next step. When the economy collapses, it has to be. People didn’t have food, people are out of jobs, industries are collapsing. Now we are getting along, for instance, as far as the tourism is concerned, the whole sector is picking up.

Interviewer: The report from Save the Children International is less than a couple of weeks old.

President Wickremesinghe: So I read that report. I read the report. I am not saying no. We may not agree on the figures, the amount, percentages. There is hunger. I am not saying no to it. Obviously, when the economy collapses, there has to be. I am trying to get out of it. And there is a new report of proposals on childcare, which is not merely a question of hunger. There are a large number of children who are not receiving proper childcare. And that report is given to me next week.

Interviewer: Education is also suffering severely.

President Wickremesinghe: Education broke down. Now we are trying to get back into the normal regime, which is 2024 or 2025. We have now met and decided on far-reaching reforms to education. There is no need to accuse us.

Interviewer: No, no, it’s not an accusation. There is a difference in the times that a state has to solve its problems and the time that a parent has to feed a child.

President Wickremesinghe: Can you fulfill it within one year? We know the economy collapsed. Only this year it started moving, not even one year. And hunger is down. Poverty is down. More people are getting jobs. It’s a transition period. We are not saying there is no hunger. We say there is hunger. That’s why I took over. I finished the hunger.

Interviewer: Okay, let’s go to what has become probably one of the biggest stories in Sri Lanka over the last couple of weeks, which is the Channel 4 report on the presumed collusion of members of the state with a terrorist group in what is the worst terrorist episode in the history of Sri Lanka.

President Wickremesinghe: Why do you treat Channel 4 as sacred?

Interviewer: I don’t. I actually don’t.

President Wickremesinghe: A lot of people in Britain don’t. So is this just, I mean, Why are you only asking Channel 4?

Interviewer: you flatly deny it?

Interviewer: I’m not asking Channel 4. What I’m saying is that there is a very concrete accusation. When there is an accusation of this size.

President Wickremesinghe: Well, I mean, just because the media gives the accusation, why should I do this?…The former Attorney General has made accusations. The former director of CID has made accusations. Why do you need to ask me on all four?

Interviewer: It’s really not just Channel 4. It’s a Catholic Church that is asking for an investigation. It’s actually a former president under whom you served.

President Wickremesinghe: Look, I’m asking you that. You didn’t ask me that. When I pressed you, only you said that, that former president asked for it. You came with the Channel 4 report as gospel truth. Their point of the story is not gospel truth. Can you let me answer?

Interviewer: By all means, please. Please do.

President Wickremesinghe: Firstly, in regard to the Channel 4, I’ve appointed a committee with a judge who’s heading the committee, a former commander of the Air Force, and a well-known lawyer, to go into it. Secondly, in regard to the…

Interviewer: There is nobody that believes that this commission has teeth enough to do anything other than the Federal Republic Commission.

President Wickremesinghe: That is your view, not mine.

Interviewer: No, no, it’s not mine.

President Wickremesinghe: As far as I am concerned, I am dealing with the Bishops Conference, not with the cardinals, and they come and meet me, and the Bishops Conference wanted all the proceedings, and I gave it to them.

Interviewer: They are looking for an independent investigation into what had transpired.

President Wickremesinghe: This is the independent Commission that they agreed to. As far as I am concerned, you don’t deal with the bishops’ conference, I do. They come and meet me, not you. You sit here with a piece of paper, I talk to them when I go back again. The second one is a Parliamentary Committee. So if there is something that has not been done in this committee, the Parliamentary Committee will again go into it. It’s the Parliament that has to finally decide. As far as President Sirisena’s matter is concerned, He will meet me when I come back because, since he appointed one commission, I want to ask him whether he wants to. I have done nothing. I am not involved in it.

I am trying to resolve it. And you take a piece of paper by the cardinal, and you are reading it out there. Have you spoken to the bishops’ conference? Have you spoken to the Catholic bishops?

Interviewer: No, no, I have not.

President Wickremesinghe: Then you have no right to ask me this question.

Interviewer: Well, I think that’s an exaggeration. I think that it’s in the public interest to ask a question.

President Wickremesinghe: No, no. In the public interest, I am answering. Who are you?

Interviewer: So, can I move on to the next question?

President Wickremesinghe: No, no, you didn’t come here to ask questions. You tried to corner me. The government is not doing anything.

Interviewer: I have certainly not claimed that you are not doing anything.

President Wickremesinghe: No, no, you will take this western attitude out. I said, you are, you are doing it.

Interviewer: I think it’s actually the case that you have several people that have requested an international aided independent investigation of the eastern bombings.

President Wickremesinghe: Sri Lanka government doesn’t have international inquiries. Full stop. It’s the, a few people may have asked, but parliament doesn’t. And there is, I forgot to tell you, the FBI reports, which says that no one outside was involved. We had the FBI, we had the, it’s called the British police, we had the Australians, we had the Indians, we had the Chinese, all there, and the Pakistanis.

Interviewer: You do realize that this makes it look like you are paying lip service to the question. I am not saying that you are. – I am not saying that it makes it look… – No, no, sorry, sorry.

President Wickremesinghe: If the FBI has come in, if the Indians have come in, if the English have come in, if the Australians have come in, if the Chinese have come in, and if those secret service agencies have given reports, then what are you saying? – Well, What I am saying is you are talking nonsense. –

Interviewer: It might well be, but you have a long history.

President Wickremesinghe: No, no,

Interviewer: May I ask a question? – No, my… – You can answer whatever way you want, but if you would let me ask the question, then at least we will get to that.

President Wickremesinghe: I am telling you, don’t come and accuse me. That is not the way you run. Look, I have been doing this game long before you. I have been involved in television, I have been involved in media. I am telling you, we have a thing that the western media thinks we are bad. The way we have enquiries, we are by using Sri Lankan personnel. Now, you are saying, look, that is out. We will not have international enquiries on any issue. UK hasn’t got. Germany hasn’t got. What have you got? What are the international enquiries you have gone into? What are the ones that UK has gone into? Why these poor Sri Lankan Asians? You think we are second class?

Interviewer: No, I don’t. Not at all

President Wickremesinghe: Then why are you asking that?

Interviewer: Because you have a history of commissions since 2008, at least, till today, that have essentially produced nothing. I can list them for you. Udala Gama, Lessons Learned…

President Wickremesinghe: Can I tell you? This was the commission about the Easter blast. and, and, and, there have been enough of those. We have acted on all that. On, reconciliation is a different matter. There are commissions we have acted on, there are those we haven’t.

If you think that we are a third-rate country you have got it wrong.

Interviewer: It’s not the claim and it’s not what I said.

Here is the next question. As a matter of fact, I mean, there is now the last report of the UN on Human Rights in Sri Lanka remains dismal. So much so that now the American Congress has 12 people from across the aisle that are actually asking the Biden administration to put pressure on your government to figure out how you’re going to actually curb what are abuses. You have just announced a couple of months ago a new Truth and Reconciliation Commission after the ones I just listed had essentially no teeth.

President Wickremesinghe: You got it wrong. That is not a normal Presidential Commission. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be agreed with these countries that we have established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. At the moment discussions are on with the parties plus the government, and we are talking with the western governments. The senators may put this in. We are talking with the western governments, and the Truth and Reconciliation Bill will come to Parliament before the end of the year. Since I took over there has been no major issue.

Interviewer: You can actually go yourself and I am sure you have seen the UN report for less than a month ago that is still talking about. May I finish the question?

President Wickremesinghe: No, no. I’m telling you that UN report has been rejected.

Interviewer: By whom?

President Wickremesinghe: The government of Sri Lanka has rejected it.

Interviewer: Okay, the government of Sri Lanka has rejected it.

President Wickremesinghe: Who has given it? I am not accepting that UN report.

Interviewer: So the UN is wrong about this?

President Wickremesinghe: Not the UN. The Human Rights Commission is wrong.

Interviewer: The Human Rights Commission is wrong. Clearly Amnesty and Human Rights Watch are wrong as well.

President Wickremesinghe: Human Rights Commission is wrong. The report is given by Human Rights Commission. If Amnesty International says there is something new, let them come.

Interviewer: Will you commit to having a criminal investigation? I mean the ministers in your own government that are requesting.

President Wickremesinghe: Who are the ministers? Look, the question is would you agree to have the criminal investigation department?

President Wickremesinghe: You tell me that I have two ministers. Minister of Commerce is Fernando. Minister of Tourism is Fernando. Neither of them have asked for it. You have made a serious accusation. You tell me the Fernando.

Interviewer: What is the serious accusation?

President Wickremesinghe: That two ministers of my cabinet wanted investigation.

Interviewer: It’s not an accusation. It’s actually public domain.

President Wickremesinghe: But that means you are wrong. As far as I am concerned there is only one. Under the law only the police can investigate like in your country. Right. And then if the police reports to the magistrate, the magistrate can order further inquiry.

Interviewer: Would you bring the criminal investigation department to investigate?

President Wickremesinghe: Certainly. Certainly, they are investigating. They are already there.

Interviewer: Okay, and there will be absolutely no question of international observers or collaboration to guarantee transparency.

President Wickremesinghe: Do you have international observers in your cases?

Interviewer: Between 60,000 and 100,000 people disappeared in Sri Lanka, and you still have no…

President Wickremesinghe: At the end, we have to still work. I think the numbers are supposed to be less.

Interviewer: So, it’s basically something that can be cavalierly dismissed.

President Wickremesinghe: We have a missing persons commission that’s going into it.

Interviewer: That has been going into it for a while.

President Wickremesinghe: I became president only one year ago.

Interviewer: Well, you’ve been prime minister. You’ve been in power six times. Yes, sir. So, this is actually part of the country that you inherited but you have also built.

President Wickremesinghe: I’ve been prime minister. You stop it, I stop it, we go off. Right? You know, you are shouting I am being bad.

Interviewer: Why can’t you answer?

President Wickremesinghe: Look, you haven’t done this your homework properly. You come to come and shout here saying that we are violating human rights. We are not.

Interviewer: There is a very strong case.

President Wickremesinghe: I disagree.

Interviewer: Can I ask you a last question, perhaps? Obviously, you can completely disagree with this. But in fact, there are like a lot of people in centres of power around the world that you actually are now reliant on that believe this to be a very serious issue and believe to be Sri Lanka. Let me please finish this question. Believe actually Sri Lanka to have not delivered on accountability, not delivered on justice. What you are promising for many of these people is essentially moot. Are you concerned that this kind of attitude will compromise what actually you now need from the international community? Is this a concern at all?

President Wickremesinghe: I am working with the international community on putting this right. We are working together with them. They know we are doing it. We are discussing everything. My foreign minister is discussing with them all the time. And they know all that. So what you have got is a lot of bunkum. Well, it’s just fine for that. You know, you ask the question. I gave a reply. It’s all right.

Interviewer: This is not a concern at all.

President Wickremesinghe: I don’t think we are doing it with the country. I respect human rights as the best record. You just come here and shout.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Transport, Highways and Mass Media Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardhana, who represented Sri Lanka at the “2023 Global Sustainable Transport Forum” held in Beijing, China, participated in a special visit to Beijing Foreign Studies University, after the conference.

On a scholarship awarded under the Confucius Chinese Education Plan, the Minister completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree at the Beijing University of Foreign Studies.

Former Head of the Department of Sinhala Studies, University of Kelaniya, Professor Malwane Chandarathana Thera, University President, Committee Deputy Secretary, Professor Yang Dan, Vice President and Committee Deputy Secretary Prof. Jia Wenjian, Charg‚ d’Affaires of the Sri Lankan Embassy in China, Yogananda, Counselor at Sri Lankan Embassy in China, Purnima Gunasekara, China Harbor Engineering Co. Ltd. Regional Deputy General Manager Xu Liqiang, and a group of students studying at the Faculty of Sinhala Language Studies of Beijing Foreign Studies University, also participated in a discussion held with the Minister.

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